NJ Catholic Charismatic Conference
School of Healing
An invitation from Fr Jeff Kegley, pastor of St Mary Mother of God Church, Middletown NJ:
After a year filled with pandemic fears and anxieties, it’s time for healing and freedom in Christ Jesus.
People of all ages are invited to experience the supernatural love and healing power of Jesus Christ during this two day conference. Come hear anointed worship, dynamic speakers, healing testimonies, and enjoy fellowship with people from all over Tri-State area.
Jesus said,
“if you believe in me, you will do the works that I do, and greater things because I’m going to the Father.” (Jn 14:12)
Encounter Ministries exists to train and disciple Catholics to demonstrate the power and love of God in their sphere of influence through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Join us for the amazing Encounter Ministries - School of Healing at the New Jersey Catholic Charismatic Conference on Pentecost weekend, May 21st and 22nd at
Saint Mary, Mother of God Church, Middletown, NJ.
Space is limited, register soon!
To register for the School of Healing Conference visit www.DOTCCR.org or call the Conference office at 732-671-0071, ext. 221.
The response to the Encounter School of Healing Conference has been great. Because of restrictions space is limited, so please register as soon as possible.