We had a great time seeing our fellow consultants and peers at philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs) during this year's United Philanthropy Forum conference! The annual conference, held from July 16 through July 18 in Boston, provided a great opportunity to go deeper in two areas: advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion practices; and advancing partnerships and collaboration in philanthropy.

We had the pleasure of listening in on the breakout session, PSO Collaborations & Initiatives, where Dwayne Marshall, Senior Director of Programs and Partnerships at Southeastern Council of Foundations (SECF), offered reflections on NNCG's emerging partnership with SECF. He, along with his colleague at San Diego Grantmakers, helped catalyze a great discussion about how to ensure that partnerships are a win-win for both organizations and the field more broadly. At NNCG, we are really looking forward to deepening our partnership with SECF and other regional PSOs in the near future. If you missed the update on our partnership with SECF, click here

We also had the opportunity to learn more about United Philanthropy Forum's recent field scan " Advancing Racial Equity in Philanthropy: A Scan of Philanthropy-Serving Organizations," conducted by NNCG member David Maurrasse of Marga, Inc. The scan highlights the current efforts, future needs, and emerging opportunities for 
philanthropy-serving organizations as they work to advance racial equity in  philanthropy. If you haven't read the report yet, we encourage you to  download it here .

The best part of the conference? Well, the entire conference was great, but we really enjoyed getting a chance to have a quick meet-and-greet with attending NNCG members over coffee and tea on July 17. The opportunity to check in  with NNCG members and learn more about their work...priceless!


Mary Philips
Chair, NNCG Steering Committee

NNCG Seeks Steering Committee Members

The National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers (NNCG) is seeking candidates to serve on its Steering Committee.   This is an opportunity for NNCG members to guide NNCG programming and strategic direction. The
Committee seeks gender, racial, and geographic diversity, and members committed to NNCG's mission to increase the quality, effectiveness, and capacity of grantmakers by mobilizing and strengthening the work of knowledgeable, ethical, and experienced consultants. Candidates should have demonstrated leadership and an understanding of NNCG's mission and strategic framework. Complete Details and Nomination Form.

Thank you to Lee Draper

In 2006, Lee Draper posed the idea for an organization dedicated to strengthening the field of philanthropy consulting and raising the visibility of the value and expertise of consultants. In 2007, Lee founded the National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers. She served on the NNCG Steering Committee until June 2018, when she felt the time was right for her to step down from her position.
Lee's leadership, vision, persistence, and professionalism have been crucial in the growth and success of NNCG. Lee envisioned a national Directory of Consultants and vetting system, which is recognized by the field of philanthropy as the first national effort to address issues of quality and appropriateness of philanthropy consulting.
As a past chair, Lee spearheaded NNCG's partnerships with foundations and philanthropy serving organizations, secured funding for staff to deliver member benefits and programs, and provided field leadership on how effective consultant partnerships can make a difference in philanthropy.
In submitting her resignation from the board, Lee delivered a letter to colleagues on the Steering Committee, which in part said:
"[...] NNCG's role as a galvanizing professional community of philanthropic change partners is needed and recognized in this historic period for philanthropy and the nonprofit sector.  With the clear objective of engaging our network membership, we will be able to mobilize the talents and perspectives of the many professionals in our ranks to achieve NNCG's important goals. Now, with the level of commitment and vision of each Steering Committee member firmly in place, coupled with the exemplary capabilities of our staff, the time feels right [to step down]." 
Throughout her career, Lee has led many efforts to shape philanthropy through her work as founder of Draper Consulting Group, in previous leadership positions with several major California foundations, and in numerous nonprofit management and board positions. She will remain a die-hard supporter of NNCG as she continues her career in philanthropy.
We are grateful to Lee for dreaming of the National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers.

Webinar Series - 2019

We are preparing for our NNCG webinar series in 2019, and we'd love to have your input!

Do any topics pique your interest as you gear up for your consulting work in 2019?

Do you provide trainings or have you done recent projects that might be great to share in a webinar format?

Please send a quick note to Lisa McGill at by Friday, August 31, 2018 if you have input on potential webinar topics or have an interest in leading a webinar in 2019.

While we can't make any promises on the final line-up for 2019, all suggestions and input are very much appreciated!

DEI Webinar: Lean into Disruption: Advancing Racial Equity Requires Challenging the Status Quo of White Culture

September 12, 12p ET Engaging a foundation that has made the decision to advance racial equity can be fraught with challenges from the start, since it immediately disrupts the typical relationships, practices, and expectations between client and consultant. It begins with negotiating the scope of work - the client wants concrete deliverables and a predictable timeline. But racial equity is adaptive change - it will require changes to core beliefs, priorities, and habits, even ones that have contributed to past success - and deliverables are not always concrete nor timelines predictable.   Registration and Complete Details.

Gita Gulati-Partee
Maggie Potapchuk

        Mary Harrison

Welcome New and Renewing Members!
NNCG Members in Action
The Theodore Edson Parker Foundation has named Chaletta Huertas its new Lead Program Officer. Since 2008, Chaletta Huertas, a graduate of Cornell University, has been a program officer at GMA Foundations where she supports foundations and giving programs through all stages of development. Her expertise includes creating and fine-tuning impact measurement systems and exploring innovative program designs.

The Parker Foundation is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, both in its grantmaking focused on Lowell, Massachusetts, and in its governance. To reinforce this, the trustees have recently revised the foundation's guidelines.
Cristina Gallegos firm, Sky(lark) Strategies, is expanding their leaderships program, The Greater Good Society Fellowship (the GG Society Fellowship)! They are moving beyond Los Angeles and launching cohorts in San Francisco this fall.  The GG Society is a 1-year, immersive, strengths-based development program for nonprofit executives. The training strengthens each Fellow's capacity to create exponential impact and better run and resource their organization while managing change and maintaining work-life balance. To apply click HERE.
In collaboration with the Hewlett Foundation, Informing Change recently conducted a webinar on choosing from the multitudes of organizational capacity assessment tools. Drawing on findings from their landscape scan of organizational assessment tools and conversations with Foundation staff, directed by Ellen Iriethey share what was learned in conducting a successful organizational capacity assessment, as well as their data base of organizational capacity assessment tools.  Learn more hereand find a recording of the webinar here.
VIVA Strategy + Communications has launched new training, coaching, and leadership development services. Its experience working with non-profits and their funders on organizational and community change efforts has taught the consultancy that leadership and organizational development work together to elicit change. Strong leadership leads to strong organizations and communities. Its interactive workshops, institutes, and individual and group coaching sessions blend theory, practice, and experience to help leaders strengthen the skills they need to lead social change. Learn more about the Leadership Development services.
Moore Philanthropy has launched a new initiative to support Black advisors around the globe.   The African Diaspora Philanthropic Advisor Network (ADPA) connects, educates and elevates advisors from the African Diaspora charged with guiding, influencing or leading the philanthropic goals of individuals, families and institutions across the globe. The Network launches in New York in August, and will host meetings in Lagos in September and Nairobi in October. To learn more email Yvonne Moore at .
I nterested in Becoming a Paperless Foundation?  Sheila Kappeler-Finn 's firm, Duende Consulting, and PEAKGrantmaking will offer a webinar on this topic on Weds September 12 12:00-1:30pmEST. The discussion will cover how to best make the shift from paper to digital-and overcome cultural barriers that can get in the way. They will explore the crucial steps to take your paper records digital - and uncover the potential barriers (and solutions) to becoming a fully paperless organization. Contact for more info.
In a recent blog postLearning for Action discusses the results of the Nonprofit Capacity Organizational Diagnostic in Solano County, California. The research identifies the greatest capacity-building needs of Solano County nonprofits and recommends increased investment in the dimensions of Vision and Impact Model, Evaluation and Learning, and Governance and Leadership.
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting will be co-presenting an upcoming webinar for the Council of Michigan Foundations entitled, "You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers: Our Most Requested Administrative Tools, Policies, and Templates."  This webinar will cover many of the policies, sample documents, and administrative questions that foundations ask CMF's team of experts on a regular basis.  Scheduled for Thursday, September 20th at 1pm, registration for this webinar is available here.  
About NNCG
The National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers is dedicated to elevating, expanding and improving philanthropy. It's the only organization that brings together high-quality consultants to support the work of grantmakers while advancing quality and ethical standards in the practice of philanthropy consulting. NNCG's distinguished and diverse membership represents experienced and carefully vetted practitioners and thought leaders in the philanthropic field.
Learn more at

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