Issue 2                                                                                               December 2013

"Connecting Students to Success"   
March 17, 2014 
8:00 - 3:00 
Ramapo College of NJ

Keynote Speaker 
Dr. Peggy McDonald 
Director, New Jersey Department of Education Office of Special Education


Jessica Rader

CAN (Children and Youth Action Network)

The recent Government Sequestration cut over $600 million from Special Educator Programs and over $2 Billion from all programs at the U.S Department of Education.NJCEC would like to hear how you have been impacted by the recent cuts to Educational Programs.  How have you been personally impacted?  How have these cuts affected your students?There are many ways that you can tell your stories or notify our representatives in New Jersey and at the Federal level.
Below are some ways that you can voice your opinion:

1. EMAIL. The White House in a recent meeting with CEC has asked for more stories and data on the impact of budget cuts to families, students, schools and educators! Share how budget cuts have impacted you, your students and your school by emailing pubpol@cec.sped.org.

2. Send your representatives an email/letter and tell them to SayNo2SpEdCuts

The email addresses for our NJ Senators are below.

Cory Booker:


Robert Menendez:


3.Send your personal stories to us at newjerseycec@gmail.com. We will forward your stories and concerns to all involved in making decisions on Special Education funding.

Thank you for all that you do for our students with Special Needs in New Jersey!

NJCEC Annual Scholarship Program 
The NJCEC Awards Committee is please to announce the NJCEC Annual Scholarship Program! Each year, a number of deserving High School seniors are awarded scholarships ranging from $500 - $2000. The scholarships are available to students who have a diagnosed disability, are eligible for special education, and will be pursuing post-secondary education or training including 2 or 4 year colleges, technical schools, business schools, fine arts institutes, or other recognized programs. 


You can access the scholarship application via the link below:
 NJCEC Annual Scholarship Program 


Nominations Wanted

Teacher of The Year Award

The NJCEC Teacher of the Year Award was established to honor an outstanding Special Educator. The recipient of this award is honored each spring at our NJCEC Annual Conference and is then nominated to CEC as a candidate for the International CEC Teacher of the Year Award.
 NJCEC Teacher of the Year Award Application  


Student Chapters 
Are you Interested in starting a CEC Student Chapter? 
Do you already have a Student Chapter but want to get more connected with NJCEC and other Student Chapters? 
Dr. Lynn DeCapua
Student Chapter Advisor

Spring Conference Cover Page Contest
Please consider having your students enter the Cover Contest for the Spring Conference Program. 
8 1/2 x 11 paper - portrait layout not landscape 
Color or Black and White 
Child's Name and Teacher's name 
Theme - Connecting Students to Success
Please mail via US Mail all entries to:
NJCEC Cover Contest 
10 Concord Lane 
Oakland, NJ 07436 

NJCEC wishes everyone holiday greetings!   


to the New NJCEC Executive Committee
Please feel free to contact us at any time!
President -
Julie Norflus-Good
Co-Vice President -
Karen Jans
Co-Vice President -
Barry Schwartz
Treasurer -
Fatima Ramirez
Recording Secretary -
Mike Feltmann
Corresponding Secretary -
Mike Feltmann
International Representative Assembly Member -
Paulette Fox
Student Advisor -
Lynn DeCapua
CAN Coordinator
- Jessica Radar
Newsletter Editor -
Kim Diaz
Membership Chair
- Paulette Fox
Awards and Scholarships
- Barry Schwartz
- Scott Rossig
Immediate Past President -
Pamela Lowry 



Newsletter E-Blast 
Editor - Kim Diaz 
Co-Editor - Dr. Julie Norflus-Good
Copy Editor - Dr. Anne DeGroot
Please Forward any comments and suggestions to