News Brief May 23, 2024

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Retirement on the Horizon

Taylor Horst, the Risk Management Director at NMC, is gearing up to sail into retirement on June 30th after 12 years of steering the ship with unwavering dedication at NMCIA and NMC. Throughout his tenure, Taylor has been the anchor of the NMC team, navigating the seas of risk management with finesse and making waves with his substantial contributions to enhancing NMCIA's strategies and practices. His efforts have been like a sturdy lifeboat, ensuring the stability and resilience of the insurance pools and the organization as a whole. Taylor's leadership has been a lighthouse in the storm, guiding the team through challenges with wisdom and grace. As Taylor prepares to set sail for new horizons, we wish him smooth sailing and fair winds in all his future endeavors.

WUFS Presentation Details

Call for Presentations

NM Wildland Urban Fire Summit

October 8-10, 2024 Taos, NM

Proposals due July 26, 2024

The 2024 theme is: Strengthening partnership through diverse perspectives – taking action in the WUI. We will focus on how new partners are developed, revitalizing, or strengthening existing partners and how the perspectives and resources they can provide help us to take action in our communities. We invite you to submit a proposal that focuses on this theme and shares your experiences and lessons learned that will help others who share similar challenges whether it is in rural or urban wildland interface of New Mexico.

Registration and Conference Details Here

Registration for NMC 87th Annual Conference Ends May 31

Las Vegas meets Hollywood June 17-20, 2024 in San Miguel County at the NM Highlands University. Join your peeps for legislative initiative discussions, networking with potential vendors, and some apres work fun! NM EDGE Classes and golf on Monday, Tuesday you'll get a dose of laughter, serious insight on 1st Amendment Rights, and then a NMC Board meeting followed by the Host County night. Affiliate meetings, awards, and graduation on Wednesday with dinner and dancing. New officer elections and passing of the gavel wraps up conference on Thursday.

NMED Review Request Portal

NM Environment Department Releases New Environmental Review Request Process

A new web portal is open for submission of environmental review requests.The requests are completed and submitted directly to NMED to ensure compliance with state regulations and permits, and timely responses to requesters. NMED will no longer accept paper versions of environmental review requests. Email questions to

Register for Webinar

DFA Invites Public Comment for NM Match Fund Implementation

State agencies, tribal government, counties municipalities, political subdivisions, and the public for comments and feedback on the draft policy by the end of May 31, 2024. Learn more at the May 28, 2pm-3pm webinar about the process, application forms, etc.

Webinar Registration

2024's Top Tech-tonic Shifts in Local Government May 30, 1pm-1:45pm MDT

Industry insights to help you adapt to changing demographics, regulations, and more! In this session, NACo will uncover research on the changes and trends affecting local governments.

  • ADA Compliance Laws
  • Increased Use of AI (with examples)
  • Generational shifts in employees and constituents

And more!

Read Entire Article

As Property Tax Bills Rise, States Look for Long-Term Solutions Lawmakers in Mountain West seek to provide permanent tax relief without harming local revenue

Property tax relief is a concern with states in the Mountain West, where property values have skyrocketed in part because of an influx of residents from the East and West coasts especially in Colorado and Montana. Fixed-income retirees and low-income homeowners face a heightened challenge. In November 2023, Colorado used $200 million of general fund revenue to reimburse local governments because the state had increased property tax exemptions from $15,000 to $55,000 cap.

Link to NMC 2024 Annual Meetings Calendar

Link to Loss Prevention Trainings Calendar & RSVP

June NM EDGE Classes (Live online) 6/4, 6/5, 6/11, 6/12, 6/13, 6/25, 6/26, 6/27

Tue Jun 11 NMCRe Captive Board meeting 1pm virtual

Mon Jun 17-20 NMC 87th Annual Conference San Miguel County, Las Vegas

Mon Jun 17-18 NM EDGE Classes San Miguel County NMHU

Tue Jun 18 NMC Board of Directors meeting 4pm San Miguel County NMHU Student Center

Thu Jun 20 NMC Board of Directors election of officers 10am-11am San Miguel County NMHU Student Center

Tue July 9 Legislative Initiatives Review w/Legislative Committee 10am NMC Santa Fe Office, affiliate chairs present legislative initiatives

Fri July 12-16 NACo Annual Conference Hillsborough County, Tampa, FL

Thu Aug 1-2 NMC Board of Directors Legislative meeting 2pm & Board meeting 8:30am Curry County

Tue Aug 13-16 NMML Annual Conference Curry County, Clovis

Wed Aug 14 NMCIA Board of Directors meeting 8:30am Roosevelt County

Sept NM EDGE classes (Live online) 9/5, 9/10, 9/11, 9/12, 9/17, 9/18, 9/19, 9/24, 9/25, 9/26

Thu Sept 12 Gathering of Counties, NM State Fair, Albuquerque, County booths and Presentation of County Queens

Tue Sept 17 NMCRe Captive Board meeting 1pm virtual

Fri Oct 4 NMC Board of Directors meeting 8:30am Los Alamos County

Enchantment Level Business Partners