April 2021 News Bulletin
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Skills development and training community: we want to hear from you!

Where are you from? What kinds of resources do you need most? What do we do best? What not so well? Please take the Future Skills Centre Your Voice survey to help us do better in our efforts to strengthen Canada’s skills ecosystem. You are an important stakeholder, and we are keen to learn about your experience, perceptions, and needs.

Communauté du développement des compétences et de la formation : nous voulons entendre votre voix !

Dans quel secteur travaillez-vous ? De quelles ressources avez-vous le plus besoin ? Qu'est-ce que nous faisons le mieux ? Qu'est-ce qui peut être amélioré ? Merci de répondre à notre sondage FSC Your Voice avant ce vendredi 26 mars fin de journée pour nous aider à continuer nos efforts pour renforcer l'écosystème des compétences du Canada. En tant qu'intervenant important dans cet écosystème, nous souhaitons pouvoir prendre en compte votre expérience, vos perceptions et vos besoins.
Refugees bring very few “things” with them when they arrive in Canada, but they don’t arrive empty-handed. They bring experiences, perspective, passion, and fresh ideas.

When Tareq Hadhad left war-torn Syria and settled in Nova Scotia with his family, he brought a delicious path to peace, prosperity, and community. The founder of Peace by Chocolate joins us to talk about Canada’s immigration and refugee system, entrepreneurship, and being a newcomer in a small town.

New episodes now available wherever you access podcasts: Apple Podcasts, Spotify or The Conference Board of Canada website.
SkillsHawk Celebrates Strong Start
The company founded as Creatros released its flagship product in November.

Peter Moreira MAR 17, 2021 Entrevestor.com

The SkillsHawk Co-Founders: CEO Arifusalam Shaikh, left, COO Ashley Sullivan and CTO Monjur Ul-Hasan.
St. John’s-based SkillsHawk – the new name for Creatros Technologies – is reporting strong sales of its talent-mining technology more than three months after its official launch.

The company came together more than four years ago at Memorial University and set out to solve a problem that plagues many teams of programmers – understanding the skillsets of all the team members. It’s common that a development team of 25 or more individuals has a range of capabilities, and it can take time to find the right person for the right task.

The SkillsHawk solution overlays commonly used project management tools like Jira or operates as a stand-alone product. The software records what tasks each team member has completed. When team leaders have a task to perform, they can instantly see who has already done something similar so they can quickly find the best person available.
SkillsHawk is one of the start-ups in the NLWIC funded research project Exploring Ways to Foster Innovation in Technology Entrepreneurship Through Increased Female Participation and Immigration Initiatives, led by Genesis, one of twenty NLWIC research proponents.
This report provides an update of labour demand trends from October to December 2020 with data sourced from the Vicinity Jobs Hiring Demand Analytics Suite.
The labour market impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic were felt throughout the entirety of 2020. While the number of Canadian workers who were affected by the COVID-19 economic shutdown declined from a high of five million in April 2020 to 1.1 million by December 2020, the trend in the final months of the year signalled a reversal of this mid-year recovery. In December 2020, both the participation rate and employment numbers declined across Canada.

The first report in this series — Labour Demand Trends During the COVID-19 Pandemic, published in December 2020 — showed that labour demand sharply declined in the spring of 2020 following the pandemic-induced economic shutdown. The number of job postings in April 2020 was 58% lower than the same period in 2019; however, labour demand started recovering over the summer and autumn, which caused this gap to shrink to only 7% by September 2020.

In this report, we provide an update of labour demand trends for the period of October to December 2020. As in our first report, the data has been sourced from the Vicinity Jobs Hiring Demand Analytics Suite, which collates data on online job postings across Canada. The first part of the report discusses labour demand in Canada, while briefly highlighting the changes relative to the same period in 2019. We identify the sectors that are leading in job postings, as well as the top occupations and in-demand skills. The second part presents detailed labour demand trends for Alberta and Ontario. We focus on these two provinces because their labour markets have been the most severely affected by the pandemic-induced economic slowdown in Canada.
Online Career Transition Tool
Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. ET
Canada’s employment landscape is ever-changing. Switching careers can be hard—but what if there were an easier way to identify, assess, and pursue new opportunities?

The Conference Board of Canada and the Future Skills Centre are excited to launch a free online tool designed to help job placement professionals, job seekers and employers quickly and easily explore viable career transition pathways.

Join Conference Board CEO Susan Black, Vice President Michael Burt and Future Skills Centre’s Executive Director, Pedro Barata, alongside guests as they reveal this innovative new tool that will:
  • Help job seekers identify new career paths related to their skillsets
  • Help employers identify potential candidates to fill open positions
  • Help job placement organizations match employers and job seekers
  • Use research and big data to help solve one of today’s tough challenges
April is Diversity Month, a time for us to celebrate the incredible diversity across Canada and redouble our efforts to build more equitable and inclusive workplaces. We invite you to celebrate with us and join over 1,000 organizations that have committed to aspirational goals of gender parity (50%) and significant representation (30%) of under-represented groups on boards and in senior management positions as part of the Government of Canada’s 50 – 30 Challenge.
Organizations that are more diverse perform better than their peers, bridge skills and talent gaps, increase employee retention and satisfaction, and are better equipped to foster innovation, access global markets, and mitigate risk. Those that participate in the 50-30 Challenge will gain access to a new digital toolkit, training programs, and pilot projects at no cost to support their efforts.
The NL Workforce Innovation Centre (NLWIC) at the College of the North Atlantic (CNA) has a provincial mandate to provide a coordinated, central point of access to engage all labour market stakeholders about challenges, opportunities and best practices in workforce development. 

The Centre’s goal is to promote and support the research, testing and sharing of ideas and models of innovation in workforce development that will positively impact employability, employment, and entrepreneurship within the province’s labour market and particularly underrepresented groups. Funding for NLWIC is provided by the Department of Immigration, Skills and Labour (ISL) under the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Labour Market Development Agreement.