NJ Pathways Projects Highlights

These Pathways Projects are aligning education to build an innovative workforce, and this segment highlights the incredible progress of these projects as they change the workforce landscape and meet the needs of key industries in New Jersey.  

EV Rover and EV Go Kart Pilots 

Center of Workforce Innovation for Infrastructure & Energy

In Academic year 2023-24 the EV Rover Laboratory curriculum developed by Mr. Steve Cohen of Applied Technology High School in Phase I of the pathways project was piloted in Engineering Workshop-9 at Bergen County Technical High School (BCTS). The implementation was a huge success...

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Aseptic Processing

Center of Workforce Innovation for Manufacturing & Supply Chain Management

Aseptic Processing at Raritan Valley Community College’s Workforce Training Center hosted its first Virtuosi pilot program for adult learners in May. According to program coordinators, implementing the innovative VR and 2D immersive education tool has been a resounding success...

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Healthcare Technology & Administration

Center of Workforce Innovation for Patient Care

With the New Jersey job market booming for those in the field of Healthcare IT, Essex County College (ECC) and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Institute have partnered to provide two professional certification courses in Healthcare Information Technology...

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Precision Agriculture Using Drone/AI Technologies Center of Workforce Innovation for Data & Computer Science

Precision Agriculture Using Drone/AI Technologies is conducted in collaboration with faculty and students from Rowan University and Camden County College. This advanced drone and AI integration project has successfully developed...

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NJ Community College Pathway Happenings

Witness the results of the NJ Pathway initiative in real time. NJ’s Community Colleges are hosting NJ Pathways fueled events, convenings, competitions, speaking engagements, and other notable happenings across New Jersey — and this is the place to get the scoop! 

Students Recognized at the NJBDA Symposium 2024 

Camden County College/Rowan University

Camden County College (CCC) and Rowan University (RU) students recognized at the NJBDA Symposium 2024 for their research poster presentations in precision agriculture using drone and AI technologies...

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Optics Technology Professional Development Workshop 

Sussex County Community College/AmeriCOM 

Sussex County Community College and AmeriCOM successfully hosted a joint workshop for professional development within the Optics Technology Pathways Project. During the workshop, retired physics high school teacher, Donna Smith, taught fellow science teachers about all things Optics Technology...

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Data Science Summer Institutes (2024) 

County College of Morris/Camden County College

Camden County College and the County College of Morris each hosted Summer Institutes for Data Science during the Summer of 2024. Participating high school students gained experience through hands-on workshops in Excel, R programming language, Python, and Tableau...

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NJ Pathways Alumni Spotlight

Our NJ Pathways Student & Alumni Spotlights feature the remarkable journeys and triumphs of the diverse student body of NJ’s Community Colleges that participate in NJ Pathways programs. Celebrating their achievements, aspirations, and the unique paths they tread towards success, these narratives illuminate the resilience, passion, and drive that define our community. 

Student Pursuing Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering

Bergen Community College, Class of 2024

Bergen Community College alumnus Sebastian Mattio-Smith, ‘24, studied engineering and earned his associate degree in engineering science with the goal to mitigate and eliminate climate change and its effects...

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About the NJ Pathways Initiative

New Jersey’s Community Colleges and the New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA) partnered to launch this unprecedented education and training pathways initiative for strengthening the state’s workforce for residents, businesses, and the economy for years to come.

With the New Jersey Pathways to Career Opportunities Initiative (NJ Pathways), NJ joins leading states that are transforming their statewide education and workforce development resources to better and more equitably serve students and workers. This transformation includes an intentional commitment to shared goals across the ecosystem of high schools, colleges and universities, employers, labor unions, nonprofits, the public workforce system, and others.  

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