News Brief May 30, 2024

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Climbing Down the Career Ladder

Yo, check it out! James Chaves, the OG Loss Prevention Specialist at NMC, is finally hanging up his hat and calling it quits on June 30th after a solid 18 years of schooling counties on how to keep it real and stay safe. This dude has been the ultimate go-to guy for all things OSHA, keeping counties on point and out of trouble. Not to mention, he helped launch the legendary RAP program back in 2006, which is still going strong today. Big ups to James on his retirement - we got your back, man! Enjoy that well-deserved chill retirement life!

Cibola County Wins Again!

Government Finance Officers Association announced that County of Cibola, New Mexico received GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its FY 2023-2024 budget.This is Cibola County's fourth consecutive year earning this recognition.The award represents a significant achievement by the entity. It reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to receive the budget award, the entity had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. Congratulations!!!

Registration and Conference Details Here

Registration for NMC 87th Annual Conference Ends Tomorrow, Friday, May 31! Onsite registration Monday, June 17, 2pm., at NMHU Gym.

House, Senate Agriculture Committees Release Frameworks for 2024 Farm Bill Reauthorization

The $1.5 trillion legislative package authorizes a suite of programs that help counties make critical investments in infrastructure, economic development, workforce training, nutrition and conservation within some of our nation's most underserved communities. Read more

Senate Rules Committee Considers Elections and AI Legislation Ahead of 2024 General Elections

The Preparing Election Administrators for AI Act would require the Election Assistance Commission to develop voluntary guidelines that address the use and risks of AI in election administration. Read more

Link to NMC 2024 Annual Meetings Calendar

Link to Loss Prevention Trainings Calendar & RSVP

June NM EDGE Classes (Live online) 6/4, 6/5, 6/11, 6/12, 6/13, 6/25, 6/26, 6/27

Tue Jun 11 NMCRe Captive Board meeting 1pm virtual

Mon Jun 17-20 NMC 87th Annual Conference San Miguel County, Las Vegas

Mon Jun 17-18 NM EDGE Classes San Miguel County NMHU

Tue Jun 18 NMC Board of Directors meeting 4pm San Miguel County NMHU Student Center

Thu Jun 20 NMC Board of Directors election of officers 10am-11am San Miguel County NMHU Student Center

Tue July 9 Legislative Initiatives Review w/Legislative Committee 10am NMC Santa Fe Office, affiliate chairs present legislative initiatives

Fri July 12-16 NACo Annual Conference Hillsborough County, Tampa, FL

Thu Aug 1-2 NMC Board of Directors Legislative meeting 2pm & Board meeting 8:30am Curry County

Tue Aug 13-16 NMML Annual Conference Curry County, Clovis

Wed Aug 14 NMCIA Board of Directors meeting 8:30am Roosevelt County

Sept NM EDGE classes (Live online) 9/5, 9/10, 9/11, 9/12, 9/17, 9/18, 9/19, 9/24, 9/25, 9/26

Thu Sept 12 Gathering of Counties, NM State Fair, Albuquerque, County booths and Presentation of County Queens

Tue Sept 17 NMCRe Captive Board meeting 1pm virtual

Fri Oct 4 NMC Board of Directors meeting 8:30am Los Alamos County

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