Dear Members, Partners, and Friends of NNCG,

It's been a whirlwind in the last 90 days as we've completed our visioning and planning for the next four years. First, we've finalized our fabulous
strategic framework and a corresponding strategic plan. In this framework, we've refined our thinking on how consultants uniquely add value to the field as mission-critical partners to philanthropy and philanthropy-serving organizations. Second, we've listened deeply to our consultant members who wish to feel even more supported and engaged by this dynamic network of consultants, regionals associations, PSOs and foundations. Third, for NNCG, it's all about collaboration and partnerships! We are ready to get to work.

My favorite part of our strategic framework is our values. To highlight a few:
  • Being volunteer-led means that we can't do it without you. We are looking to engage our members, our partners, and our friends in the powerful work of transformative philanthropy.
  • Our value of empathetic and candid speaks to our belief that consultants confidently and confidentially provide frank feedback, guidance, and insights that others aren't always able to give. This is a superpower the field needs.
We have a survey out to our members, but we'd also like to hear from those of you who are our partners, friends, and supporters. How would you like to engage with NNCG in the next 12 to 18 months? What feedback do you have for us? Look for a short survey arriving in your e-mail box on Monday, and please take a moment to fill it out!

Thanks to all of you who have talked and met with me. Your feedback has been tremendously helpful as NNCG refines its plans moving forward. For those of you I haven't talked to, yet, please feel free to reach out: terry.horton@nncg.org .

Terry Horton
NNCG Project Director
NNCG Webinar Series

Only about a quarter of nonprofit contributed revenues come from foundations, and most of these foundations are small, with no or few staff. These organizations are very different than the larger, professionally staffed foundations that, along with certain cerebral thought leaders and results-oriented Silicon Valley and Wall Street donors, tend to dominate conversations on philanthropic effectiveness.

Meanwhile, the array of philanthropic vehicles besides private foundations - including Donor Advised Funds, major donors who make large gifts directly, and emerging structures like the Chan-Zuckerberg LLC - is increasing and becoming a more important force in the philanthropic ecosystem.

This webcast will focus on the growing variety of philanthropic vehicles and how they could collaborate better to achieve greater impact and lead change in philanthropy.
Presented by NNCG Member  Paul Connolly, Principal and Director of Philanthropic Advisory Services at Bessemer Trust.

Register Today!
NNCG Members:  FREE
Non-Members: $55.00
2-webinar package*:  $100.00
3-webinar package*:  $135.00
*Purchase of a 2 or 3 webinar package allows the buyer to attend this plus additional NNCG webinar(s) for up to 1 year from purchase date.  Please email lori.jane@nncg.org with your additional selections.

NNCG Member Benefit:  Webinar Series

We are actively planning our 2017 series, and look forward to announcing the complete line up soon.  Topics include  Grants Management Implementations, Increasing Your Impact and Funding Through Advocacy, Collaboration, and many more.

We are kicking off with Equity: Philanthropy's New Buzz Word or the Key to Achieving your Foundation's Mission presented by NNCG Chair Kris Putnam-Walkerly, and joined by Nonet Sykes, Director of Race Equity and Inclusion at the Annie E. Casey Foundation.  Read more and register today!

NNCG members receive free registration, as well as unlimited access to archived webinars on our Members-only website.

New Network Members
Jennifer KlotPartner, Policy & Praxis for Social Change - New York, NY
Sara PetersonOwner, Managing Consulting, Sara Person Consulting - Bloomington, IN

Renewing Network Members

Susan GrinelPrincipal, Grinel Associates - Los Angeles, CA
Marcus LittlesSenior Partner, Frontline Solutions - Philadelphia, PA
Gwen WaldenSenior Managing Director, Arabella Advisors - Washington, DC

NNCG Members in Action
NNCG highlights members' thought leadership - articles, presentations, innovations and other activities that advance philanthropic practice. Follow the links for more information.

Tony Macklin, CAP ® will join staff from the Case Foundation and the  John and Katherine Duda Foundation in presenting the Nov. 17 webinar, Expand your comfort zone: Taking Risks in Family Philanthropy for the National Center for Family Philanthropy.

Yvonne Moore, Principal Advisor at Moore Philanthropy presented on the nuts and bolts of Building a World-Class Family Foundation at the 2016 African Philanthropy Forum in Rabat, Morocco, October 17-18. This is the thid gathering of the Forum which brings together African donors of wealth to expand their learning community around strategic philanthropy, social investment and inclusive and sustainable economic development on the Continent.

NNCG Steering Committee Member Jara Dean-Coffey, principal and founder of jdcPartnerships is pushing practice around strategy and evaluation to international audiences in LA and Atlanta.  On October 20, at the SVP Global Conference, she led a session on the use of a theory of change as part of a strategic framework strengthening alignment and making explicit intention.  In Atlanta at AEA, Jara and Dr. L. Cooksy discussed " Advancing Equity in Evaluation" through a structured dialogue.

Valerie Jacobs will be speaking at the Charles Schwab Impact conference for financial advisors on October 27. The topic of the program is "Tough Love or Open Checkbook: Difficult Conversations with Clients" focusing on values-based financial and estate planning

Lindalee Lawrence will be speaking on Private Foundation Executive Compensation at the PKF O'Connor Davies 9th Annual Private Foundations Executive Symposium, December 6, 2016, Yale Club of New York City.  She was a sponsor at Philanthropy Southwest's Annual Conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado, October 27-29, 2016.  Lindalee also recently completed MIT Professional Education's highly rated course on "Tackling the Challenges of Big Data".  Visit her  Website , Blog , and  Webinars on Nonprofit Executive Compensation .

KHA Inc. is launching an initiative to serve as a learning community and space for skill development. Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Environmental Philanthropy (InDEEP) includes an assessment of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) practices, priorities, and needs in the field.  Data from interviews and a survey will serve as the basis for a series of Peer Learning Exchanges and other activities that will serve to promote progress in the field. Investing funders are also receiving tailored technical assistance.  Read More.

About NNCG
The National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers is dedicated to elevating, expanding and improving philanthropy. It's the only organization that brings together high-quality consultants to support the work of grantmakers while advancing quality and ethical standards in the practice of philanthropy consulting. NNCG's distinguished and diverse membership represents experienced and carefully vetted practitioners and thought leaders in the philanthropic field.
Learn more at NNCG.org.

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