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Office Closure - Labor Day

Our offices will be closed Monday, September 2ND in recognition of the Labor Day holiday. Any report submissions received after noon on Friday, August 30TH will not be processed until Tuesday, September 3RD.

We're Hot To Go

Certification processing has been at an all time high. The NGBS Green Team is accustomed to gentle waves of high volume tempered with lower volume, but since January the flood gates have opened, and it has been relentless. The AXIS portal has helped us process more certifications in a faster and more efficient manner, plus we have doubled our staff in recent years. We are processing hundreds of CDBG-DR funded homes, and for these projects HUD requires an incredibly short turn-around time for the builders to receive their funds. We are working to make sure processing times remain as short as possible.

Clients and Verifiers can greatly assist the certification processing by ensuring that accurate and complete verification reports are submitted and if a Corrective Action is Required, it is responded to quickly. Projects where the client agreement is complete, and the certification fee is paid can be processed without delay. Please address any compliance issues, questions, or concerns as far in advance of the final verification report submission so certification processing can proceed without delay.

BONUS – we have a new position open to grow the NGBS Green Team even more. If you are interested or know of someone who would be a great addition to our team, please contact us!

Marketing Your NGBS Green Certified Buildings - We're Here to Help

Make the most of your NGBS Green Certification by actively promoting the achievement and using the NGBS Green certification marks in your promotions!

Contact us for a refresher on the NGBS Green certification marks and tips for marketing your projects. We're also happy to fact-check marketing claims (e.g., "first Emerald-level certified project within the state") and/or review draft marketing materials.

Visit Builder Central to access NGBS Green certification and partner marks, as well as the NGBS Green+ badges and certification seals. Encourage your marketing and property management colleagues to create AXIS accounts so that everyone has easy access to the resources.

The NGBS Green Partner Style Guide includes guidance on proper use of the available certification marks.

2024 NGBS Final Consensus Committee Meeting on Sept. 4TH

The 2024 NGBS version is almost here!

Task Groups met over the early summer to address public comments on the 2ND draft standard.

The Consensus Committee will meet on September 4TH to act on the Task Group recommendations. See meeting notice and agenda.

We anticipate that the 2024 NGBS will be ANSI approved in early 2025, and we plan to immediately support project registration following ANSI approval.

2015 and 2020 NGBS Sunsets

NGBS Green is designed as an above code green certification program. As building codes nationally become more stringent, so does NGBS Green compliance. As such, we sunset the use of older NGBS versions and transition partners to newer versions.

Previously registered 2015 NGBS projects must be completed by April 1, 2025. If you have a project delay due to unforeseen circumstances, please contact us to discuss an extension.

We have not yet published a sunset policy for the 2020 NGBS version. However, NGBS Green Partners should expect that we will continue to offer certification for several more years. We will review state code adoption to inform our policy decision.

Home Innovation encourages clients and Verifiers to use the NGBS version that results in an above-code project based on the local building code.


It's conference season! We look forward to connecting with many of you at these upcoming events. Drop us a line to coordinate a time to discuss your NGBS Green experience.

BISNOW Southeast

Sept 17

Michelle attending


Sept 20-22

Elina attending

BUILT National Multi-Housing Summit

Sept 30-Oct 1

Michelle attending

Energy & Environmental Building Alliance (EEBA)

Oct 1-3

Cindy & Katie attending


Nov 12-15

Cindy attending


Jan 27-30

Katie & Pranav attending

Apply by October 7TH - NAHB Awards Program

NAHB has launched their 2024 Industry Awards program, which highlights the best and brightest in residential construction across a variety of categories.

This year's Best in American Living Awards include the following green categories:

  • Green Detached or Attached Home, Built for Sale
  • Green One-of-a-Kind Custom Home
  • Green Entire Home Remodel
  • Green Community

Apply today!

WEBINAR: Introducing Indoor AirPlus Version 2

Thursday, September 5TH, 12:00-12:45 PM EDT

Indoor AirPlus Version 2 is live! Join this webinar for EPA’s official introduction of IAP V2, including a review of the updated IAP website and revised program requirements. With a new certification system and updated partner resources, IAP V2 will help builders deliver even better homes and apartments with important indoor air quality protections.

Learn more and register.


Home Innovation Seeks New Verifier Candidates!

The NGBS Green certification program seeks new Verifiers to support the program's continued growth. If you are a green building professional - especially in Louisiana, Maryland, Utah, and the City of Chicago - interested in offering NGBS Green verification services, learn more here.


EPA Awards $27B in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) Grants to Accelerate Clean Energy Solutions

EPA Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, with funding of $27 billion, was established to capitalize loan programs that leverage private capital with the aim of supporting scaled deployment of clean energy to achieve national climate goals. This money supports loan programs, not grant programs, except for some technical assistance and market building support.

On August 16th – the 2nd anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act – EPA announced that all funding had been obligated and is now accessible to the recipients.

Learn more about the winning proposals for each program on the EPA website.

  • $14 billion National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF): The three NCIF awardees will provide affordable financing for clean energy, zero emissions buildings, and zero emissions transportation projects nationwide.

  • $7 billion Solar for All program: The 60 recipients of the Solar for All awards – including 49 state-level awards, six awards to Tribes, and five multistate awards – will create new or expand existing low-income solar programs.


The Home Innovation team has been coordinating with GGRF awardees and technical advisors to provide information in the hope that affordable housing applicants can utilize NGBS Green Certification to satisfy grant requirements. We will continue to share updates and look to schedule a webinar in late 2024.

HUD GRRP Program - No Upcoming Funding Rounds

HUD’s Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) is funded by the Inflation Reduction Act and all application cycles that were specified in the legislation have been fulfilled. No additional application rounds are anticipated at this time.

QAP Watch

The federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program requires each state agency that allocates tax credits, generally called a housing finance agency, to have a Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). The QAP sets out the state's eligibility priorities and criteria for awarding federal tax credits to housing properties.

COLORADO: The Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA) published the 1ST Draft 2025-2026 QAP, as well as a Summary of Changes and Presentation. CHFA are accepted through August 30TH via this link.

The draft QAP would require all projects to certify to the 2020 NGBS, 2020 Enterprise Green Communities, or LEED v4.1. EV-ready parking spaces and post-construction energy use intensity reporting are also required.

Home Innovation staff attended the virtual public hearing on August 14TH and made public comments. NGBS Green Partners are encouraged to express support for CHFA's recognition of third-party green building programs. For help with verbal or written comments, contact us.

LOUISIANA: The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) revised the 2025 QAP per request of the Governor. LHC accepted public comments regarding the revised changes from July 10TH through July 24TH. The revised draft of the 2025 QAP made the following changes to the "Optional Amenities" section:

  • Capped the number of selections allowed to 2
  • Removed Green Building Advanced option
  • Reduced points for Green Building Basic option from 6 to 2 points
  • Removed Universal Design option

For the "Resiliency Standards" section, the following changes were made:

  • Removed Fortified Roof requirement and added two points
  • Removed Fortified Gold and Silver selections

Home Innovation submitted comments to LHC requesting that they maintain the Green Building Basic option (specifically NGBS Green) in the final version of the draft.

MARYLAND: The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DCHD) released the draft versions of the 2024 QAP and Multifamily Rental Financing Program Guide ("The Guide"). DHCD is accepting public comments on the draft QAP and draft Guide through September 9TH. Comments can be submitted to the following email: dhcd.qap@maryland.gov.

Under the "Sustainability Features" section of the draft Guide, points would be awarded as follows:

  • 10 points - projects that achieve NGBS Green, Earthcraft, Enterprise Green Communities, Green Globes, or LEED certification
  • 8 points - projects built to one of the rating systems that do not achieve certification; for this option, the DHCD guide says "The certifying entity's published scoring checklist and scorecard must be submitted and completed by the project architect or a qualified third party, and they must provide a statement explaining how the items listed on the checklist will be verified during construction."
  • 1 to 6 points - based on prescriptive sustainability features

Note: Home Innovation's NGBS Green Scoring Tools are only authorized for purposes of certification. We ask that partners not use the scoring tool to demonstrate achievement of QAP criteria when NGBS Green certification is not being pursued. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us.

Home Innovation praised DCHD for recognizing credible green building programs and shared the importance of third-party verification and certification.

OKLAHOMA: The Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency released a second draft of the 2025 QAP on August 12TH and held a public comment period, which closed on August 21ST. Currently, the QAP would award 3 to 10 points based on the project's HERS Score.

Home Innovation requested that OHFA recognize third-party green building certifications as an alternative to the HERS Score options for 18 points.

PENNSYLVANIA: The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) published a draft 2025-2026 QAP and accepted comments on the draft through August 22ND. The QAP would award points as follows:

  • 10 points - new and rehabilitated buildings certified to 2020 NGBS Silver level, Enterprise Green Communities 2020, or LEED v4 Silver level
  • 10 points - preservation developments certified to 2020 NGBS Whole Building Remodel, Bronze level; 2015 NGBS Functional Area Remodel, Bronze level; Enterprise Green Communities 2020 Moderate Rehab; or LEED v4 O&M, Certified level

Home Innovation praised PHFA for including recognizing credible green building program and incentivizing green building for both new construction and renovation.

TENNESSEE: The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) published their draft 2025 QAP on August 9TH. A virtual public hearing was held on August 14TH and written comments were accepted through August 21ST. The current QAP and draft 2025 QAP do not recognize any third-party green building programs.

Home Innovation shared written and verbal feedback requesting that the agency include green building programs in the QAP.


NGBS Green Product Spotlight

In each issue of Insider Update, Home Innovation profiles products that can help builders achieve points toward NGBS Green Certification. To browse all NGBS Green Certified products, visit the online directory.

Nordic I-Joists

Nordic I-joists use only finger-jointed black spruce lumber in their flanges, ensuring consistent quality, superior strength, and longer span carrying capacity. Nordic I-joists are certified under many Resource Efficiency practices, including 601.2(1) optimized material usage, 606.1(1-3) biobased products, 606.2(2) wood-based products, 606.3 manufacturer’s energy usage, and 608.1(2) engineered wood. Under the Indoor Environmental Quality chapter, they are certified under 901.4(2-6) low-emission products.


See the full directory of all NGBS Green PROs featured on our website.

Big Welcome to all new NGBS Green PROs!

Jared Dorsey, Swiftsure Energy

Allandra Waldera, Swiftsure Energy

Pamela King, Multifamily Project Coordinator, The Performance Point

Lauren Metzler, Multifamily Operations Coordinator, The Performance Point

About NGBS Green PRO

Earn your NGBS Green PRO professional designation to validate your expertise in green design, construction, and building certification.

Successfully earning the NGBS Green PRO designation demonstrates advanced understanding of the ICC 700 National Green Building Standard and the NGBS Green certification program.

Bringing NGBS Green PRO to the Classroom

We have established a streamlined and productive process for university instructors to track student activity via our learning management system.

To find out more or offer NGBS Green PRO to a class or organization that you're involved with, contact Joanne.

Are you a student interested in green building?

Register with your ".edu" email address and use the discount code NGBSStudentEDU to reduce the course fee.


Grayson Lofts at Wakefield Station

Grayson Lofts at Wakefield Station

Location: Wakefield, Mass.

Verifier: Karla Butterfield, Alex Guerrieri, Steven Winter Associates

Grayson Lofts at Wakefield Station demonstrates how a thoughtful conversion can create desirable living spaces from a 100-year-old industrial building. Grayson Lofts is a contemporary and industrial-chic multifamily community that was converted from the former Harvard Knitting Mills, which was once the largest employer in Wakefield. The project earned NGBS Green Certification at the Silver level and the NGBS Green +WELLNESS recognition. The community features opportunities for multi-modal transportation and exercise, moisture management practices, robust quality control, and responsible material selection.

Read more in our case study.


NGBS vs. Earth Advantage Comparison Report

Our latest comparison report examines the differences between NGBS Green and the Earth Advantage rating systems and certification programs.

Both NGBS and Earth Advantage offer comprehensive and rigorous green building systems. However, the programs differ in terms of standard development processes and verification requirements.

Read the full report.


Join Our Team - We're Hiring!

Home Innovation Research Labs seeks applicants for the following role with NGBS Green:

NGBS Green Associate [Full-Time] This role is focused on supporting the NGBS Green certification program and helping drive new green products and services to the residential building industry. The Green Building Associate will report to the V.P. Sustainability and have a wide range of responsibilities dependent on the candidate’s skills and prior experience.

Home Innovation is also hiring for the following career opportunities:

  • Accounts Receivable Clerk [Full-Time]   
  • Building Products Testing & Certification Programs Manager [Full-Time]
  • Mid-Level Building Science Research Analyst [Full-Time]
  • Senior Building Science Research Engineer [Full-Time]

See more information here.


If you know of a program that may be of interest to our NGBS Green program partners, please let us know.

NGBS Green Office Hours

Every other Tuesday, 2:00 PM ET | Join us here

Upcoming dates - Mark you calendars!

  • Sept 3
  • Sept 17
  • Oct 1

Open Forum for questions, chatting, and whatever you need.

Calendar of Events

08/30/2024 - CO Housing & Finance Authority (CHFA) draft 2025-2026 QAP written comments close

09/03/2024 - NGBS Green Office Hours, 2PM | Join us here

09/17/2024 - BISNOW Southeast Conference, Atlanta, GA | Register here

09/03/2024 - NGBS Green Office Hours, 2PM | Join us here

09/20/2024 - Raterfest 2024 (3 days), Empire, CO | Register here

09/24/2024 - Housing Oregon Conference, Portland, OR | Register here

10/01/2024 - NGBS Green Office Hours, 2PM | Join us here

10/01/2024 - EEBA High Performance Home Builder Summit (3 days), Salt Lake City, UT | Register here

10/25/2024 - Q4 Verifier Quarterly Webinar, 2 PM ET | Register here

11/12/2024 - Greenbuild 2024 (4 days), Philadelphia, PA | Register here

01/27/2025 - 2025 RESNET Conference (4 days), Tempe, AZ | Register here


NGBS Green Program Feedback

Please take a moment to let us know what you think of our delivery and customer service.

Take this 1-minute survey

AXIS Feedback

Complete a 1-minute NGBS Green AXIS Feedback Survey.

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This email serves as notification of important program and service updates, as well as relevant industry news and happenings. Home Innovation Research Labs sends email notifications periodically; we encourage recipients to add this email address (InsiderUpdate-noreply@HomeInnovation.com) to your approved senders list. You may unsubscribe from this notification service at any time using the link below, though please be aware that this will be the primary channel for conveying certification program changes, news, and updates to participants, and opting out of this notification service may result in missing critical developments and changes. Home Innovation Research Labs authorizes use of information contained within this email only by those participating in our NGBS Green Certification Program.

NGBS Green Certification is administered by Home Innovation Research Labs

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