January 25, 2023
Contact: Deidre Swesnik,, 202-919-9106
National Housing Law Project Commends White House
for Federal Commitment on Tenants' Rights

Washington, D.C. — Today, the Biden-Harris Administration released its Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights, a timely and much-needed recognition that tenant protections are important for a well-functioning housing market. The Blueprint showcases commitments by federal agencies to advance tenant rights, and it provides a five-principle framework: (1) access to safe, quality, accessible and affordable housing, (2) clear and fair leases, (3) education, enforcement, and enhancement of renter rights, (4) the right to organize, and (5) eviction prevention, diversion, and relief. 

“Rental housing used to be a local industry, but it is increasingly dominated by national and multinational entities,” said NHLP’s Executive Director Shamus Roller. “The federal government must step in to address the price-fixing, collusion, and predatory practices that have harmed renters nationwide. The National Housing Law Project commends the White House for recognizing the need for federal action to address the urgent problems facing renters today, and for bringing federal agencies together for the additional work that is needed to support tenants in today’s inequitable housing markets.”

NHLP, members of the Housing Justice Network, and our partners in Washington and across the country, have advocated for government-wide actions to improve tenant protections, including this letter to the Administration. NHLP has been particularly inspired by the work of the tenants and organizers of the Homes Guarantee Campaign and their efforts to push for a national tenants’ bill of rights. NHLP will continue to engage with the implementation of the agency actions outlined in the Blueprint and work to integrate the perspective of tenants into policy development.

Check this link for a more detailed analysis of the Blueprint in the coming days.


The National Housing Law Project’s mission is to advance housing justice for poor people and communities. We achieve this by strengthening and enforcing the rights of tenants, increasing housing opportunities for underserved communities, and preserving and expanding the nation’s supply of safe and affordable homes.

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