Church of the Little Flower
800 Stevenson Drive
Springfield, IL 62703
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This Sunday is the
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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From Father Al's Pen
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is a central doctrine of the Catholic faith. It is regarded as a revealed truth proved by both scripture and tradition. This week’s gospel, indeed the entire “Bread of Life” discourse (Jn 6:26-72), is an essential passage of scripture that supports the teaching of Christ present in the Eucharist. Along with scripture, the other proof of the doctrine is tradition. Since the first century, only a brief time after the death of Jesus, Christians linked their celebration of Eucharist with the words of Jesus at the last supper—they celebrated Eucharist as a memorial of Jesus.
Daily Mass Schedule - This week we return to our normal (Fall/Winter) daily Mass schedule: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings at 7am and Wednesday at 8:15. For any visitors who go to the website, this will be the displayed default times. Any changes to be made will be done in the bulletin from week to week. So, if their only source is the website, they should also check the bulletin for any last minute changes.
Enjoy this nice weather as school is off and running!
Fr. Al
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“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” John 6:56
This line from Scripture is what ultimately separates Catholics from our Protestant brothers and sisters. Jesus is really present in the bread and wine that are consecrated at Holy Mass. It is His actual body and blood that we consume. This is the greatest gift that we can receive. The Eucharist shows us how great of love that Jesus has for each of us.
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"Those who seek the Lord want for no good thing," says today's Psalm. But in the second reading St. Paul reminds us that, thus blessed by the Lord, the good steward should "give thanks to God the Father always and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
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Bulletin Sponsor of the Week
This week we spotlight
Henson Robinson Company
Please support this and all of our bulletin sponsors.
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Church Attendance
August 10 & 11, 2024
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Stewardship of Treasurer
August 10 & 11, 2024
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Candle Money
If you light a candle in the church, please DO NOT put the money in the candle money boxes. Please drop it in the offering plate marked as “candle money” or bring it into the church office. Small Candles: $1, Big Candles: $3.
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In Our Thoughts & In Our Prayers
Our Parishioners - At Home
Matilda Cortes
Danielle Loftus
Margie Richards
Patricia Zaffiri
Beverly Jackson
Bill & Linda Lehnert
Joanie Darnielle
Patricia Johnson
Carmen Koches
Jean Pape
Margaret Rollings
Alyce Vespa
Concordia Village
Fran McCue
Eleanor Novotnak
Mary Bryan Home
Rhonda Roeper
Bill Smith
Sharon Fisher
Brendan Gardens
Beulah White
Lois Hall
Fran Retzda
Richard Zanetello
Lewis Memorial
Marilyn Choudry
Regency Care
Natalie Clarke
Taylorville Care Center
Betty Page
Frank Woodcock
Reflections Memory Care
Msg. John Ossola
Barb Wagner
Villas East
Veronica DeRosa
Sherman Memory Care
Doris Clarke
Bryan Manor
Trevor Matticks
The Bridge
Helen Rackauskas
Carriage Crossing
Lea Titone
Mary Jean Glisson
Assisted Living - Wisconsin
Lora Roscetti
If someone moves to a different location, needs to be added, or needs to be removed, please contact the church office. This will help us keep the list updated/correct. Thank you.
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Caution - Children at Play
School has started! Children are outside walking, running, and playing, etc. The sound of children outside playing is wonderful! Please watch for them when on LF campus and around town as you drive.
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Men's Club
LF Men’s Club invites all men of the parish to join them to help make a positive difference in the LF community. Interested in joining the Men’s Club? Regular meeting dates are usually the second Monday of every odd month. They meet in the Parish Center (Gym) at 5:45 p.m. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, September 9, 2024. All men of the parish are welcome to join us.
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St. Therese Guild
The next Guild Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2024. Have a great Summer! All ladies of the Parish are welcome to join the Guild.
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Young At Heart
Are you 55 years old or older? If so, you are welcome to attend any Young At Heart events, trips, etc. The Young @ Heart group has picnics, plays Bingo, attends events - such as musicals and shows, cookouts, wine tasting, dessert socials, etc. They are nice people who enjoy each others company and have a good time when they get together. There is no official membership registration to join. Just attend the events. You are always welcome!
Local Events: (Curt Drew)
Fall Picnic: Thursday, September 19th @ Noon. Southern View Park. Chicken provided. Bring a covered dish to share. Bring your own drinks. RSVP the Church Office at 217-529-1606.
Bus Trips: (Dee Stern)
"Nunsense" at The Little Theatre on the Square - Thursday, August 15: Lunch before the show at Sullivan's VFW. $95.00 covers show ticket, lunch and tip, bus and driver's tip, water and snacks on the bus. The trip is now full, but you can be added to a waiting list in case someone cancels. Contact the church office at 217-529-1606.
REQUIRED: Covid Vaccinated and (hopefully) fully boosted!
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Mass Intentions
Monday, August 19:
No Mass
Tuesday, August 20:
7:00 a.m. - Sam McFadden
(Lynda Snadsmith)
Wednesday, August 21:
8:15 a.m. - Isaac Weitekamp
(Dennis & V.C. Weitekamp)
Thursday, August 22:
7:00 a.m. - Bev Schwartz
(Sue Feger)
Friday, August 23:
7:00 a.m. - Paul Dun
(Pitz Family)
Saturday, August 24:
4:30 p.m. - Jim Hay
(Nancy Hay)
Sunday, August 25:
7:45 a.m. - Mary O'Bryen
(Tom & Jean Fowler)
10:00 a.m. - Little Flower Parish Family
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Are you looking for a good book to read? The Little Flower Church Lending Library is a good resource and is conveniently located. | |
Prayer Line
You may add someone to the prayer line, with their permission or their family's permission, by calling or emailing the Church Office.
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Baptism Preparation Class
This class is required before baptizing your children.
Please call the church office at 217-529-1606.
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Holy Family Food Donations
The next date is August 25, 2024. Donations of non-perishable food, household items such as soap and toilet paper, etc. are needed.
Please leave donations in the entry ways to the church - out of the main pathway. We will collect them and secure them until picked up.
Thank you for your continued generosity!
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Weekly Bulletins
Weekly bulletins are available at the entrances/exits of the church, in the church office, and on the Little Flower Church website. There is a lot of good information in the weekly bulletins. Check it out!
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E-News (News To Use) is available, upon request. It’s free and all you have to do is sign up and then start checking your email. To sign up, please contact Teresa via email at or call 529-1606.
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LFC Website
Check it out for information and events at Little Flower Church by going to You can also access “My Parish App” from the website.
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Parish App
We invite you to stay connected through
Little Flower Church Parish App.
Just follow the instructions to get connected.
It's easy!
Instruction cards are available in the church office.
Also, see pictures below.
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88.9 FM / 1410 AM - Catholic Radio | |
PSR Class
Parish School of Religion is an educational program for parishioners grades 1-8 who do not attend Catholic school. PSR classes are on Sunday mornings, approximately 3 times a month from 9 until 9:45.
Contact Rod Hughes: (217) 899-3762.
RCIC Class
A Parish process for children ages 7-16 who wish to become Catholic. Classes will meet every Wednesday right after school in Sister Linda's office (Church Office). Contact Sister Linda: 217-529-1606.
RCIA Class
"Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults”. This class is for adults who want to learn about the Catholic religion and join the church. More information coming soon. Coordinator: Marvin Kocher: 217-306-6414.
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Friday, August 16:
No Mass
Tuesday, August 20:
7:00 a.m. - Mass
Wednesday, August 21:
8:15 a.m. - All School Mass
LFS Back To School Night
Thursday, August 22:
7:00 a.m. - Mass
7:30 - 4:00 - Adoration
12:00 p.m. - Finance Committee Mtg.
6:00 p.m. - Pastoral Council Mtg.
Monday, September 2:
Labor Day
No Mass
No School
Church Office Closed
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Saturdays, 3:30 - 4:00 p.m.
& anytime by appointment
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Worldwide Marriage Encounter presents weekend experiences for married couples to rekindle romance, enhance meaningful communication, and deepen and renew commitment. The IN-PERSON weekend experiences are listed below. Sign-up now! For more information or to apply, go to, or call Terry & Eric Engholm at 314-649-7317.
9/27/2024 - 9/29/2024:
St. Peters, MO
10/11/2024 - 10/13/2024:
Springfield, IL
12/6/2024 - 12/8/2024:
St. Peters, MO
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Bishop Barron and Bishop Paprocki and the Number 1 Things –Bishop Robert Barron is one of the Church’s leading theologians. Bishop Thomas John Paprocki is one of the Church’s leading Canon lawyers. They are both some of the Church’s best teachers of the faith. Dive Deep sits down with both of them to get their thoughts on the number one things about their own struggles with God, how to deepen your faith, how to improve your relationships, being a bishop, and more. Go to or search “Dive Deep” on all the major podcast platforms to listen and subscribe. Dive Deep is the podcast of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.
How to stay in love and have a beautiful marriage – Marriage, raising kids, navigating life, and knowing the intentions of your spouse is difficult and messy! How should you navigate it all so you can stay madly in love with your spouse and have a beautiful marriage? Dive Deep is pleased to talk to Beth Sri, a Catholic speaker and author and mother of 8 children. She serves as the Denver Chapter Coordinator for Life-Giving Wounds, a Catholic ministry for adult children of divorce. She is also the co-author with her husband of the award winning book, “The Good, The Messy and The Beautiful: The Joys and Struggles of Real Married Life.” Go to or search “Dive Deep” on all the major podcast platforms to listen and subscribe. Dive Deep is the podcast of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.
The Holiest Adventure: Mother/Daughter Edition – Join other mothers and daughters for an experience of exciting activities, bonding games, stiff competitions, as well as Mass, adoration, and delicious food! Date: Sept. 21, 2024; Location: Villa Maria Retreat Center, 1903 E Lakeshore Dr., Springfield, IL 62712; Who: For any mothers with their daughter(s) in grades 4-10; Meals: Lunch and dinner provided; Cost: $50 per mother/daughter pair. $10 per additional son; Time: 10 A.M. – 6 P.M.; For questions about the event, please contact Daniel Heffernan at Register at
WINE founder and Catholic singer to present at convention in Carlinville. Register now for Aug. 28 experience – Kelly Wahlquist, founder of the WINE evangelist ministry and a dynamic Catholic author and speaker as well as Donna Cori, a singer who puts her beautiful music to Catholic prayers, are both presenting at the Lake Williamson Retreat Center in Carlinville (17347 Cottonwood Ln.) on August 28. Sponsored by the Springfield Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (Jerseyville Deanery is the host), this is part of the group’s 95th annual convention called “Sent on Mission – Fortified by the Eucharist.” Registration begins at 7:45 a.m. at Ss. Mary and Joseph Church in Carlinville followed by 9 a.m. Mass with Bishop Thomas John Paprocki. The program will then follow at Lake Williamson Retreat Center. The cost is $60 or $65 after Aug. 7 or the day of. Cost includes breakfast, lunch, and t-shirt. Consult your parish office for registration forms or contact Teresa Goetten at 618-535-0555 or
Have you been married 50+ years? Time to celebrate! – On September 22 at 2 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield, all couples married 50 years or more are invited to attend a special Mass honoring their marriage vocation! The Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Thomas John Paprocki. A reception will follow after Mass. Please register for the Mass by going to When you register, please upload (not mandatory) a photo from your wedding day and present day, as we’ll be showcasing a slide show during the reception.
Fr. Tolton Religious Award – Our local Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting has created a new patch award for Venerable Fr. Augustine Tolton! The award requirements are patterned after similar programs from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting and Scouts of any national program may earn the award. Details are online at
Project Rachel: Help for women and men to heal from the pain of abortion. For assistance call 1-877-RACHEL-5.
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Faithful Citizenship-Civilize It Course -
Mondays, September 9, 16, 23, 30 6:30pm @ St. Agnes
During this election cycle we are once again seeing vitriol, polarization and animosity. This combined with a very biased media, can make it difficult to have conversations with others and to make decisions regarding our options at the polls. This 4 week course will NOT discuss political partisanship, parties, conservatism or liberalism or party positions on any issue. But, IT WILL discuss how Catholic Social teaching intersects with our informed consciences, how to be a media literate Catholic (to view media with a critical eye) and how to have civilized conversations with others who may not agree with us. We will use materials from the USCCB Faithful Citizen and Civilize It and the Center for Media Literacy. All are welcome! For more information contact Cathy Becker at or 217-793-1330
English Classes for Women: Women age 18 or older who want to learn English are invited to receive individual tutoring from trained instructors. Classes are offered on the campus of the Dominican Sisters’ motherhouse, 1237 W. Monroe. Daytime classes and two evening classes will be available weekly for 90 minutes. A registration fee of $25 contributes to the cost of materials. No student will be turned away for inability to pay. Students will need to provide their own transportation. To register, contact Sister Katherine O’Connor at 217-415-8377 (voice or text).
Evening Bible Study for Women: In a world where women are measured by their beauty, achievements, and possessions, wouldn’t it be nice to find a place where you could just be valued for who you are? Living in the Father’s Love will lead you to that safe place where you are unconditionally loved, baggage and all. This brief but powerful Bible study is the ideal way to revive and refresh yourself. Discover just how much God loves us and how the gospels are deeply relevant to our relationship with God and with those we love. 6 weeks, Thursday evenings, Aug 22 – Sept 26 @ 6:15pm $20 workbook.
Call the Cathedral @ 217/522-3342 or email to reserve your spot and order a workbook.
Healing Hearts - Children and Teen Grief Support Group
This support group is for any children who have lost a significant person in their life through death. The group is facilited by Chaplain Dee Stern, Psy.D., LCPC - a licensed clinical professional counselor and a grief therapist. Meetings include age-appropriate activities for children 5-18 years of age, light snacks and drinks, and an opportunity for parents to speak with Dr. Stern. June - August, second and fourth Mondays, 5:00 - 5:45 p.m. @ Southwind Park, Erin's Pavilion outdoor patio overlooking lake - 4965 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, IL. For more information, contact the Spiritual Care office at 217-814-8295, ext: 20-55675.
Caregiver Interfaith Volunteer Services
CIVS is a network of religious and community agencies that provides services to adults 60 and over who live independently. Volunteers provide transportation to medical appointments, shopping, and grocery shopping for persons no longer able to leave home.
To volunteer or to receive services call 217-757-6621 at HSHS St. John’s Hospital to find the help that you need. There is no charge for the services, however, donations are appreciated.
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We understand that life can be overwhelming and sometimes a little extra guidance is needed. If you're a Church of the Little Flower parishioner facing a personal or relationship challenge, please contact the parish office for an appointment with the Priest or Pastoral Associate. | |
Church of the Little Flower Mission Statement
- Our mission guided by the Holy Spirit is to unite in our common faith, through celebration of the Word and Eucharist;
- form a caring, loving and prayer-filled community, strengthened by the sacraments, that reflects the presence of Jesus;
- bring Jesus' presence to all, especially the poor of our world;
- recognize and affirm the gifts, talents and needs of others.
We journey together imitating the example of our patroness, St. Therese the Little Flower, in doing little things centered in the love of God and one another. We endeavor to make our parish a faith-filled community, a place to meet friends, and a place we call home.
A bequest can take many forms. You may have designated the parish as a beneficiary in your will, trust or as the beneficiary of an asset such as an IRA, annuity or life insurance. You may also designate your parish as the recipient of a bank checking or savings account with a "transfer-on-death" or "pay-on-death" designation. There are five types of bequests:
Specific Bequest - This is a gift of a specific item to a specific beneficiary. For example, "I give my house to Church of the Little Flower, Springfield, IL." If that specific property has been disposed of before death, the bequest fails and no claim can be made to any other property.
General Bequest - This is usually a gift of a stated sum of money. It will not fail, even if there is not sufficient cash to meet the bequest - even if other assets need to be sold. For example, "I give $50,000 to Church of the Little Flower, Springfield, IL."
Percentage Bequest - This is a convenient way of making sure your heirs and those charities you support receive equal shares, and no one is left out. "I give devise and bequeath my estate to my three children and Church of the Little Flower, Springfield, IL
Endowed Bequest - This bequest allows you to restrict the principal of your gift, requiring the funds to be held permanently and used only the income generated or a fixed percentage. "I give $20,000 to the Church of the Little Flower, Springfield, IL Endowment Fund."
Beneficiary Designation - One of the simplest and cheapest ways to add charity to your estate plan is to change a beneficiary designation on retirement assets, IRAs or Life Insurance. There is no charge to make these changes. Any asset with a beneficiary designation can have a full, partial, or contingent beneficiary. Consult your plan administrator or insurance company for a beneficiary change form. Simply insert Church of the Little Flower of Springfield, IL into the form.
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Little Flower Church
800 Stevenson Drive
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 529-1606
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