The 2016 T2 Training Calendar is available!
Click here to view training opportunities available in 2016
Just in time for the fall season, the New England Chapter of American Public Work Association (APWA) has brought back the National APWA award-winning Public Works Makes It Happen video to help you promote public works in you community.
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Supervisor's Signpost - Leading By Influence
In the Fall issue of the Connecticut Technology Transfer newsletter we introduced our new series of supervisory tips to help develop your day-to-day leadership skills.
The first edition discussed the importance of being a strong Role Model and today, we are very happy to provide the second in our series, Leading By Influence. Influence is an essential leadership skill. A leader's ability to have influence with others is based on trust; in fact, our influence expands in proportion to the amount of trust that exists in a relationship. We think you will enjoy the important information in this issue.
Each of the Supervisor's Signpost will be posted on the T2 Center's website. Look for new topics in the near future.
CT Team Participates in the Every Day Counts (EDC) Summit #4
Representatives from the CT Technology Transfer Center, CTDOT, CT FHWA, UCONN Transportation Safety Research Center and the Capital Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) participated in the FHWA EDC 4 summit in Albany on November 1st and 2nd.
The summit was a great opportunity to learn about innovations to help our state and local transportation agencies.
For more information on the Every Day Counts innovations, please visit:
Connecticut's New Innovation Station
Highlighting Transportation Technologies & Innovations
Connecticut Increases Awareness of DDSA for State and Local Agencies
The CT T2 Center, in collaboration with the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), the CT Transportation Safety Research Center (CTSRC) and the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) hosted educational events for local agencies to increase awareness of the benefits of using a Data Driven Safety Approach (DDSA) for informed safety planning and decision making.
The first event was a DDSA roundtable discussion with municipal agencies, held on October 20, 2016. Agencies learned about DDSA and shared their feedback on opportunities and challenges in the development of local road safety plans.
The follow up workshop, Understanding Roadway Safety Data, held on November 3, 2016, brought together multidisciplinary teams from local agencies to work on city/town specific data and develop action plans.
This statewide partnership is helping to bring awareness to many ways municipalities can reduce fatalities and injuries on Connecticut's roadways.
An Alternative for Shiny Metal Beam Guide Rail
~Michael Gantick, P.E.,PWLF, Director of Public Works, Town of South Windsor
What do you do when engineering requirements for roadway safety means a metal beam guide rail is required and it's placed right in front of someone's home in a residential neighborhood? How does one deal with the conflict between curb appeal and public safety when designing a roadway system?
South Windsor has faced these very questions many times. We examined alternative solutions such as wooden guide beams and wire guide systems- all of which have cost and maintenance considerations.
So what did we do? We worked with a local paint supply dealer and found a combination of primers and final paints that allowed us to paint the metal beam guide rails to an earthier -aesthetically pleasing color that blends into rural and neighborhood surroundings. The results have led to appreciation and acceptance by residents and we have met our roadway safety obligations. Our oldest painted guide rail site is now 8 years old and is holding up very well!
33rd Annual CASHO-CIRMA Snow Plow Safety Roadeo - Winner Announcement
The Connecticut Association of Street & Highway Officials, Inc. (CASHO) and the Connecticut Interlocal Risk Management Agency (CIRMA) hosted their 33rd Annual CASHO-CIRMA Snow Plow Roadeo on October 13, 2016. The event took place in Wallingford, CT.
 The overall winner of the event was the
Town of Vernon.
The Best In Show category winners are as follows:
100 - Robert Gommper - East Hartford
200 - Warren Chamberlain - Granby
300 - Jordan Andrews - West Hartford
400 - Tim Morriarty - Vernon
500 - Mike Degan - Bloomfield
Congratulations to all of the Winners!
For a complete list of all of the winners
click here.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for future Connecticut Crossroads topics, please feel free to email the designer Regina Hackett at