July 2022                                         www.newmoa.org 
NEWMOA held a successful Brownfield 2022 Summit in May involving about 300 participants. The goals of the Summit were to:
  • Share information about the financial incentives, liability protections, and technical and other assistance available for brownfields development from federal and state governments
  • Promote best practices and lessons learned across states
  • Provide an opportunity to increase networking and information-sharing among key stakeholders 

NEWMOA partnered with the Technical Assistance to Brownfield Communities (TAB) program at the University of Connecticut (UConn) and state and EPA partners to organize the regional Summit. NEWMOA greatly appreciates all of the support from the Summit sponsors, which were essential to making the event such a success: https://www.newmoa.org/brownfields2022/sponsors_exhibitors.cfm

To view the presenters’ PowerPoint slides: https://www.newmoa.org/brownfields2022/agenda.cfm (click on the session title and scroll down to the documents, which are the presentations)
The Conference pictures are available to attendees through the WHOVA App.
NEWMOA held a successful Science of PFAS Conference in April involving over 500 participants. The goals of the Conference were:
  • Ensure that local, state, and federal action to address PFAS contamination is informed by the most current and reliable science
  • Facilitate networking and information-sharing among key stakeholders on PFAS topics
  • Identify important gaps in the science and policy to help inform future research
NEWMOA partnered with the Northeast Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC), the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM), the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC), and others to organize this regional Conference. NEWMOA greatly appreciates all of the support from the Summit sponsors and exhibitors, which were essential to making the event such a success: https://www.newmoa.org/pfasscienceconference/sponsors_exhibitors.html
To view the presenters’ PowerPoint slides: https://www.newmoa.org/pfasscienceconference/agenda.cfm (click on the session title and scroll down to the documents, which are the presentations)
The Conference pictures are available to attendees through the WHOVA App.
Welcome Summer Intern Armen Youssoufian
Armen Youssoufian joined NEWMOA’s staff
this summer as an intern. He is a senior at Brandeis University majoring in Biology and minoring in Health, Science, Society, and Policy. Armen will be helping with moving content from NEWMOA’s current website to the new website and supporting other aspects of the new website. He will also be helping with other projects as time allows.
Solid Waste & Sustainable Materials Management 
Recent Joint NEWMOA-NERC Webinars
Food Waste Reduction Strategies & Tools for Businesses & Institutions
There are many opportunities for commercial and institutional generators to reduce their food waste. This free webinar featured information on available tools and strategies for these generators. The presenters shared case studies highlighting effective approaches as well as lessons they have learned. They highlighted available tools for measuring food waste generation and tracking progress.

Extended producer responsibility (EPR) proposals for managing used gas cylinders have emerged in the U.S. This free webinar covered the growing problem of discarded gas cylinders, why EPR policies are a solution, the passage of an EPR for gas cylinders law in Connecticut, the results of a recent report covering this topic by a major producer, and how the EPR programs in Canada are working.

Purchasing Standards for Low Carbon Concrete
This webinar was co-sponsored by the NEWMOA, NERC, and the West Coast Climate and Materials Management Forum (WCMMF). Concrete is a critical building material. However, the cement binder used in concrete is responsible for around eight percent of humanmade CO2 emissions. This free webinar explored low carbon concrete options and the growing number of purchasing standards that state and local governments have developed to give preference for these alternatives.
Avoid Contamination in Food Waste Feedstock for Composting
The usefulness and value of finished compost depends on a feedstock that is free of contaminants, such as plastic and non-degradable service ware and bags. Unfortunately, it is all too common to find these materials in food waste destined for composting. This webinar addressed successful educational strategies and programs to avoid these contaminants.

IMERC Launched a Modernized Mercury Products Database
NEWMOA’s IMERC Program recently launched a modernized and searchable IMERC Mercury-Added Products Database, which presents information on the amount and purpose of mercury in products: https://newmoa-inq.govonlinesaas.com/view/mercury-search. Users can search the Database by company, product category, and/or mercury amount. Please review the Database Caveats and Limitations to accurately interpret the search results.
Launching a New NEWMOA Website
NEWMOA will be launching a new NEWMOA.org website later this summer. The modernized and completely updated website will be easier to navigate, have a modern and clean user interface, be mobile ready, and meet higher standards for accessibility. Stay tuned for the announcement later this summer. 
NEWMOA Board of Directors
NEWMOA's Board of Directors met in June to discuss state and EPA waste, toxics, PFAS, and pollution prevention challenges and NEWMOA's FY 2022 finances, projects, and strategic priorities. The Board also joined formerly active NEWMOA members for a 35th anniversary celebration for the organization. It was a beautiful night in the Graduate Hotel in downtown Providence. Thank you to those of you that were able to join us.
NEWMOA’s FY 2022 Officers:
  • Mike Wimsatt, NH DES, Chair
  • Greg Cooper, Mass DEP, Vice Chair
  • Leo Hellested, RI DEM, Treasurer
NEWMOA welcomes three new Board members: Jennifer Perry, CT DEEP, Kathy Black, NH DES, and Janine MacGregor, NJ DEP. Robert Isner, CT DEEP has recently retired. Robert was a member of the Board for the past year following the retirement of Yvonne Bolton. NEWMOA greatly appreciates all of Robert’s work on the Board and its Workgroups and projects over many years. We will miss his insights, dedication, knowledge, compassion, and kindness. All the best to Robert in his retirement.
Additional FY 2022 Board members:
  • Jennifer Perry, CT DEEP
  • Graham Stevens, CT DEEP
  • Susanne Miller, ME DEP
  • Diane Baxter, Mass DEP
  • Tiffany Skogstrom, Mass OTA
  • Kathy Black, NH DES
  • Mike Hastry, NJ DEP
  • Janine MacGregor, NJ DEP
  • John Vana, NYSDEC
  • William Ottaway, NYSDEC
  • Ron Gagnon, RI DEM
  • Matt Chapman, VT DEC
FY 2022 Program Chairs:
  • Tom Killeen, NYSDEC - Hazardous Waste
  • Saskia van Bergen, WA Ecology - Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse (IC2)
  • Tom Metzner, CT DEEP - Interstate Mercury Education & Reduction Clearinghouse (IMERC)
  • Kathy Black, NH DES - Pollution Prevention & Sustainability
  • Chris Nelson, CT DEEP - Solid Waste & Sustainable Materials Management
  • John Gilkeson, MN PCA – Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse
  • Trish Coppolino - Waste Site Cleanup
news@NEWMOA is designed to help our members and colleagues keep informed about the Association's projects and activities. You are receiving this e-newsletter because you are a member of a NEWMOA working group, committee, or program; invitee to NEWMOA events; a colleague at EPA or a related organization; connected to the Association in some other way; or have expressed interest in our work. news@NEWMOA contributors include Krishana Abrahim-Petrie, Andy Bray, Terri Goldberg, Jennifer Griffith, Lois Makina, and Melissa Lavoie.
If you have questions about the delivery of this e-newsletter, contact Lois Makina, lmakina@newmoa.org.
Please share this newsletter with others in your agency or organization that might be interested. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
NEWMOA is on Facebook
Follow us on NEWMOA’s Facebook page! We are now using Facebook to post notices about our events, new publications and information resources, projects, and members. We’d love to hear your ideas for how to make our Facebook page engaging and helpful. Check it out by searching for Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association (NEWMOA). 
Leading the Northeast to a sustainable, waste-free future
NEWMOA is a non-profit, non-partisan, interstate association whose membership is composed of the state environment agency programs that address pollution prevention, toxics use reduction, sustainability, materials management, hazardous waste, solid waste, emergency response, waste site cleanup, underground storage tanks, and related environmental challenges in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
NEWMOA provides a strategic forum for effectively solving environmental problems through collaborative regional initiatives that advance pollution prevention and sustainability, promote safer alternatives to toxic materials in products, identify and assess emerging contaminants, facilitate adaption to climate change, mitigate greenhouse gas sources, promote reuse and recycling of wastes and diversion of organics; support proper management of hazardous and solid wastes, and facilitate clean-up of contaminant releases to the environment.

NEWMOA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.