NOAH is celebrating its 30th year anniversary this coming October 11th, from 7 to 9:30 AM. The event will be a breakfast gathering at The Hyatt Regency by Boston Harbor at Logan Airport. To get involved or make a donation, reach Philip Giffee at 617-418-8240 or or Linda Foster at 617-418-8246 or
Many thanks
to our wonderful Event Committee:
Event Chairs:
Dick Gavegnano-CEO, East Boston Savings Bank;
Rick High
-President, Corcoran Companies; & T
-Principal, Millennium Partners (ret.)
Honorary Committee Chairs:
Elizabeth Warren,
Senator Edward Mar
ey, S
of the House Robert DeLeo,
Congressman Michael Capuano,
State Senator Joseph Boncore, State Rep.
evin Honan,
ep. Adrian Madaro, &
Boston City Councilor
ydia Edwards
Committee Members:
Jim Aloisi, Robert Beal, Greg Comeau, Kyla Curley, Kim Dawson, Lauren DeMayo, Matt Edlen, Kim Epstein, Karen Fish Will, Brian Greogry, Roger Herzog, Dick Jones, Sorie Kaba, Michael Lake, Rita Lara, Gladys Oliveros, Orlando Pacheco, Marc Savatsky, Robert Schmidt, Mary Ellen Welch, & Michael Zaldumbide
Coppersmith V
Coppersmith will finally be ready for occupancy this fall. Residents will be in their quarters by t
he end of the year! The seven for-sale market units have owners. The eight affordable
ownership units will be drawn by lottery on August 27th. There is strong demand for the 41 affordable rentals as 700 people applied for the lottery in recent weeks. There will be 15 market rate rentals as well. Peabody Properties has a website for all units. Each unit has a balcony with great views. We are talking with quality restaurants about the restaurant space on Decatur Street. It has views of
Coppersmith Village |
the water. It's exciting to be near the end and to see mixed-income housing on the
waterfront. It will look great and be protected against sea-level rise and storm surges for decades to come. We are grateful to the City, the State and to all our great lenders, including our local East Boston Savings Bank. We will have a ribbon cutting, probably end of October.
East Boston Acquisitions:
Working to prevent displacement and combat gentrification is among NOAH's highest priorities. NOAH has continued partnering with the City of Boston/DND to buy multi-family units in East Boston as they come on the market. Our goal is to ensure that working families living in a triple-decker can remain in their homes and continue to pay an affordable rent after it is sold. So far, NOAH has acquired fifteen triple-deckers, ultimately helping to prevent the displacement of 45 families who now can continue to live in their homes. We are so grateful to Mayor Walsh and to the Boston DND for their support of this mission-driven program which is helping to combat gentrification in the neighborhood. If you have any leads concerning potential properties for sale in the Greater Boston area, including for the East Boston Acquisitions initiative, please contact Phil Giffee at
or 617-418-8240.
Aileron: We are proud to continue sharing about NOAH's most recent real estate development project. Aileron has been uniquely designed to meet the needs of the community, with a focus on providing living and working spaces for artists of and in East Boston. Aileron will be developed on a half-acre parcel along Condor Street in East Boston, and the City of Boston Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) has designated NOAH as the developer. We will be working alongside the East Boston CDC,
Aileron Design |
which will manage these beautiful units. The project will have 40 units, with 17 units set aside as work and living spaces for artists to create, display, gather, and perform. The units will be mixed-use, mixed-income units (to accommodate diverse income levels) and will have seven ownership condos and 33 rental apartments. We are grateful for the support we received from our East Boston delegation as well as the Eagle Hill Civic Association.Thank you so much to Mayor Walsh and to DND for selecting NOAH and our partner, the EBCDC!
ClimateCARE: NOAH's ClimateCARE team organized a very successful two-day East Boston Flood Prevention Design Workshop on May 18 and 19. The goal of this event was to bring our diverse community together with design professionals to create a shared and inclusive community vision for protecting East Boston from sea level rise and coastal storm flooding. On the first day, community members and design professionals participated in tours of 10 areas in East Boston that are vulnerable to flooding. The next day, the group of residents and technical advisors divided into three groups to discuss ideas and solutions for climate change resiliency in three vulnerable zones of East Boston. These conversations were multilingual, multi-generational, and built on many sources of expertise. Ultimately, these community-designed solutions will be given to the City and State for development and implementation. Recent significant flooding all around East Boston has shown the great need for this type of planning. Thank you to everyone who joined us and shared their knowledge and experiences with us! For more information, please contact Gabriela Boscio at
Children's Summer Program: NOAH once again ran two children's programs this year - the Summer Schoolyard Program and Free Community Soccer -- to provide East Boston children with the opportunity to engage in fun and educational outdoor activities. Both programs took place at the American Legion Playground Park this summer with the Summer Program running Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM and the Community Soccer Wednesday-Friday 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM. These activities operate on a "drop-in" system (no advanced registration required!) for children/youth 6-12 years old, filling the need for flexible recreational activities in the community. The programs are especially necessary in East Boston, as the shortage of green/recreational space and limited number of summer programs means our local children do not have the same opportunities for safe, outdoor recreational activities as children in other areas of Boston.
Annual Regatta & Re-enactment: NOAH welcomed the summer with our 4th Annual Regatta and Reenactment of the Battle of Noddle Island at the Condor Street Urban Wild in East Boston. The day kicked off with a kayak regatta departing from LoPresti Park and traveling up the Chelsea Creek to the Urban Wild. With the help of our staff and many volunteers, the rest of the day was full of kayaking lessons, good food, music, and fun activities for families. It was wonderful to enjoy such a beautiful day at one of East Boston's most treasured waterfront green spaces with many members of the community. If you have any questions about this or related programming, please contact Manlio Mendez at or 617-418-8242.
NOAH Youth Leadership Crew: In 2018, the NOAH Youth Crew has continued to lead NOAH's "Youth Tree Canopy" program, facilitating the planting of new trees in Boston, in part by encouraging
community residents to petition the City of Boston for trees to add to their streets and yards. They are also helping to maintain the trees that have been planted so far, traversing the community in special bicycles that can carry water and supplies. During the last 12 months, over 150 new trees
have been planted in East Boston. The youth have been trained through four workshops: "Tree Identification", "Tree Maintenance" (Watering and Pruning), "Tree Care", and "Recruiting Volunteers". NOAH's Youth Crew has performed direct outreach to the East Boston community as part of this campaign, and NOAH Youth Crew Supervisor Melinda Vega participated and testified in a Boston City Council public hearing in which she advocated for more trees and urban canopy in Boston.
All of us at NOAH are grateful to Governor Baker and DHCD!
NOAH was awarded another $150,000 in Community Investment Tax Credits (CITCs) for 2018, receiving the maximum level of CITCs allocated for each of the four years of the program. Utilizing CITCs, donors making a donation of $1,000 or more receive half back (50%) in state tax credits or rebates. And, depending on their federal tax bracket,
a $325 final net donation can work like a $1,000 donation
to help NOAH offer free or very low cost programming to seniors, disabled individuals, families, and children in need. If you are interested in finding out more about this program, please reach out to Linda Miller-Foster, Director of Fundraising, at 617-418-8246 or
All of us at NOAH want to say THANK YOU to all our wonderful recent funders, including:
Adrian Madaro, Bob Wegner of The Narrow Gate Architecture LTD, Boston Centers for Youth & Families, Boston Duck Tours LP, Brendan OHeir, Canton Eatery Inc., Charles H. Farnsworth Trust, Chip Giovanni Jr. of Boston Forging & Welding Corporation, Citizens Bank, City of Boston, Dharmesh Patel of Krisna Kanak Inc., Dr. Nicholas Franco of East Boston Dental Associates, East Boston Community Development Corporation, East Boston Diamond & Gold Exchange, East Boston Foundation, English for New Bostonians, Evelyn and Stephen Morash, Garrett Hogan of On Point Capital, James B. Healy Living Trust, Jason Cincotta, Jeveli's Restaurant, John B. Antonellis, Joseph Mario of Century 21 Mario Real Estate, Joshua Wild, Kelley Square Pub, La Hacienda Restaurant, Lawrence Braman, Massachusetts Attorney General's Office, Massachusetts Division of Banks, Michael Olson, Nancy Bocchino of Alia Ristorante, NeighborWorks America, Orlando Pacheco, Patrick Mahoney of 823 Broadway LLC, Peabody Properties, Prof. Jonathan Walton, Pusey Minister of the Harvard Memorial Church, Ray Hurteau and Daniel Rubin of HRV Homes LLC, Ricky Beliveau of El Tour Events LLC, Robert Downing of Downing & Company, Ronald Stoia, Rose Fiore, Royal Roast Beef and Seafood, Save the Harbor Save the Bay, Slava Menn, Spinelli's East Boston, Thomas N. O'Brien of the HYM Investment Group LLC, Timothy McGovern, United Way of Greater Portland, United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley, Webster Bank, Wells Fargo Bank & Wells Fargo Foundation.
With our generous supporters, we are able to continue to create and maintain more sustainable neighborhoods, community services and affordable housing than ever before. We want to give a special shout-out to Citizens Bank for its wonderful ongoing support of our Financial Literacy programming and to The Kresge Foundation for its generous funding of the East Boston ClimateCARE resiliency work. And, as always, a great big THANK YOU to long-time funding partners NeighborWorks America and United Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack Valley!
NOAH's Facebook page has 4,307 Likes! If YOU
haven't done so already, we would really appreciate it if you would go to our Facebook page through the link below, and
click the "Like" button - THANKS!
And, did you know we have two great Facebook groups?
Please hold
Thursday morning, October 11, for our big 30th event. From
7-8 AM will be networking; and the main program will be from
8-9:30 AM.
It will be held at the East Boston Hyatt; more details to follow.
Our next free bilingual Loan Modification/Foreclosure Prevention clinics will be offered on the following
Monday evenings: August 27 & September 10, 17 & 24 from 5:30 to 8PM at NOAH. These workshops are the initial counseling and education sessions for NOAH's foreclosure prevention and mitigation counseling. The sessions are held in Spanish and in English. All of NOAH's foreclosure prevention education and counseling sessions are free of charge. Workshops are held weekly, except for holiday weeks. For additional information, please reach
Marianthy Posadas at 617-418-8264 or .
Make a BIG impact with a SMALL Donation!
Please consider making a secure tax deductible donation to
NOAH today. To donate online, CLICK HERE.