April 11, 2023


Quarterly Economic Update Report & Webinar This Thursday

Krista Swanson, NCGA Lead Economist, will be preparing an economic update report "State of the Corn Economy" and offering a webinar update with an opportunity for a question and answer session.

Date: Thursday April 13th 

Time: 8:30am MT

Register here: https://ncga.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8UxlFMR9SDqwapWoKN2CQQ


  • April 12 - CCPC Issues & Engagement Action Team Meeting
  • April 14 - Agriculture Disaster Relief & Recovery Funding Webinar
  • April 19 - CCPC Board of Directors Meeting
  • April 22 - Earth Day

Who is the Colorado Corn Council?

The Colorado Corn Promotion Council (CCPC) oversees how Colorado's corn check-off dollars (one penny per bushel of grain corn produced in Colorado) are invested in research, market development, outreach and other various endeavors.

Learn more about the work of our organization at www.coloradocorn.com.

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