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August 9, 2021
Protecting our People, Our Property and Our Way of Life
News from the NLLD
CPRA, NLLD & MAC Push for Morganza to the Gulf Funding in Federal Infrastructure Bill
NLLD President Cory Kief and Executive Director Dwayne Bourgeois joined other members of the Morganza Action Coalition and LA CPRA Chairman Chip Kline on Capitol Hill in late July to push for federal funding of the Morganza to the Gulf levee, lock and floodgate system in the Infrastructure Bill.

Local officials are requesting an initial $676 million to complete engineering, design and construction of high-priority levee segments and floodgates along the MTG alignment, creating a closed system to provide enhanced protection for 200,000 Lafourche and Terrebonne residents.

Among others, the group met last month with Bubba Gesser, Projects Director for U.S. Senator John Kennedy (pictured above).
Construction Begins on West Shore Hurricane Protection Project
NLLD Executive Director and LA CPRA Board member Dwayne Bourgeois (above left) participated in the Pontchartrain Levee District’s groundbreaking of the West Shore Hurricane Protection Project on July 26. The 18-mile levee project is located west of the Bonne Carre Spillway between the Mississippi River and Lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepas, protecting residents of St. John, St. Charles and St. James Parishes.
Also pictured above are Governor John Bel Edwards, LA Congressman Troy Carter, USACE New Orleans Commander & District Engineer Colonel Stephen Murphy, CPRA Chairman Chip Kline, LA Congressman Garret Graves, and Pontchartrain Levee District Executive Director and CPRA Board Member Monica Salins Gorman.

“Dirt is turning and we will be protecting our families, homes, businesses, and communities. It will lower flood insurance rates, and lure economic development and jobs to the region. The West Shore Project will ultimately make St. John, St. Charles, and St. James parishes safer places to raise a family. This is exactly how we invest in our infrastructure before a storm rather than after the fact – spending much more on disaster recovery,” said Congressman Graves.
New Valentine/Ludevine Project
Onshore Materials, LLC is the contractor for this project, which will stabilize about 5,500 feet of the levee from Hamilton Street in Larose towards the Ludevine Pump Station along the Blackwater Canal. Onshore is progressing well with the installation of material in the levee template. Improvement can already been seen in the overall level of protection and stability of the levee.
Grand Bayou Floodgate
The Grand Bayou Floodgate, a key component of Morganza to the Gulf, is substantially complete.

The floodgate and soon-to-be-constructed Reach L levee connect the eastern end of the Morganza system to the South Lafourche levee system in Cut Off. The South Lafourche Levee District contracted the construction of the Grand Bayou Floodgate and Reach L construction is being advertised for bids.
Upcoming NLLD Board of Commissioners Meetings:
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
NLLD Office, 3862 LA 1, Racleland

4:45 pm * SPECIAL TIME
Finance and Priority Committee

5:30 PM or immediately following Committee Meeting
Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners

Agendas posted on our website 24 hours before meetings.

About the NLLD
The North Lafourche Conservation, Levee, and Drainage District (known as NLLD) was formed in 1992 to provide drainage and flood protection services for the northern portion of Lafourche Parish, including the entire parish north of the Intracoastal Canal.  The District includes over 250 miles of levees and drainage canals, and over 40 pump stations.
2021 Board of Commissioners

Cory Kief, President
Timothy Allen, Vice President
Kenney Matherne, Sec/Treas
Louis Andolsek, Jr.
Rodney Foret
Percy Gasery, Jr.
Darcy Kiffe
Adley Peltier
Elmo "Jay" Pitre, III
Robert Pitre
Susan Testroet-Bergeron
Contact us by e-mail

Board President:

Who We Are:

Dwayne Bourgeois
Executive Director

Katie DeRoche
Executive Assistant

Madonna Viguerie
Administrative Assistant

Arthur Ostheimer
Project Manager

Glenn Bourgeois
Field Coordinator

Peggy Boudwin
Office Assistant