Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board

Legislative and Policy Update

September 13, 2024

Important Dates

September 17-18, 2024

Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee Meeting (TLDC)

Hybrid - Arlington, VA

September 17-19, 2024

SAMHSA / IHS NTAC on Behavioral Health Joint Meeting

Hybrid - Ferndale, WA

September 18, 2024

Administration for Children and Families TAC


September 29 – October 3, 2024

ATNI 2024 Annual Conference

Ridgefield, WA

October 3, 2024

HHS Region 10 Tribal Quarterly Call

Zoom Link Registration

October 8-9, 2024

Facilities Appropriation Advisory Board (FAAB)


October 9, 2024

FY 2027 National Tribal Budget Formulation Process & Area Instructions Webinar


October 27 - November 1, 2024

NCAI 81st Annual Convention

Las Vegas, NV

Administrative and Legislative Updates

Section 105(l) Lease Program transitioned from the IHS Office of Environmental Health and Engineering (OEHE) and the Alaska Area IHS to the IHS Office of Direct Service and Contracting Tribes (ODSCT). The move enables improved Headquarters oversight and centralizes this Agency function. All communications between the IHS and T/TOs, all 105(l) leases, lease proposals, and renewals should be submitted to the new 105(l) email at

(SPA) 24-0046 & Senate Bill 5189: The Washington State Health Care Authority intends to submit Medicaid State Plan Amendment (SPA) 24-0046 to comply with Senate Bill 5189 by adding Certified Behavioral Health Support Specialists (BHSS) as Medicaid providers in Attachment 3 section 13.d Rehabilitative Services in the Medicaid State Plan. 


HCA would appreciate any input or concerns that Tribal representatives wish to share, including whether this SPA will disproportionately impact American Indian/Alaska Native Medicaid applicants or enrollees, Indian Health programs, or Urban Indian Health Organizations. 

H.R. 9310 PROTECT ACT: Protection for Reservation Occupants against Trafficking and Evasive Communications Today Act of 2024 would authorize tribal courts, like the state, to issue search warrants for certain electronic communications; expand the Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction first authorized in the 2013 “Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act” to crimes associated with drug trafficking and related offenses, and firearms offenses. It will also expand eligibility to the Bureau of Prison’s Tribal Prisoner Program to offenders who commit drug trafficking-related offenses. 


FY 2025 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act provides $122.8 billion to HHS. The bill provides $122.8 billion in discretionary funding for the Department of Health and Human Services. The bill includes new investments to address the rising toll of opioid overdoses fueled by fentanyl, improve access to substance use disorder prevention and treatment, and improve access to mental health services. 


S. 4776 Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act Title VI of the bill as introduced and of the substitute seeks to improve services for Native elders. Its provisions – the creation of an Older Americans Tribal Advisory Committee, increasing supportive services and adding the provision of in-home services, and a report to Congress. 

Tribal Consultations, Listening Sessions & Written Comments

Written Comments Solicited – ACL National Plan on Aging: ACL recently released its Report to Congress on Aging in the United States: A Strategic Framework for a National Plan on Aging. The Strategic Frameworks capture opportunities and challenges created by the aging of the American population and define goals and objectives for addressing critical aging issues.

  • ACL is soliciting public input on the Strategic Framework to inform the development of a national plan on aging. Comments due: September 15. Link to Share your comments.

CMS Long Term Supports and Services (LTSS) to host a Tribal listening session. Tribal leaders, Tribal technical assistants, Tribal health professionals, and Tribal citizens are invited attend and share recommendations and best practices to improve LTSS in Tribal communities. LTSS are a critical part of the Indian health system for Tribal elders and Tribal citizens with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses. 

Date: Thursday, September 26, 2024, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST.

2023 SAMHSA National Survey on Drug Use and Health Results: SAMHSA’s annual report for 2023 has been released and provides statistical information on self-reported substance use and mental health of the U.S. civilian, noninstitutionalized population 12 or older. The 2023 release includes two infographics highlighting overall findings as well as findings by race and ethnicity. A copy of the full report along with detailed tables, methodology information, and important indicators broken out by race and ethnicity is available here. 


HHS Tribal Data Access Policy and HHS Tribal Epidemiology Center Data Access Policy. DHSS announced on September 4, two (2) new policies on data access. One policy would be for Tribes, and one for Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TECs) in response to the input received from Tribal leaders and internal HHS working groups. HHS also announced the creation of the Tribal Data Homepage website that provides a central location for Tribal data resources and the two new revised policies. 


HHS will host a consultation on these two policies on October 1, 2024, from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM PST.

The Tribal Data Access policy can be found Here

The TEC Data Access policy can be found Here

DTLL is available here


HHS Region X Quarterly Call: Save the date for HHS Region X’s Quarterly Call on October 3, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM PST. As part of our sincere commitment to be accountable to the Tribes in Region 10, HHS Regional leadership convenes quarterly calls to meet with Tribal leaders and Tribal organizations for a more in-depth conversation. We invite you to our first quarterly call after Tribal Consultation 2024. Discussions will center around the Tribal issues tracker. The HHS Region X tracker will be ready to be presented to Tribes. Here is the link to register to receive the Zoom link and meeting information. The tracker will be sent to registrants! 

CHEF Regulation Training: IHS will hold the following virtual training sessions to notify Federal and Tribal PRC program staff of the new requirements. The virtual CHEF Training session is on October 10, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PST.

For more information:

Laura Platero, Executive Director 

Candice Jimenez, Chief of Staff

Rebecca Descombes, Health Policy Assistant

Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board | Website