NLAI Ministry Update | July 2022
Dear Friends,

One of the most exciting parts of being the President of New Life Advance International is when I get to see a person or a couple get to the mission field as part of our organization. It is even more exciting when I personally know the new cross-cultural missionaries. So believe me when I tell you that I am incredibly excited to introduce to you (and to welcome to Guatemala) Kenny and Dorothy Kennedy.

I hope you will take a few minutes to click here and read a short interview with them to learn more about them; and also to pray for them as they obediently leave the comfort of their home to follow the call God has placed on their lives. I think you’ll enjoy getting to know them as much as I have over the years.


Kendon Wheeler,
NLAI President
"We are ready to get started on what God placed on us,
because Guatemala is truly our new home."
-Kenny & Dorothy Kennedy
All of the NLAI missionaries in Guatemala, along with some of our future missionaries, a pair of interns, and our US Staff came together in Antigua, Guatemala for our annual retreat. It was good to get away from our day-to-day responsibilities, spend time together, focus on our relationship with God and with one another, and be encouraged by our guest speakers.