From the Coordinating Center
NOPREN State-of-the-Science:
October 17th @ 12pm ET
New Developments in Research & Application of the HER Nutrition Guidelines for the Charitable Food System
Speakers: Marlene Schwartz, Maria Gombi-Vaca, Caitlin Caspi (University of Connecticut Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health)
This presentation will offer updates on the work surrounding the HER Nutrition Guidelines for the Charitable Food System since its release in 2020. The discussion will include a recent validation study of the Guidelines and new tools for its application in the charitable food system.
Passcode: 610909
Meeting ID: 910 5393 6229
Work Group Meetings & Updates
Information about upcoming Work Group meetings can be found here.
October's featured topics include:
USDA actions on nutrition security in early childhood
Early Childhood WG
Commercial determinants of health framework and measuring the Influence of the product environment on health
Healthy Food Retail WG
Technology-based behavioral strategies for rural communities
Rural Food Access WG
Impact of the WIC CVB increase
WIC Learning Collaborative
And more!
Join us for the final session of the NOPREN Science Communication Series
October 26th @ 12:30pm ET
Communication Planning: Effective Use of Digital and Social Media for Engagement and Dissemination
Hosted by: The Drinking Water Work Group
NOPREN Food Security Work Group: Call for Collaborators
The NOPREN Food Security Work Group is looking for collaborators for a project that aims to identify & validate a 1-item screening tools for measuring food insecurity among US adolescents!
Click here to learn more or contact Dr. Kaitlyn Harper at
NOPREN HER Resource Digest
The weekly digest is a joint product of NOPREN and HER.
This digest is based on a compilation of more than 200 news services and listservs developed by Sheila Fleischhacker and HER. The bi-weekly digest is created by NOPREN and reviewed by Sheila Fleischhacker, former co-chair of the HER NOPREN COVID-19 Food & Nutrition Work Group. The content in this digest are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of CDC, DHHS, or HER.
Beresford, S. A. A., Ornelas, I. J., Bauer, M. C., Garrity, G., Bishop, S. K., Francis, B., Rillamas-Sun, E., Garcia, L., Vecenti, F., & Lombard, K. A. (2022). Group Randomized Trial of Healthy Eating and Gardening Intervention in Navajo Elementary Schools (Yéego!). AJPM Focus, 100033.
Cradock, A.L., Barrett, J.L., Poole, M.K., Flax, C.N., Vollmer, L., & Hecht, C. (2022). Lead Concentrations in U.S. Drinking Water: Testing Programs, Prevalence, and Policy Opportunities, 2016-2018. American Journal of Public Health.
Debras, C., Chazelas, E., Sellem, L., Porcher, R., Druesne-Pecollo, N., Esseddik, Y., Edelenyi, F. S. de, Agaësse, C., Sa, A. D., Lutchia, R., Fezeu, L. K., Julia, C., Kesse-Guyot, E., Allès, B., Galan, P., Hercberg, S., Deschasaux-Tanguy, M., Huybrechts, I., Srour, B., & Touvier, M. (2022). Artificial sweeteners and risk of cardiovascular diseases: Results from the prospective NutriNet-Santé cohort. BMJ, 378, e071204.
Díaz Rios, L. K., Stage, V. C., Leak, T. M., Taylor, C. A., & Reicks, M. (2022). Collecting, Using, and Reporting Race and Ethnicity Information: Implications for Research in Nutrition Education, Practice, and Policy to Promote Health Equity. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 54(6), 582–593.
Fyfe-Johnson, A. L., Reid, M. M., Jiang, L., Chang, J. J., Huyser, K. R., Hiratsuka, V. Y., Johnson-Jennings, M. D., Conway, C. M., Goins, T. R., Sinclair, K. A., Steiner, J. F., Brega, A. G., Manson, S. M., & O’Connell, J. (2022). Social Determinants of Health and Body Mass Index in American Indian/Alaska Native Children. Childhood Obesity (Print).
Guerrini-Usubini, A., Cattivelli, R., Scarpa, A., Musetti, A., Varallo, G., Franceschini, C., & Castelnuovo, G. (2023). The interplay between emotion dysregulation, psychological distress, emotional eating, and weight status: A path model. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 23(1), 100338.
Gustafson, D. I., Decker, E. A., Drewnowski, A., Hamm, M. W., Hwang, J., & Merrigan, K. A. (2022). Making Healthy, Sustainable Diets Accessible and Achievable: A New Framework for Assessing the Nutrition, Environmental, and Equity Impacts of Packaged Foods. Current Developments in Nutrition, 6(10), nzac136.
Headrick, G., Ellison, C., Bresnahan, C., Green, C., Lyons, M., & Moran, A. (2022). State Implementation of SNAP Waivers and Flexibilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives From State Agency Leaders. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Krueger, P. M., Bayerman, S. F., & Reither, E. N. (2022). Race/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Disparities in Obesity. In G. Garcia-Alexander & Jr. Poston Dudley L. (Eds.), International Handbook of the Demography of Obesity (pp. 153–172). Springer International Publishing.
Lally, A. E., Morina, A., Vermont, L. N., Tirabassi, J. N., & Leone, L. A. (2022). Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mobile Produce Market Operations: Adaptations, Barriers, and Future Directions for Increasing Food Access. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18), Article 18.
Liu, E., Wang, D., Darling, A. M., Perumal, N., Wang, M., Ahmed, T., Christian, P., Dewey, K. G., Kac, G., Kennedy, S., Subramoney, V., Briggs, B., Fawzi, W. W., & members of the GWG Pooling Project Consortium. (2022). Effects of prenatal nutritional supplements on gestational weight gain in low- and middle-income countries: A meta-analysis of individual participant data. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, nqac259.
Lowry-Warnock, A., Strombom, N., Mugavero, K., Harris, D., Blanck, H.M., & Onufrak, S. (2022). Advancing Healthy Food Service in the United States: State Food Service Guidelines Policy Adoption and Implementation Supports, 2015-2019. American Journal of Health Promotion.
Maldonado-Pereira, L., Barnaba, C., de Los Campos, G., & Medina-Meza, I. G. (2022). Evaluation of the nutritional quality of ultra-processed foods (ready to eat + fast food): Fatty acids, sugar, and sodium. Journal of Food Science, 87(8), 3659–3676.
McLaren-Hedwards, T., D’cunha, K., Elder-Robinson, E., Smith, C., Jennings, C., Marsh, A., & Young, A. (2022). Effect of communal dining and dining room enhancement interventions on nutritional, clinical and functional outcomes of patients in acute and sub-acute hospital, rehabilitation and aged-care settings: A systematic review. Nutrition & Dietetics, 79(1), 140–168.
Mozaffarian, D., Blanck, H. M., Garfield, K. M., Wassung, A., & Petersen, R. (2022). A Food is Medicine approach to achieve nutrition security and improve health. Nature Medicine, 1–3.
Palmedo, C., Folores, S., Castillo, K., Byrne-Zaaloff, M., & Moltzen, K. (2022). Exploring Countermarketing Messages to Reduce Youth Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in The Bronx, NY. Social Marketing Quarterly.
Paparella, A., Purgatorio, C., Chaves-López, C., Rossi, C., & Serio, A. (2022). The Multifaceted Relationship between the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Food System. Foods, 11(18), Article 18.
Seguin-Fowler, R. A., LaCroix, A. Z., LaMonte, M. J., Liu, J., Maddock, J. E., Rethorst, C. D., Bird, C. E., Stefanick, M. L., & Manson, J. E. (2022). Association of neighborhood Walk Score with accelerometer-measured physical activity varies by neighborhood socioeconomic status in older women. Preventive Medicine Reports, 29, 101931.
Wahyuningsih, Nasution, H., Yeni, Y.H., & Roostika, R. (2022). A comparative study of generations X, Y, Z in food purchasing behavior: The relationships among customer value, satisfaction, and Ewom. Cogent Business and Management, 9(1).
Zorbas, C., Browne, J., Chung, A., Peeters, A., Booth, S., Pollard, C., Allender, S., Isaacs, A., Hawkes, C., & Backholer, K. (2022). Shifting the social determinants of food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic: The Australian experience. Food Security.
Zuercher, M. D., Cohen, J. F. W., Hecht, C. E., Hecht, K., Ritchie, L. D., & Gosliner, W. (2022). Providing School Meals to All Students Free of Charge during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: Challenges and Benefits Reported by School Foodservice Professionals in California. Nutrients, 14(18), Article 18.
University of Michigan School of Public Health, Department of Nutritional Sciences - Assistant Professor.
University of Michigan School of Public Health, Department of Nutritional Sciences - Open Rank Professor.
Fulbright Scholar Program - Fulbright International Education Administrators Awards
The Global Food Research Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Postdoc Scholar.
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This digest is jointly supported by Healthy Eating Research (HER) and the Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (NOPREN). HER is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; NOPREN is supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 5U48DP00498-05 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity and Prevention Research Centers Program. The findings and conclusions in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of HER, CDC, or DHHS