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NNCG Seeks Steering Committee Members


Hello {First Name},

It’s been a busy year for NNCG and our members. We hope that you enjoy engaging in and reading about the work of our network in this month’s newsletter.


As chair of the NNCG Steering Committee, I wanted to bring your attention to an amazing opportunity: The National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers (NNCG) is seeking candidates to serve on our Steering Committee!


This is an opportunity for NNCG members to help support the community you want, by guiding NNCG programming and strategic direction. 

Steering Committee members are elected for two-year terms. The Committee seeks gender, racial, and geographic diversity, and members committed to NNCG’s mission to increase the quality, effectiveness, and capacity of grantmakers by mobilizing and strengthening the work of knowledgeable, ethical, and experienced consultants. Candidates should have demonstrated leadership and an understanding of NNCG’s mission and strategic framework.


The Steering Committee is particularly interested in recruiting NNCG members with the following areas of experience/expertise:

  • Commitment to furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion in our field (ex. disability inclusion, gender equity, etc.)
  • Experience engaging individual donors and major foundations to invest and fund in areas that align with their missions 
  • Expertise in communications and marketing
  • Experience with membership in learning communities
  • Interest in developing NNCG webinars and other programming


You can nominate someone or even yourself!


Go to our website for more information and to download a nomination form. We are accepting nominations until Monday, November 15, 2021, no later than 5 pm Eastern Time via email at lori.jane@nncg.org.


With your input and recommendations, we will be able to identify our future leaders. 


Thank you for your consideration.

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Way-Ting Chen

Chair, NNCG Steering Committee

#NNCGisMe! Annual Giving Campaign


#NNCGisME! - yep, YOU, good-looking, hard-working reader!


NNCG is happy to announce our annual member giving campaign. To kick-off the campaign, YOUR NNCG steering committee has already committed $7,000! Will you help us get to the goal of $20K by November 15th? Contribute to the community that supports YOU in building community!


As an NNCG member, you’re a professional dedicated to improving the philanthropic sector through your work with your clients. You can also help build the field with your philanthropy by supporting NNCG’s annual giving campaign, #NNCGisME!


When you give to #NNCGisME, you are making a deliberate charitable investment above your annual membership dues. Whether you give $25 or $250, your tax-deductible contribution supports NNCG’s growth, education and exploration of new ideas to keep philanthropy and consultants like you on the cutting edge.

Donate Today

Thank you to our 2021 #NNCGisME! Member Giving Donors! 

Jessica Bearman

Way-Ting Chen

Marica Cone, PhD

Erica V. Ekwurzel

Dawn Franks

R. Christine Hershey

Tony Macklin

David Maurrasse

Heather Summers Parsons

Jennifer Pedroni

Mary Phillips

Sharmila Thakkar

Lauren Wolkov

Christine Zachai

NNCG Membership Levels for 2022


Heads up, NNCG Members:  be on the lookout for a membership renewal email in the next few months. We have made some changes in how our membership levels are defined in 2022 to clarify the benefits that Full and Associate membership include. We have also adjusted our membership fees for the first time in over 7 years to better reflect the value of our expanded network and programming.

NNCG would be nothing without its dedicated, generous, accomplished, and perpetually learning membership!  We value you and everything you contribute to our shared work to strengthen the field of philanthropy -- and we look forward to continuing to support you through great resources, programming, visibility, and peer learning opportunities. 

Upcoming Programming

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*Complimentary Webinar!*

Effective Practices To Expand Native Representation In Philanthropy

November 10, 1:00 PM Eastern

Today, fewer than 35 Native people control giving portfolios or serve in key leadership roles at private foundations — nationwide. Consequently, Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities continue to be minimized in foundation giving portfolios and invisible within the hiring and board compositions of U.S. foundations.

Eileen Egan (Melvin Consulting), Jessica Barron (Frontline Solutions), and Raymond Foxworth (First Nations Development Institute) layout a pathway to equitable practices that philanthropic institutions can take to be more inclusive of Native American candidates during their hiring processes.


The Philanthropy Consultant’s Virtual Cafe: Great Conversation, Light Facilitation!

November 17, 2:00 - 3:30 PM Eastern

Please join us for our final Virtual Cafe of 2021 on November 17, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern. Our Virtual Cafe taps the expertise of our network, creating an open space and Zoom breakout rooms to discuss issues that philanthropy consultants face every day. Each breakout room is hosted and lightly facilitated by an NNCG member. Virtual Cafes are also an opportunity to explore issues that cut across our sector, identifying trends we see from our particular perch as consultants.


These sessions are free and are open to all philanthropy consultants, including non-members.


Welcome New & Renewing Members

New Members:

Conrhonda Baker

Stefanie Borsari

John Licata

Mari Brennan Barrera

Teresa Behrens

Michael Dennis Layton

Michael Moody

Tamela Spicer

Jeff Williams

Vanita Bhargava

Christine Selig

Renewing Firms


Hirsch & Associates

TCC Group

Renewing Members

Jessica Bearman

Elizabeth Bremner

Nicole Campbell

Eileen Egan

Erica Ekwurzel

Justin Goldbach

Heather Larson

Marie Massaro

Kristina Mayer

Bridget Samuel

Molly Schultz

Mistinguette Smith

NNCG ListServ


NNCG Members have access to vibrant community via our listserv.

This is a wonderful tool for our members to stay in touch, learn from each other, engage in conversation and share ideas.

Recent conversations include RFP sharing, reproductive rights in Texas, sunsetting a foundation, and formal titles used in foundations. Join today to unlock this benefit!

Members in Action


Justin Goldbach of Social Strategy Associates is thrilled to support FUEL for 50, an exciting new initiative of Robin Hood, New York's City's largest poverty-fighting organization. This program will award no-strings-attached funding and resources to 50 nonprofit programs supporting the families of NYC kids 0-3. Learn more at https://fuelfor50.org/. Please help spread the word!


Corey Newhouse of Public Profit is proud to share the Everyday CQI Spark Deck! The 52-card deck offers activities perfect for organizations looking to implement micro-practices to boost continuous quality improvement. Pick a card and try a Spark to build your organizational culture of learning and improvement. Check it out here!

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Brittany Kienker, Pd.D., Principal and Owner, Kienker Consulting LLC, recently co-authored an article for the Summer 2021 edition of Michigan Business Law Journal.Charitable Giving: Scholarships and Other Grants to Individuals outlines how grantmakers can navigate the legal rules and general criteria required for scholarships and grants to individuals.


Kris Putnam-Walkerly will be facilitating a Foundation CEO Retreat on the topic of “Banish Delusional Altruism and Make Friends with The Monsters Under Your Bed” at the National Conference for Growing Community Foundations.


How do funders seek and apply knowledge in their work? Engage R+D and Equal Measure recently completed a study that sheds light on what information funders are seeking, which sources are most influential in creating change, and whose voices are included in the process. Key findings include: (1) funders are hungry for knowledge on diversity, equity, and inclusion along but their interests within this broad area vary, (2) while peers remain an important source of knowledge, funders are turning to a mix of sources for more nuanced and multi-layered understanding, and (3) the events of 2020 facilitated knowledge-informed change. The full report, commissioned by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, can be found here, along with a quiz to explore your own knowledge-seeking behavior.

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