ASDC News August 2019
In this issue:
  • Watch New ASL Numbers video
  • Download ASL Numbers chart
  • Get the Conference presentations
  • See #Wheels4ASDC success
  • Attend ASL Weekend in AZ
A Strong Finish for #Wheels4ASDC
They did it! Conrad Baer and Albert Blake's trip across America is now complete. Here's just some of what these extraordinary Deaf cyclists accomplished:

  • Miles cycled: 4,292
  • Funding goal: $15,000
  • Funds raised: $27,244
  • Number of Donors: 230
  • Number of additional ASDC families who can get free sessions of SignOn: 300+

Thank you to all of you who supported #Wheels4ASDC and to RID CARES for making this event happen!
New! Free Chart
Our new ASL Numbers chart is ready for you! This new ASDC resource was illustrated by our graphic design intern,  Felix Guerrero . Please feel free to share this free 8.5 x 11 chart with family, friends, and teachers!
New Video: ASL Numbers
"I noticed that in ASL, the same number is sometimes signed with the palm in and other times with the palm out . What are the rules?"

Ricky Rose, one of our ASL Weekend teachers, answers this important question in this new video. Watch it today and sign numbers with confidence!
Do you have a question for our ASL experts?
ASL Weekend - Mesa, AZ
Attend our next ASL Weekend!
Mesa, AZ - September 28-29
All skill levels welcome
Need financial help to attend?
2019 Conference Presentations
You can now download the speaker presentations from our 2019 Conference !
Donors Make a Difference
ASDC relies on members and donors like you to provide programs that support families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Our heartfelt thanks go out to our July donors.
  • Joseph A Motylinski
  • Michael Corrigan
  • Nina Ziemba

  • Exelon
  • Kneller Hardware
  • Language First
  • Network for Good

In memory of David Caywood
  • Joan and Charlie Cobb

In memory of Lupe Chagoyan
  • Kimberly Martin

  • Amy Ferrell
  • Anthony Palmer
  • Bonita Ewan
  • Bram Weiser
  • Christine Dibble
  • Clemens Zefferer
Wheels4ASDC (continued)
  • Daniel Girard
  • Glenn Eichensehr
  • James MacFarlane
  • Jennifer Pfau
  • Jenny Della Posta
  • John Ennis
  • Julia Wardle
  • Katherine Brown
  • Leigh Gerow
  • Lisa Rutland
  • Lorrie Shank
  • Maxann Keller
  • Melissa Malzkuhn
  • Richard Laurion
  • Robert Capece
  • Sandra Ammons
  • Sandra Amos
  • Shannon Winter
  • Stacy Eilbert
  • Stephanie Feyne
  • Thomas Land
Make a difference!
What Membership Means

Being a member of ASDC means that you are a part of a amazing team of parents and professionals dedicated to giving deaf children the resources they need to learn, thrive, and succeed.

Join us today!
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