Explore optimization, diversity in behavioral health, a CDC update and our new Provider Portal


The Behavioral Health Ecosystem is Still Out

of Alignment

What does Lucet’s behavioral health "optimization" really look like in our complex, siloed health care system? Our SVP of Product, Strategy & Innovation, Sarah Reilly, shares our solution to the industry problem.

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Black History Month: Talking Diversity in Behavioral Health

Watch a roundtable discussion with Lucet employees of color

as they speak about fostering diversity in behavioral health

to reflect member needs.

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The Latest on Suicide

in the U.S.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s most recent report for 2021 shows a sobering increase in suicide rates. Lucet routinely screens for high-risk members and our clinicians are available 24/7, 365 to support those in crisis.

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Join our

Provider Portal

Our new portal for providers is now live! This consolidates all your resources for your convenience.

If you haven’t already, locate the email in your inbox titled Welcome to the Lucet Provider Portal to set up your account.

Log In

About Us

Lucet’s unique combination of people and technology is proven to optimize access to behavioral health care providers and increase a health plan’s ability to connect members to quality care. With the industry’s largest network of hundreds of care navigators and technology powered by more than 6 million assessments and more than 20 years of data, Lucet is the only solution proven to successfully identify and connect people across the entire acuity spectrum with the right care in less than 5 days on average, and often as little as 1 day. | Provider Portal | HEDIS Toolkit | Clinical Practice Guidelines

Member Rights & Responsibilities | Medical Necessity Criteria | Provider and Facility Manual