April 2022
Some of you may be old enough to remember the TV show from the 70’s, “Welcome Back Kotter.” Nova Voce is pleased to welcome you back to the sound that is uniquely Nova Voce. With the onset of COVID-19 in March 2020, it has been a long time since Nova Voce has had much of an opportunity to interact with a live audience. Working within a COVID environment over the past two years has been a challenge at times, to be sure, but we have been working very hard on new music we hope you will find both refreshing and a joy to listen to in person!

If you are looking for a little inspiration, please join us for our first live non-Christmas concert in Halifax in over two years on Sunday May 1st at 3:00 pm at St. Matthews Church in Halifax. Nova Voce, like any performer, draws energy from interacting with its audience. We can hardly wait for the energy that is sure to abound on May 1st.

And in the words of the great philosopher Vinnie Barbarino, “Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back!”

Steve Beeler, Board President
We are so happy to be singing again! Two years ago, Cantabile Singers of Truro and Nova Voce were busily preparing to present Inspiration, a concert meant to inspire and bring hope.
Then we met COVID and those plans were suddenly halted as the world shut down. Now we have brought the music out again, dusted it off, and are shining it up and polishing it to present this concert on April 30 and May 1. We look forward to seeing you at the concert.

Bryan Crocker and Bill Perrot, Co-Artistic Directors


April 30, 2022
Truro, NS

May 1, 2022
Halifax, NS

The concert will consist of music of joy and reflection, exuberance and thoughtfulness, and hope and inspiration. Each choir will perform their own selections and then the two choirs will combine tosing five pieces. One of those will be Galaxias, commissioned by Cantabile from Argentinian composer Santiago Veros.

Cantabile is celebrating its 40th anniversary as a choir this year, and their portion of the concert will include some special guests to help with the celebration. Included in the Cantabile music will be the world premiere of The Baiji Dolphin by Nicholas Fairbank, winner of the Cantabile 40th anniversary composition competition.

We hope you can join us on
Saturday, April 30 at 7:00 PM at First United Church in Truro
Sunday, May 1 at 3:00 PM at St. Matthew’s Church in Halifax

for some stirring repertoire from these two outstanding choirs. (See choir websites - or for detailed ticket information.)
Nova Voce is excited to premiere a new work by one of our choristers, Byron Hermann, entitled
Good Timber
I was interested in writing a new work for Nova Voce which would highlight its particular sound and character as well as utilize the talents of our accompanist.
I knew that the theme for our spring concert was “Hope and Inspiration” and was drawn to an old inspirational poem I knew called “Good Timber” written by Douglas Malloch as a possible text. 
Douglas Malloch (1877-1938), known as the "Lumbermen's Poet," compares good men to good timber in this famous metaphorical poem. The message of this poem is that people, like trees, grow and reach their true potential by overcoming adversity. It is only through struggles, like a tree fighting through forest growth to reach the sun, that we grow and discover our true potential. Malloch lived in Michigan where he grew up amongst logging camps and lumber yards.
As a child our family often vacationed in these northern Michigan and Northern Ontario “forests” so this poem had a personal connection to me and the connection to the trees spoke to me even more as I get into “old age”! Now that I have moved to Nova Scotia I continue to notice those “trees” that survive the storms and hurricanes and those that don’t.

To learn more about Byrons' song and composition process, click HERE.



May 8, 15, & 29

Come on out and give us
a test run
(bring a friend, too)

2:15 pm
NSCC 5685 Leeds St.
room B272

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