August 2014                      Issue 5
In This Issue
T2 Center Partners With APWA New England Chapter
Participating In A Peer Exchange
Download Work Zone Safety Apps For Your Phone
Quiz- Winner Gets Free Spot In T2 Training!
Twitter 101: Tweet News To Residents
OSHA Creates Interactive Hazards Game

Upcoming Trainings & Events 



Dealing With Difficult People


Breaking Through the Status Quo




Follow Us!

Use these links to get more information about the Connecticut Technology Transfer (T2) Center:

  Will YOU Be This Month's Winner?

The first person to take our Backing Safety Quiz (featured below) and email us with the correct answers will win a free spot in a T2 Training of their choice and be featured here in next month's newsletter! 
T2 Center Partners With APWA New England Chapter


There are several steps on the road to becoming an APWA Level 1 Public Works Supervisor, including completing an APWA-authorized educational program. The Connecticut Technology Transfer Center educational programs are now approved by the New England APWA Chapter. By completing the T2 Center's Road Scholar program, you are able to fulfill the educational program requirement and get one step closer to becoming a Level 1 Public Works Supervisor. To learn more about how the T2 Center can help you complete this requirement, click here.

When You Participate In A Peer Exchange You Get As Much As You Give      
On April 8 & 9, T2 Center Director Donna Shea volunteered to travel to San Antonio, TX to participate in an LTAP peer exchange with seven other states. The goal of the exchange was to share experiences and explore ways to better serve the roadway needs of local governments in respective states. The findings have been very helpful in developing future action steps and strategies for the centers that participated. As with most volunteer experiences, building new relationships and learning about other center's struggles and triumphs was the most valuable thing gained from traveling to Texas. As the T2 Center reflects on this incredibly positive experience, we want to encourage all members of the LTAP and Public Works communities to engage in information exchange with their peers whenever possible!
Work Zone Pocket Guides Are Now Apps For Your Phone
Keep yourself and your co-workers safe when setting up work zones by downloading new apps to your smartphone.  The "Work Zone Safety Application" created by the Federal Highway Administration (for the iPhone) and the "Ohio Work Zone Pocket Guide App" developed by Ohio Department of Transportation (for Android based phones) make tools for safely setting up work zones instantly available. These apps facilitate proper work zone layout/set up and also act as a reference manual for work zone attributes and safety procedures. Try downloading one to your phone today, and keep the tools to setting up a safe work zone right in your pocket.


Work Zone Safety 
Ohio Work Zone Pocket Guide App


Quiz - First to Submit Correctly Wins Free Spot in T2 Training!
There are several key principles and practices to safe backing in work zones. How much do you know about safe backing? The first person to correctly answer all of the questions in this quiz and email their answers to will win a free spot in the T2 training session of their choosing for themselves or someone in their department!
Twitter 101: Tweet Your News To Residents
Whether it's news about a resurfacing project or a flooded road, residents increasingly expect accurate and frequent updates. Social media tools such as Twitter can help you meet their needs. Check out this article to learn how to set up a Twitter account, create messages that residents in your town want read, and discover resources that will help you manage your account and your time effectively. Thanks to our friends at Minnesota LTAP for sharing this information!
OSHA Creates Interactive Hazards Game For Training

OSHA has created a new interactive, online, game-based training tool for all those interested in learning the core concepts of hazard identification. It is intended to teach people how to find hazards in their workplace and raise awareness on the types of information and resources about workplace hazards that are available. Can you identify the hazards? Click here to try it yourself!
If you have any ideas or suggestions for future Connecticut Crossroads topics, please feel free to email the designer Nicole Creaturo at