JUNE  2017
Hello to all of our musical friends, supporters and audience members!

As warmer temperatures begin to become more frequent, and the grey skies of spring give way to the blue skies and sultry weather of summer, we thought we’d take a few moments to bring you up to speed on the men’s continuing musical plans, and give you a look back at some of our recent concerts.

Road Trip!

In May we took to the road and performed in Cape Breton and Truro. After hours on the bus from our pick up points in Dartmouth, Bedford, and Truro, cookies provided by Gina (Concert Manager and resident Mum), a lunch stop around Antigonish crossing the causeway and watching the Cape Breton scenery flow by, we checked in to our hotel and then were whisked off to Holy Rosary Church in Westmount where we were greeted by a small but enthusiastic audience. After the performance we were treated to a warm Cape Breton after-concert reception with finger foods and beverages provided by the fine folks of the parish. Then it was back on the bus, dodging and weaving along country roads back to the hotel. After a little time together and some more libations, a short night’s sleep and hurried breakfast, we were once again back on the bus enjoying the scenery along the Bras d’ Or Lakes and back across the causeway until we got to Truro, where we performed a second concert that afternoon. A good time was had by all and we were even able to enjoy a few numbers by the Cantabile Singers – it’s good to be able to sit and listen to other choirs once in a while! After Nova Voce took the stage, the Cantabile folks joined us in a few mass choir numbers, including “The Log Driver’s Waltz” and Ian Tyson’s “Four Strong Winds.” It was a great afternoon! Then, it was back on the bus for the short trip back to where we started from. If you missed it, you missed a great time! To sum up the weekend, it was good weather, good friends, and good times.

Special Guest Artist

Okay, in the interest of truthfulness, she wasn’t really a guest. She’s really our ‘artist in residence.’ Lynn Pelton goes with us everywhere we go, and without her we wouldn’t be the choir we are. Nova Voce is truly fortunate to have a world class accompanist of her caliber. As Bryan sometimes says, “this is a piano concerto accompanied by choir.” Lynn showcased her virtuosity in both of our concerts in May performing an arrangement of Oscar Peterson’s “Hymn to Freedom” that brought the audience to their feet in a standing ovation. Thanks, Lynn, for making us look good!

Halifax Concert

Nova Voce is continuing to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday year featuring works and arrangements by Canadians, and later this month we’re being joined by the First Parish Choir from Brunswick, Maine for a special “Voices Across the Border” performance.

The concert takes place Thursday, June 29th at 7:30 pm in St. Andrew’s United Church at the corner of Robie and Coburg. Tickets are $15 through our website or at the door. Doors open at 7:00 pm.

We hope to see you there.

Phoenix Community


As part of Nova Voce’s charitable endeavours, this year we were again pleased to provide the Phoenix Community Choir’s new members with their trademark brightly coloured hoodies.  Shown presenting the cheque to the choir's Conductor, Jack Bennett, is our own bass Duncan Miller, who, along with tenor Dick Hodgson, are mentoring and performing members of the Phoenix Community Choir.  This is Nova Voce’s third year providing support to Phoenix.


Don't worry, we've got you covered.

You can purchase one or both of our CD's and listen to us any time you wish.  


If you would like to see a digital copy of our Season Booklet, click HERE.
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