To The New Year!
This has been a year of transitioning: both through the pandemic and its impact on everyone's personal and work lives, as well as within New Hampshire Housing with new leadership and new programs.

Using funding from the American Rescue Plan Act, we began administering the NH Homeowner Assistance Fund, as well as an InvestNH-funded grant program for municipalities to analyze and update their land use regulations to help increase housing development opportunities (Housing Navigator Grants, Housing Opportunity Planning Grants). NH Housing also received substantial additional funding through InvestNH to support the development of new multifamily housing.

As always, we remain committed to supporting new and different ways to build more housing units. We are hopeful that these new opportunities will soon begin to yield the housing that residents of the Granite State need.

All of us at NH Housing wish you a happy and healthy 2023!
New Home First Program Provides $10K in Downpayment Assistance
First-time homebuyers benefit from an extra low fixed-rate loan and $10,000 in cash assistance for downpayment and closing costs. Visit for details.
New Homeownership Fellows

Eleven Granite State professionals who work with homebuyers have been named 2023 New Hampshire Housing Homeownership Fellows.
Top Loan Officers & Lenders

New Hampshire lenders and loan originators were recently recognized for helping more than 1,700 homebuyers find affordable homes and loans.
The NH Homeowner Assistance Fund, which launched in March, provides assistance to eligible NH homeowners who have been affected by an increase in expenses or a reduction in income as a result of the COVID-19 public health crisis. To date the program has provided nearly $3 million to eligible homeowners toward mortgage, property charges, and utility delinquencies. Visit
Financing for 3 New Multifamily Affordable
Housing Developments Approved Learn more.

Did You Know?
We helped finance nearly 2,000 multifamily housing units around the state in FY22?

  • 1,436 general occupancy units
  • 258 age-restricted housing units
  • 98 supportive housing units 
Congratulations to Portsmouth Housing on the Opening of Griffin Place!
Review the Projects We Funded
in FY22
Landlords Wanted
Our Landlord Incentive Program encourages property owners to rent to tenants who are participating in the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Landlords can receive up to $1,000 as an incentive or as a sign-on bonus.  Learn more.
811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Program 
The 811 PRA Program provides rental assistance to extremely low income individuals between the ages of 18 and 61 who are experiencing severe mental illness. Administered in partnership with the NH Department of Health & Human Services, Bureau of Mental Health, the 811 PRA Program has housed about 142 individuals who have come out of institutions and homelessness and are now living in safe, decent housing that is affordable to them because of this rental subsidy. Learn more.
NH Housing’s Lead Paint Hazard Remediation Fund received a $3 million appropriation from the Legislature this fiscal year. This funding helps owners of single-family and multifamily homes and child daycare centers to move lead hazard control projects forward that may not otherwise be feasible due to costs. These funds are available as 0% interest-deferred payment loans not due until the property is sold. Contact the Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Program to learn more.
Housing Market Snapshot & Housing Advocacy Guides
Have you seen our latest housing market and advocacy reports and guides?
Is Your Community Talking
About Housing?
Find out about Housing Opportunity Planning Grants for municipalities to study zoning or other regulatory causes of a lack of affordable housing, identify potential changes to land use regulations, and establish or update these regulations. Learn more.
It was terrific seeing everyone who attended our conference! Speakers discussed the housing market and prospects for the future; previewed the Housing Needs Assessment report; discussed land use patterns and budgets; screened the new Housing Fact or Fiction film; and previewed national housing policy. View presentations

Assisted Housing

Policy, Planning & Communications
Multifamily Housing Division

Asset Management

Press and General Inquiries