April 12, 2024

Dear 10th and 12th Grade Parents and Guardians,


New Jersey public schools are required to issue a statewide assessment called the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA). It will be administered to students in grades 3 through 9 and is designed to measure whether students are meeting the NJ Student Learning Standards in English/Language Arts and Mathematics. 11th-grade students are required to take the NJSLA in Science. 


Park Ridge Jr./Sr. High School will be administering the test in English/Language Arts and Science on April 30 and May 1 and in Mathematics on May 7 and 8. These tests will be given to students in grades 7, 8, 9 and 11 only.


During the testing days listed above, students in grades 10 & 12 will follow a special delayed opening schedule and are to report to school by 9:45 am.  For safety purposes, students will only be able to enter through the main entrance on these days. All classes will meet on an abbreviated schedule on the testing days. The school day will finish as usual at 2:44 pm. A period-by-period schedule can be found HERE


Thank you for all you do on behalf of your children. Please be in touch with my office if there are any questions you may have.


Troy Lederman

Principal, Park Ridge Jr./Sr. High School


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