Fall FUNraiser
It’s hard to believe it, but Nova Voce’s summer hiatus is over already and the men of the choir are practicing for the upcoming singing season. We’re starting this year off with a new event and a new venue, and we hope you’ll all be able to come out and support our first fall FUNraiser! Proceeds from this event will support our spring singing weekend in Cape Breton and Truro.
On Friday, September 30th, Nova Voce will be performing at the Mic Mac Aquatic Club in Dartmouth. This won’t be our usual show! We’ve encouraged the choir members to practice, audition, and perform in solo and small groups. Of course, the entire choir will perform a couple of sets of audience favorites, too. Think of it as our take on a Nova Scotia kitchen party, with a twist! Your ticket price ($20 for adults and $10 for youths under sixteen) comes with five tickets you can use in everything from a mini-putt to a cake walk.
There’ll be a photobooth, 50/50 draw, and other family oriented amusement games. There will be a mock jail – for five tickets, you can have your favorite (or not so favorite) choir member or director arrested by our two experienced bobbies, brought before a magistrate, and locked up until the miscreant can raise the funds for bail or his/her term is done and s/he is paroled. For that matter, audience members are fair game for the jailers, if a complaint is brought before the magistrate. Don’t worry, if you run out of tickets we will be happy to sell you more!
There will be a lockbox that folks can purchase keys for and, at the end of the evening the person having the key that fits the lock can take the lockbox and all the prizes in it home. Speaking of prizes, we’re concentrating on gift cards from local businesses, services and purveyors of “beverages of an adult flavour" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) for the lockbox. You’ll have to be nineteen to participate in our mystery lockbox, but we’ve got plenty of prizes for the kids we hope will attend as part of our family welcoming atmosphere. Soft drinks and nibblies will be on offer while the evening’s entertainment is going on. We’ll even be having a sing-a-long led by a trio of infamous guitarists who always get the audience singing along. Make sure to mark the date on your calendar: Friday, September 30th at 7:00 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased by clicking HERE and hitting the "register" button.