Sky Posse Palo Alto

Dear Friends, 

Thank you to everyone who provided input for the City Council’s 2023 priorities survey and retreat! The outcome was that Community Health and Safety, which includes airplane noise, is continuing as a 2023 Council priority. This week Council added new priorities to the discussion, and various topics are still coming back to Council, including airplane noise, for decisions about specific objectives. We will report separately on these developments. We appreciate YOUR support to remind all Council members that we need the City to lead on FAA airport flight path and noise issues affecting residents.

The renewal process of the FAA’s funding this year presents an opportunity for Congress to make legislative changes regarding FAA’s policies and practices. We have submitted a list of priorities to Representative Anna Eshoo’s office. Please see: Sky Posse Priorities for the 2023 FAA Reauthorization

Our eight priority issues for the FAA, summarized here, support advocacy positions that we have taken with national and regional partners since 2014 in response to the impacts created by the FAA’s Nextgen program. We are still waiting for the FAA’s response to the 2021 GAO report, and updates on open issues from the 2018 Reauthorization; meanwhile, we believe these eight priorities would address some of the greatest challenges with FAA’s aviation noise and pollution policies and ask Representative Eshoo for her active involvement in support of these changes when Congress takes up FAA's funding reauthorization.

PACC Study Session 

August 1, 2022: Status of National and Regional Airplane Noise Initiatives

see Sky Posse Letter to PACC with 3 asks

  • Sky Posse requests: 1) address the jurisdictional and legal issues that prevent progress; 2) explore a city jet noise complaints app, 3) pursue the unanimous recommendations by the Select Committee on South Bay Arrivals to make progress on Community Priorities. 


  • Address unfair concentration of routes and "Fly at Higher Altitudes!"
  • Eliminate night time noise
  • Need new Metroplex re-design team and resources to work for communities.

Eliminating low altitude night traffic and noise should be the easiest task for FAA because there is no traffic congestion at night. Assessments of alternatives using the right tools and metrics* that reflect our experience on the ground are also long overdue.

*Request to Members of Congress to ensure that adequate information about aircraft noise and exposure is made available to the public 

***As we go forward, much of what we need is within the power of local and regional officials to help accomplish.***


Ask neighbors to JOIN OUR CALLS TO ACTION and to get updates by sending "SUBSCRIBE" to


Report intrusive jet noise!

The number of reporters matters (enlist neighbors who are bothered by intrusive jet noise to report!)

Use any of these methods: 



SFO PHONE 650.821.4736/Toll free 877.206.8290.


SFO traffic: click here for the link

SJC traffic: click her for the link

Other airports: click here for more info

Thank you!

Sky Posse Palo Alto