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Dear NNCG Community,


We are entering the holiday season, and we are so thankful for your leadership and contributions to NNCG and the philanthropic sector!


At NNCG, we seek to bring together philanthropy consultants, grantmakers, and philanthropy-serving organizations to advance the field of philanthropy. It’s been an honor to build community with you through:

  • Our Webinar Series, “Boot Camp” Trainings, and Virtual Cafés
  • The NNCG Knowledge Center that shares your work with NNCG members and others
  • Our Members’ Listserv and LinkedIn Group for peer exchange and networking
  • Great discounts from our partners!


This year was a banner year for NNCG!

  • Through our Webinar Series, we continued to deepen members’ competencies around issues such as strategic planning, meeting facilitation, evaluation, and managing relationships with grantmaking clients.
  • We also elevated work around equity in philanthropy through our Disability in Inclusion Training Series, which included three workshops for our members and fellow philanthropy consultants in the spring and summer. 
  • Our new Virtual Café Series became a popular way for members to get to know each other better and find potential partners for their client work. Our peer-led discussions covered consulting issues ranging from facilitating difficult conversations to virtual meeting tips, and we shared tech tools and other resources we find valuable.


We have exciting plans for the upcoming year!

  • Take a sneak peek at our webinar series for 2023, which introduces three learning pathways: skill development; deep-dive content; and networking. 
  • We will launch Leading with Equity: The NNCG Institute for Philanthropy Consultants in April. As Phase II of our DEI Initiative, the Institute consists of virtual sessions led by topnotch philanthropy consultants and practitioners who work at the intersection of philanthropy, race equity, gender equity, disability inclusion, and/or social justice.


With your support, we’ve delivered on our mission of strengthening the work of knowledgeable, ethical, and experienced consultants. And we’ve committed to diversifying the field of philanthropic consulting and advising.


We value your voice and experience in our network, and we want to continue learning from you and with you in the next year. 



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Way-Ting Chen

Outgoing Chair, NNCG Steering Committee

Announcing Our 2023 NNCG Leadership

Please join us in welcoming the following NNCG Members to our Steering Committee:

  • Eileen Egan, Melvin Consulting PLC
  • Mae Hong, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
  • Leslie Pine, The Philanthropy Institute
  • Coby Williams, New Reach Community Consulting

These dedicated members join a hardworking committee:

Thank you to our outgoing members - we are better for your service!

#NNCGisWE! Annual Giving Campaign

NNCG is happy to announce the return of our annual member giving campaign!

For more than 10 years, NNCG has been singularly committed to building—and expanding—a vibrant and resilient network of philanthropic consultants, and supporting our members in every facet of your work. 

In fact, you as members are our most important resources, and the experience and knowledge you contribute to NNCG bring great value to your colleagues

We are thrilled to have a group of members who collaborate to improve the practice of grantmaking, and philanthropy more broadly!

That’s why we have titled our 2022 Member Giving Campaign #NNCGisWE! Thank you to the members who have started us on our goal to $20,000: Jessica Bearman, 

Stefanie Borsari, Way-Ting Chen, Eileen Egan, Erica Villarreal Ekwurzel, Dawn Franks, Maritza Guzman, Seth Klukoff, Tony Macklin, David Maurrasse, Jennifer Pedroni, Mary Phillips, Sharmila Rao Thakkar.

Donate Today

NNCG is only as effective as the combined power of our members—and our current social climate demands a strong, united, and well-functioning philanthropic sector. 

Working hand-in-hand with you, and with your support, we can strengthen our collective capacity to elevate our sector.

NNCG & GIH Announce Partnership

NNCG is pleased to announce a new partnership with Grantmakers In Health (GIH) to share our online resource that brings expert skills and knowledge to our Funding Partners. The NNCG Directory of Philanthropy Consultantscontains highly qualified, carefully vetted consultants—all searchable by skill set, geography, foundation type, or program area. This is the only directory of experienced, vetted philanthropy consultants serving all types and sizes of grantmakers. 


GIH has provided a direct link to our directory on its website under the “Tools and Resources” menu, and they have encouraged their Funding Partners to explore this resource. Philanthropy consultants in the directory have been vetted and have worked with at least five philanthropy clients. Reminder that only FULL NNCG members are featured in our directory.

Benefit Spotlight - Full Firm All Access Membership

Would you like more than 5 people in your organization to receive access to NNCG benefits?

We created a new membership category just for you! Last year, we took to heart some feedback from NNCG Full Firm members that they would like the opportunity to include more staff, especially younger professionals who may not have five foundation references at this stage in their careers.


Full Firm – All Access members of NNCG are philanthropy consulting firms that typically want all of their consultants and staff to have full access to NNCG’s programs and resources and receive our highest level of benefits.


One of the great things about this new membership category is that it better supports the professional development of newer staff members by giving them access to NNCG webinars and resources on the NNCG intranet. It also allows anyone on your staff to enjoy the members only LinkedIn Group.


Membership Comparison

  • Full Firm Membership is $1395, and it includes access to NNCG full benefits for five vetted consultants. This is your current membership category.
  • Full Firm - All Access Membership is $2500. You are already pre-approved with the previously vetted five consultants, and thus it gives other employees at your firm full access to all NNCG benefits if you choose this new level of membership.


You can find out the details regarding NNCG membership here: https://nncg.org/membership/

Upcoming Programming

December 1, 2022

Virtual Holiday Cafe

It’s back with a holiday twist! Join members of NNCG for our last virtual café of the year. It’s an opportunity for peer exchange and learning among NNCG members and friends. There’s just a bit of facilitation to keep the conversation moving! (P.S. It’s a café so don’t forget to bring your favorite drink and food.)

January 19, 2023

The State of NNCG

Get to know your fellow members and hear about NNCG’s plans for 2023. We’ll share our five-year strategic framework, new member benefits, and the rollout of our Leading with Equity Initiative.

February 16

Leading with Clarity & Impact

An intentional philanthropy plan provides clear and focused direction for navigating a vast number of worthy issues, organizations, and community needs. We invite you to join Hirsch Philanthropy Partners to discover concrete ways to help philanthropists create focus that drives effective community impact. 


Welcome New & Renewing Members

Renewing Members

Jessica Bearman

Eileen Egan

Melinda Fine

Max Freund

Molly Hafid

Heather Larson

Bridget Samuel 

Mistinguette Smith

Dara Steinberg 

Justin Goldbach

Radhha Friedman

Marie Massaro

Renewing Firms

Hirsch & Associates

TCC Group

The Giving Practice

Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy


Advocacy & Communications

Rockefeller Philanthropy


Phila Engaged Giving Learning for Action

New Members

Sofiya Brown

Wanda Casillas

Kelli King-Jackson

Steven Lawrence

ChrisTiana ObeySumner

Nikki Zarkh

Allison Fine

Leticia Alcantar

Cherice Hopkins

Emma Beeston

Lauren Marra

Courtney Bourns

Members in Action

Cause Communications has wrapped up its latest cohort-based training program, marking a 10-year partnership with foundations to help grantees increase their impact through strategic communications.

To learn more, contact vschnaidt@causecomm.org

Frontline Solutions Senior Partner, Marcus Littles, penned an article for Nonprofit Quarterly, about why it's time to retire the term "capacity building", asking, "What if our work was asset based? What if rather than building, we focused on dreaming. What if power and agency were ceded to Black and Brown nonprofits, instead of to consultants and intermediaries?"

See full article here.

Colton Strawser Consulting, in partnership with IPM Advancement, recently released a report, “LGBTQ+ Nonprofit Organizations in the United States: Growth, Trends, Concerns, and the Outlook for Philanthropic Giving,” to better understand how organizations are working on LGBTQ/equality issues nationwide and where these organizations are receiving their funding.

Featured Member Resource

NNCG Members have access to Candid's Acclaimed Knowledge Center

This resource is a searchable, online database for and about grantmaking, produced by highly qualified and experienced philanthropy consultants. NNCG's Knowledge Center contains a wealth of reports, case studies, infographics, issue briefs, videos and more that offer ideas, research and helpful information about almost every aspect of philanthropy. Each item was authored or published by an NNCG member. NNCG constructed the Knowledge Center in partnership with Candid -- one of the most respected and trusted sources of information in the philanthropic field.

NNCG Members: Login today for complete instructions on how to add your publications.

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