July/August 2020
Vol. 5 No. 5
"He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he gives of his bread to the poor." Proverbs 22:9

COVID19 Pandemic Update
On September 5, 2020, NHN resumes client shopping within the warehouse. There are many changes due to COVID 19 guidelines and precautions to protect volunteers and clients, as well as, a new shopping by appointment process. Please go to www.nhnamherst.org for more information.
Thank you to our Community Partners!

Thank you to the Youth of Randolph Memorial Baptist Church for their gift of Blessing Bags for our clients at the end of July. We commend young people who choose to lead by example and navigate these uncertain times by figuring out ways to help others.

Thank you to the Blue Ridge Regional Food Bank grant which funded a heavy duty scale with a roll up ramp. This will be a great help to the pick up volunteers by making their job quicker and more efficient.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors appreciates our community for the many ways they support our mission.

  • Thank you to Gleaning for the World for donating 143 cases of chicken and cheese on July 9.
  • Thank you to Amherst County for Coronavirus Aid, Relief And Economic Security Act (CARES) Act funds through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). The CARES Act provided at least $850 million for food bank administrative costs and USDA food purchases during the COVID19 crisis. We are grateful to be included in this funding.
  • A shout out to Hill City Bassmasters & Rippin Lips for their donation to NHN from the proceeds of their 2nd annual fishing tournament in August. We continue to be blessed by our community!
Volunteer Acknowledgement
This year has proven to be a challenge with the uncertainty and challenges COVID19 has presented to NHN. While we are "all in this together," NHN volunteers have had to make tough choices on an individual level according to health and safety concerns. NHN volunteers that have chosen to forego their participation in monthly drive thru shopping for whatever unique situation they found themselves in have demonstrated courage in caring for others. For them, we are grateful for and commend them for their sacrifice. The NHN volunteers who have participated throughout the COVID19 season are commended for their hard work and faithfulness to the mission of serving our community.
As we look forward to the "new normal," we are confident NHN volunteers will continue to rise to whatever challenges may come with a strong commitment to serving our community. Thank you to all our volunteers for always giving their best!

If you are interested or know someone who would like to be a part of this amazing team of volunteers, click on this link https://www.nhnamherst.org/volunteer-with-neighbors-helping-neighbors