The History of Hospitality
in New Mexico -
Advocacy in 1939 -
Advocacy in 2021
During the January, 1939 meeting of the New Mexico Hotel Association, the members discussed proposed changes in liquor laws, changes to the State Unemployment Compensation Contribution, and a pending Wages and Hours bill.
The board minutes from 1939 state, "It is advised that every member write at once to the Governor and their representatives, writing them personally and asking them not to pass these labor bills that will affect our business so adversely. Also, send them any letters or telegrams that the committee asks you to do."
Here we are in 2021, and the issues remain the same. NMHA is currently tracking bills related to liquor licenses, unemployment insurance, wages and benefits, and more.
We don't ask you to send telegrams anymore, but we do ask you to reach out to your representatives on a regular basis and let them know how pending legislation impacts your business. Please make use of our toolkits to email, text and call your legislators. And, be sure to participate in all of our new OneClick Politics advocacy campaigns that allow you to immediately reach out to your legislators with the one quick click.
The way we communicate may change (farewell to the telegram), but our mission remains the same - to advocate for our members at the local, state, and federal level.