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Green building certification is an important validation of a company's commitment to sustainable building operations. NGBS Green Partners can access ESG-related resources to help translate NGBS Green achievements to GRESB benchmarks.

GRESB Reporting Deadline

Annual reporting to GRESB is open through July 1ST!

Do not delay – if you need assistance with compiling NGBS Green data for GRESB reporting, contact us.

Understand How NGBS Green Certification Contributes Toward GRESB Benchmarks

Download the NGBS-GRESB Crosswalk to see how NGBS practices align with specific GRESB indicators.

Review Project-Specific GRESB Achievements

Each 2020 NGBS Green Scoring Tool features a custom-made GRESB checklist that shows how that specific project contributes toward GRESB indicators.

2020 NGBS projects on AXIS now contain a "GRESB tab" that pulls unique project data from the GRESB checklist located in the 2020 NGBS Green Scoring Tools. Review this information to identify the GRESB Indicators met or partially met by a building's green building accomplishments.

Track and Report NGBS Green Certified Buildings to GRESB

NGBS Green certification is a recognized option for GRESB reporting. The 2024 GRESB Real Estate Asset spreadsheet includes NGBS Green certification among the list of building certifications. See below.

NGBS Green Partners can utilize the "Project Status Report" feature in AXIS to filter and download a list of certified buildings for the purposes of GRESB reporting.

  1. Log into AXIS
  2. Under "Reports" select "Project Status"
  3. Utilize Filter Option
  4. Select "Export Data"

Share Your Feedback

We want to hear from you to better understand how we can make ESG information more usable to you. We are exploring data aggregation at the project and client levels, as well as PDF and Excel data exports. Please let us know how we can best meet your reporting needs. Email Katie with your suggestions.

Product Manufacturers - We're Helping You Communicate Your Product's ESG Contributions

We're here to help you. Home Innovation's NGBS Green Certified product program offers third-party validation of a product's contribution toward the NGBS compliance criteria. Participating manufacturers earn a certificate that identifies the specific NGBS section(s) where points for the product are available.

Our newly-redesigned NGBS Green product certificate also showcases the alignment between the NGBS practices that are met by a certified product and GRESB.


If you know of a program that may be of interest to our NGBS Green program partners, please let us know.

NGBS Green Office Hours

Every other Tuesday, 2:00 PM ET | Join us here

Open Forum for questions, chatting, and whatever you need.

Upcoming dates - Mark you calendars!

  • Jun 11
  • Jun 25

Calendar of Events

06/04/2024 - National Association of REALTORs (NAR) Sustainability Summit (2 days) | MN

06/04/2024 - Nebraska 2026-2027 QAP Focus Group | Register here

06/06/2024 - Montana QAP Workshop, 12 PM Eastern | Register here

06/11/2024 - HI Office Hours - Open Discussion, All Welcome | Register here

06/11/2024 - NAHB Spring Leadership Meeting (4 days) | Washington, DC

06/25/2024 - HI Office Hours - Open Discussion, All Welcome | Register here

07/11/2024 - Montana QAP Workshop, 12 PM Eastern | Register here

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NGBS Green Certification is administered by Home Innovation Research Labs

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