Let's continue to celebrate PA Produce Month! Take a fresh approach to promoting your vegetables in Week 3 by inspiring customers to drink their veggies. 

Scroll below to find NEW TOOLS available for use on your preferred platforms (social media, blog, or email), as well as promotional ideas for boosting sales.

Remember to follow the Marketing Calendar (see below) for guidance and check the Toolkit at www.paveggies.org for additional resources. 

Most Americans (90%) do not eat the US daily recommended amount of fresh fruits and veggies. Juicing can help a person meet the daily recommendation in one drink.

Beet greens, parsley, spinach, and watercress yield very rich and thick juices. They are very strong flavored and taste best when combined with other fruits and vegetables. For example, green vegetable juice mixed with carrot juice procures a sweeter vegetable flavor, so you can sip and savor instead of chugging

Summer head cold? Drink it away. Juiced broccoli can help boost a person’s immune system. Broccoli is high in vitamin C, which increases the production of infection-fighting white blood cells. Adding garlic, which contains sulfur-based compounds, also has a powerful immune boosting quality.

Long live the pulp! Leftover pulp from juicing can be put back into the juice or used in cooking, such as muffins or broth.

Pre-package items that go great together for sale as a “power smoothie combo.

Mix and match bunched greens, Buy 3, get a 4th FREE.

Choose a product that isn’t your biggest seller and incentivize buying by offering a free highly popular item that you have a surplus of. “Buy three bunches of edamame and we’ll throw in a free bulb of garlic!”