NHS digital e-newsletter
September - November 2021
AGA Special Program - Lady Jessie
Thursday, September 9, 2021
10:00 to 11:00am
Host: Neal Cobb

Lecture Title: 'Lady Jessie'

Former Riverside Hotel owner Jessie Beck will be remembered.

Local historian Neal Cobb and CJ Risley, Beck’s great-grandson, will moderate the virtual presentation, which will include a video about Beck’s work supporting Navy fighter pilots in Vietnam. In 2019, PBS Sacramento produced a documentary called “Lady Jessie, A Vietnam Story.”

Register in advance for this webinar:
Note from the Director
Happy Fall!
The NHS remains open with research library appointments full and visitors increasing. We are scheduling school tours while we remain mindful to protect the health and safety of the public, docents, volunteers, and staff. Speaking of staff we are in the process of hiring the Librarian position, and we will fill our four other vacant positions as soon as the budget allows.  

We are slowing augmenting docent hours and projects. Now more than ever the NHS simply could not operate without docent support.  THANK YOU DOCENTS!!!

There are a variety of ways you can support the Nevada Historical Society with tax deductible donations through annual/unrestricted gifts, memorial endowment funds, restricted donations, or personal legacy funds, contact Catherine for details. 


Young child posing with dog on Schiappacasse ranch, 1900. NHS photo.
National Dog Day
In August, National dog day celebrates all dogs, mixed and pure breeds.
People love to take photos of their pets ever since the invention and affordability of the hand-held camera.

It is still true today, people wanting to take selfies with their faithful companion.
The idea to share their photos has gotten easier from the original hand-held camera with negatives and prints to our smartphones. A pocket held camera to take endless photos, allowing people to connect with family and friends through social medial platforms and email.

What a wonderful day to recognize our two and four-legged family members.
Two men posing with an unidentified dog, 1910. NHS Billeb collection.
Three men, bucket attached to winch and ore sacks in background; Stray Dog Mine near Manhattan, Nevada, 1907.
This was Nevada NHS Series
The Saga of Stray Dog Bob

Among the many memorable dogs which have played a part in Nevada’s history is Stray Dog Bob, once a resident of the mining camp of Manhattan. When Bob showed up on Manhattan’s streets in the summer of 1905, he created no more excitement than any other cur which happened through town. A mixed breed of some sort, his origins were something of a mystery. It was said that he had once 
belonged to an old man that had been turned out to die by his tribe.

To learn more about Stray Dog Bob, click on the article link.

TWNS - published on March 1986.
High Noon: Shootout with Neal Cobb Series
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Speaker, Jerry Aaron
Lecture Title: Nevada’s Times in Rhymes

Nevada’s Times in Rhymes is directed toward young people to provide an understanding of Nevada’s past and present. The book takes the reader on a fun filled path of learning via rhymes. It begins with the Great Basin’s prehistoric times and moves onward to modern day.

Thursday, October 21, 2021
Speaker, Larry Kirk
Lecture Title: History of the World War II USO Canteen Ladies of North Platte NE

Larry Kirk will share the story about how local volunteers served more than six million service men and women throughout World War II in North Platte, NE. The North Platte Canteen is known to have been the single biggest movement of volunteerism in the United States to date.

Thursday, November 18, 2021
Speaker, Pat Bruce
Lecture Title: Friends of Nevada Wilderness and the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge

Pat Bruce will give a short history on the Friends of Nevada Wilderness organization. He will give a detailed discussion about what kind of work the organization does for Nevada and their work on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge.

Thursday, December 16, 2021
Speaker, Neal Cobb
Lecture Title: Reno 1950's and 60's

Neal Cobb, local historian will give an engaging program with photos and stories depicting what life was like in Reno, 1950s-60s. He will be using images from his Modern Photo photography collection.

Check our website in the next couple of weeks for an active link.
NHS Docent Project Highlight
We are spotlighting one of our NHS Docents, Joyce Cox and what she is working on for NHS.

How long have you been an NHS Docent? I have been a Docent since 2010 working in Photography, the Front Office, on the Docent Board as Secretary and DC Bee Editor, AGA, Manuscripts and Docent Library.

What does the Guy Rocha MSNC1148 Manuscript collection contain? Guy Rocha’s collection includes his research throughout his 32-year career working for the Nevada Historical Society and as the Nevada State Archivist. Guy is well-known for debunking Nevada’s Myths as well as about the Nevada’s death penalty, Nevada labor strikes, Marriages and Divorces of the well-known in Nevada, Truman Capote’s book In Cold Blood, and much more.

What have you learned about Guy’s collection? Guy was meticulous in his research in documenting sources, interviewing historians and others involved in his research.
Joyce Cox working on organizing the MSNC1148 Guy Rocha Manuscript Collection.
I worked with Guy for about nine years when I was the Head of Reference Services at the Nevada State Library and Archives.

All librarians in Reference Services knew that if Guy asked a question, we needed to be scrupulous in finding the answer – after all we did not want to perpetuate one of his myths.

He was fun to work with and made me and all of us do a better job.
Dr. Jeanne Elizabeth Wier
Diary entry, August 9, 1908.
Nevada Historical Society 'Q'
Diary of Jeanne Elizabeth Wier, 1908

Left Reno for Goldfield at midnight. Upper berth & hot. Noise from Reno Hotel Roof Garden, so no sleep until sleeper was attached to [train] 24 and left Reno. Diner left at Mina, . . . Reached Goldfield at noon.

Compelled to wait until Friday for train to Las Vegas. Met a Mr. Lanier who has a new method for working ores. Saw his cabinet and also old photographs. Owned stock in the Comstock in the 70's.

Has certificate framed which shows dividends paid. (1875) Once asked John MacKay for privilege of visiting mine. Latter said it would cost him $3000. Because miners would talk to him...

Night in Goldfield extremely hot. Left Friday a.m. at 10.10 for Las Vegas stopping at Rhyolite for lunch, too hot to eat boiled beef and mince pie (75 cts). In the afternoon skirted the base of the Funeral and Furnace Creek Range and saw beyond them the Panamint with Death Valley lying between. A considerable breeze was blowing, but so hot that with ease one could appreciate the designations of the adjacent ranges. I had intended to make a trip into Death Valley but after this experience decided to wait until a cooler season. We reached Las Vegas at 5.25 PM. The letter telling of my coming had not reached Mr. Frank Williams so no one met me.

To learn more about the adventures of Dr. Wier, first NHS director, click on the article link.

NHSQ Spring 1961, pages 3-23.
NHS Tailgate Fundraiser

Calling all tailgaters!!!

Do you love UNR Football? Do you want to help support the Society?

Now here is your chance to do both...

Prime tailgating spots steps away from UNR Mackay Stadium in the NHS reserved parking spaces.  

$475.00 tax deductible donation you will reserve two parking spots and adjacent grass space for all home football games for the 2021 season.

Call Catherine to reserve your space now at 775.688.1190 ext. 222 or email her at cmagee@nevadaculture.org.
NHS Program Lectures Available

We have many of our history and educational videos on YouTube. You can find the Nevada Historical Society playlist under the Nevada State Museums Channel.

Click here to subscribe to the NHS Playlist under Nevada State Museums channel.

Nevada's Oldest Cultural Institution
Nevada Historical Society
1650 N. Virginia Street
Reno, NV. 89503

NHS is part of the Dept. Tourism & Cultural Affairs, Div. of Museums & History