The Branch
A monthly update for NOSORH members and partners
June 2024
You're Invited to Invest in NOSORH's Mission!
NOSORH plays a crucial role in fostering leadership, education, advocacy, and networking opportunities for the 50 State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) and their stakeholders – all dedicated to enhancing health and wellness in rural communities. At NOSORH, we recognize and value the power of collaboration. That’s why we actively seek partners who share our rural health mission. We extend an invitation to partner with us to create meaningful change and improve the lives of rural Americans. Each partnership level offers unique opportunities for involvement, such as special recognition during National Rural Health Day, co-branded webinars, event promotion, and other avenues for enhanced visibility for your organization. Learn more and register here by August 16, 2024!
Celebrate the #PowerOfRural!
Make plans to join NOSORH, the 50 State Offices of Rural Health, and rural health champions nationwide on Thursday, November 21st, to celebrate National Rural Health Day (NRHD) and the #PowerOfRural! National Rural Health Day is a wonderful opportunity to shine a spotlight on all the positive things happening in rural health care.

Check out the 2024 Promotional Toolkit to get started. It has the 2024 logos, templates, and social media posts...with even more to come! Also, stay tuned this month for the grand opening of the new Power of Rural Shop! Choose from a wide selection of NRHD apparel and fun accessories.

To learn more, visit For questions, please contact
A Conversation with National Health Service Corps: Join the June 6th Webinar
NOSORH is teaming up with our partners at 3RNet and the National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC) to offer this national webinar. Join us on Thursday, June 6th at 2:00 pm ET for an overview of National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Programs, including Loan Repayment, Scholar, Pediatric Specialty Loan Repayment, Substance Use Disorder Treatment & Recovery Loan Repayment, Nurse Corps, and the Bureau of Health Workforce’s Data Dashboard. In addition, the application for new NHSC sites is now open! Learn why you should apply and get your questions about these programs answered by NHSC staff!

Register here to join the webinar. If you have any questions, please contact Kristine Morin at
Rural Health Policy Update
Update provided by Andrew Coats, NOSORH Legislative Liaison

Senate GME Working Group Releases Policy Proposal:
On May 24, the Senate Finance Committee’s Bipartisan Medicare GME Working Group released a proposal aimed at addressing physician shortages in rural areas through GME policy reforms. The proposal includes draft legislation that would: Add additional Medicare GME slots from FY 2027 through FY 2031, with 25% of these new slots reserved for primary care and 15% reserved for psychiatry and psychiatry subspecialties; amend the Section 126 formula for distribution of GME slots to include a set-aside for rural hospitals; allow additional sole community hospitals and Medicare-dependent hospitals to receive IME payments to support the cost of training residents in rural areas; and extend telehealth flexibilities for supervising resident physicians beyond December 31, 2024. Read More
New Program! BoardTrax for Healthcare Leadership
ArchProCoding, in collaboration with the Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network (ICAHN), just released an exciting new program designed for rural hospital board members! This self-paced, online program was developed to give rural hospital board members a deeper understanding of rural healthcare and the role they serve within the system. The ten modules will walk participants through topics such as the basics of board membership, hospital finance, the board’s role in compliance and quality, and more. Click here to learn more and register.
Mark Your Calendar
NOSORH Annual Meeting
Niagara Falls, NY

Exhibiting opportunities are available! Register here