Grants Update

Week of June 28, 2024

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This is your weekly grant opportunities update from The National Special Districts Coalition. Special districts are either eligible to apply directly, or able to partner with a qualifying entity to apply for any of the grants listed.

New Grant Opportunities

Department of


FY 2024 Broadband Technical Assistance

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program encourages the expansion of broadband services in rural areas by awarding cooperative agreement funding to eligible entities. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State and local governments, federally recognized tribes and tribal entities, institutions of higher education (including 1862 Land-Grant Institutions, 1890 Land-Grant Institutions, 1994 Land-Grant Institutions, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities), nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) IRS status, cooperatives or mutual organizations, corporations, and limited liability companies or limited liability partnerships


WHEN'S IT DUE? August 20, 2024 

Department of


FY 2024 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Healthy Fluid Milk Incentives (HFMI) Cooperative Agreement

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of the program is to support projects that increase the purchase of fluid milk among low-income consumers participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by providing incentives at the point of purchase. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Governmental agencies, including state, local, territorial, and tribal government agencies, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, and nonprofit, accredited institutions of higher learning


WHEN'S IT DUE? August 9, 2024 

Department of Energy

FY 2024 Water Power Innovation Network

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The program will support business creation, entrepreneurship, and regional innovation for water power systems and solutions. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Local governments, state governments, federally recognized tribes, nonprofits, for-profit entities, and institutions of higher education


WHEN'S IT DUE? August 7, 2024 (Concept Paper), September 18, 2024 (Full Application) 

Department of Housing and Urban Development

FY 2024 Healthy Homes and Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration Program 

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program provides funding for housing interventions in lower-income households that are conducted jointly through the coordination of HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH)-funded Healthy Homes Production (HHP) program and programs funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? States, county governments, city or township governments, special districts, Native American tribal governments, faith-based organizations and nonprofits (excluding institutions of higher learning)


WHEN'S IT DUE? August 13, 2024

Department of Housing and Urban Development

FY 2024 Lead and Healthy Homes Technical Studies (LHHTS) Grant Program  

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to fund studies to improve knowledge of housing-related health and safety hazards and to improve or develop new hazard assessment and control methods, with a focus on lead and other key residential health and safety hazards. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State, local, and special district governments, public housing authorities, independent school districts, institutions of higher education, federally recognized Native American tribes or Native American tribal organizations, nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations, and small businesses


WHEN'S IT DUE? August 6, 2024

Department of Housing and Urban Development

FY 2024 Lead Hazard Reduction (LHR) Grant Program  

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to maximize the number of children under the age of six years protected from lead poisoning by assisting eligible applicants in undertaking comprehensive projects to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately owned rental or owner-occupied housing populations. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State governments, county, parish, city, and township governments, special district governments, and federally recognized Native American tribal governments


WHEN'S IT DUE? August 19, 2024

Department of Justice

FY 2024 Field Initiated: Encouraging Innovation 

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to support new and innovative strategies for preventing and reducing crime, improving community safety, and strengthening criminal justice system outcomes, including trying new approaches, addressing gaps in responses, building or translating research knowledge, or building capacity. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Local governments, institutions of higher education, federally recognized Native American tribal governments, nonprofit organizations, forprofit organizations, and other units of local government


WHEN'S IT DUE? August 9, 2024 (; August 19, 2024 (JustGrants) 

Department of Justice

FY 2024 National Initiatives: Law Enforcement Training and Technical Assistance

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to fund and deliver four national training and technical assistance programs to local jurisdictions across the country that support their efforts to reduce crime, train law enforcement, and enhance community trust. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Eligible applicants depend on the type and category of the planned training and technical assistance program


WHEN'S IT DUE? August 5, 2024 (; August 12, 2024 (JustGrants) 

Department of Justice

FY 2024 National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program helps law enforcement and prosecutors address challenges associated with unsubmitted sexual assault kits (SAKs), including partially tested kits, and unresolved violent cold case crimes to reduce violence crime in their respective jurisdictions and increase public safety. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Native American tribal governments, state governments, local governments, and consortia of law enforcement agencies


WHEN'S IT DUE? July 29, 2024 (; August 5, 2024 (JustGrants)

Department of Transportation

FY 2023-2026 National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant Program

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to improve or restore anadromous fish passage through the replacement, removal, repair, or improvement of culverts or weirs. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Tribes, states, and units of local government


WHEN'S IT DUE? FY 2023: June 25, 2024 – September 23, 2024

FY 2024: June 23, 2025 – August 25, 2025

FY 2025: June 22, 2026 – August 24, 2026

FY 2026: June 21, 2027 – August 23, 2027

Latest Grant News

INVESTING IN AMERICA: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $1.8 Billion in Infrastructure Grants Across the Country, Putting More Projects into the Pipeline as Part of Our Infrastructure Decade


DOE and EPA Announce $850 Million to Reduce Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector


HUD Makes Over $469 Million Available to Protect Families from Home Health and Safety Hazards