Welcome to 2019!

Dear NNCG Network,
Welcome to 2019!  We hope that you had a restful holiday break.
We are really excited about the new year and what's in store for the National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers!  We just elected 6 new steering committee members for 2019.  We hope that you will join us in welcoming them.
Our new steering committee members include:
Build Up Advisory Group
Skylark Strategies LLC
Marga, Inc.
SRT Advising & Consulting, LLC

Our new steering committee members will be joined by current members:  Jara Dean-Coffey , Cole Wilbur , Stephanie Clohesy , and Mary Phillips .  We extend a special thanks to NNCG members who recently completed their terms of service and rotated off the steering committee: Kris Putnam-Walkerly of Putnam Consulting Group and Hilda Polanco of Fiscal Management Associates.  We thank both Kris and Hilda for their tremendous service over the years!
Stay tuned for forthcoming updates on 2019 activities!

Challenge Grant Updates

Thank you to all who have generously donated to our Challenge Grant! We are happy to announce that we have met our first goal of $10,000!
Our Donors:
Advocacy & Communications
Clohesy Consulting
Cole Wilbur
David Maurrasse
Donnell Snite Mersereau
Engage R&D
Jara Dean-Coffey
Kris Putnam Walkerly
Learning for Action
Lee Draper
Mary Phillips
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
TPI - The Philanthropic Initiative
Your Philanthropy
Recall that we have a two-part deadline for the challenge grant. Next up? Raising an additional $10,000 to meet our challenge! We must achieve the full match of $20,000 by June 30, 2019.  We've already gotten donations from  new and returning members  to help us meet this part of the challenge.
The  challenge grant will match contributions as follows:
  • From NNCG members, over and above their current or renewal membership fees
  • From new NNCG members who join NNCG between now and March 31, 2019
  • From increased NNCG memberships when an individual or firm moves from associate to full member and a member moves from individual to firm membership
  • From new grants and sponsorships provided by our foundation members and other funders.
We are well on the way to meeting our goal!  We'll be in touch with updates soon.  In the meantime, thanks so much to our members and partners who helped us raise our first $10,000 and more.

  Again, thank you!

When Foundations and Evaluators Effectively Partner for Strategic Learning and Impact
February 7, 1p ET  

In this webinar, LFA will share their journey as a strategic learning partner alongside the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Joined by Lisa Dacey, Program Operations Manager for Packard's Population and Reproductive Health program, Steven LaFrance and Rachel Hall of LFA will discuss what this partnership has looked like, how LFA's role has evolved over time, and how together, the LFA and Packard team have worked to cultivate the pillars of an effective learning organization - including examples of success and failures learned through the reflection process that has informed shifts in strategy and strategy implementation over time. 
Registration and Complete Details.

Presented by Peter W. Johnson, Jr. of PWJohnson Wealth Management

March 20, 1p ET
Presented by Nadia Brigham, program officer at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation

April 9, 2p ET

Welcome New and Renewing Members!

Be sure to check out recent blog posts by our members and friends.   On Philanthropy: What's Changed in the Past Decade, By Sharmila Rao Thakkar, and How to Lose/Retain Diverse Leaders in 365 Days, by Leniece F. Brissett, Kerrien Suarez and Andrew Plumley. 
NNCG Members in Action

Saphira Baker is excited to share candid lessons on place-based community change from a collaborative evaluation Communitas Consulting did with the Robins Foundation and Partnership for Families in Richmond, VA. The Foundation Review article has open access to share broadly, thanks to the Robins Foundation.
Learning for Action released an online Resource Library that compiles publications, frameworks, toolkits, and guides - some developed by LFA and others drawn from peers in the field. LFA shares these resources to support collective learning in the field, and plans to add new resources as their learning and practice evolve.
Start the new year with intentional data collection. Trying to deal with data is overwhelming, but when you learn from those who have tackled it before you, data collection becomes a little less daunting.  Whether you're just beginning or considering how to enhance your data collection efforts, learning how others are doing it can be key to setting your own strategy. Become an Intentional Data Collector: An actionable guide for funders published by Foundant Technologies and developed in partnership with NNCG member Sharmila Rao Thakkar, was created using real experiences and lessons learned from the field.  It is intended to be used at any stage of your data collection efforts. So, choose your own adventure! We wish you luck on your journey to intentional data collection.

Watch  Yvonne Moore, Principal Philanthropic Advisor at Moore Philanthropy  deliver a keynote speech on the value Be Bold! at the 2018 Segal Family Foundation Annual Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. 
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors recently hosted a webinar titled Shifting Approaches to Funding: Learnings from Scaling Solutions and BUILD Initiatives. The informative and engaging discussion included Kathy Reich, Heather Grady and Melissa Berman. Learn more about these projects by reading the recently launched reports Changing Grant Making to Change the World: Reflecting on BUILD's First Year and Scaling Solutions Toward Shifting Systems: Approaches for Impact, Approaches for Learning.
About NNCG
The National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers is dedicated to elevating, expanding and improving philanthropy. It's the only organization that brings together high-quality consultants to support the work of grantmakers while advancing quality and ethical standards in the practice of philanthropy consulting. NNCG's distinguished and diverse membership represents experienced and carefully vetted practitioners and thought leaders in the philanthropic field.
Learn more at NNCG.org.

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