June 2017

Summaries of timely road safety news, events, and alerts
Message from NETS' Executive Director, Joe McKillips

With mid-year fast approaching I hope this finds everyone having a safe and productive 2017. It is also worth another reminder to mark your calendar for an event you won't want to miss! The NETS Annual STRENGTH IN NUMBERS® Benchmark Conference will be here before you know it and is scheduled for October 11-12, 2017 at the Omni Hotel in Charlottseville, VA. Conference registration is now open with several outstanding keynote speakers recently announced. Invitation to register for the conference is one of the benefits of NETS membership, so if you're not already a NETS member, I invite you to consider the benefits and join us at the only conference focused exclusively on traffic safety. 

Regardless of the size or maturity of your company’s road safety program this year's event represents another great opportunity to learn best practices and gain valuable insights on how to further improve your road safety program. New for this year, participants will have the opportunity to participate in an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety-Highway Loss Data Institute (IIHS-HLDI) Vehicle Research Center (VRC) to observe a live car-to-car crash test and participate in multiple hands-on crash avoidance demonstrations. The IIHS tour also represents an opportunity for fleet procurement professionals to join their fellow road safety colleagues as they work together to select the safest vehicles possible for their fleet drivers.

Register now for what is certain to be one of our most memorable conferences in recent years.
Con Edison Joins the Network of Employers for Traffic...

Vienna, VA - The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) is pleased to announce Consolidated Edison of New York (Con Edison) has joined the organization's Board of Directors. Con Edison's fleet encompasses diverse functions, in diverse...

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Stronger Economy Means Higher Death Rate

The risk of dying in a crash in a late-model vehicle has gone up slightly, as a stronger economy has led drivers to take to the road more often and in more dangerous ways. Meanwhile, a new study predicts traffic deaths will fall only slightly...

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Why Do Drivers Use Their Phones?

Eyes off the road, head down texting, vehicle swerving - no one wants to be that driver. Research has shown that taking eyes off the road for a few seconds or multitasking are as dangerous as driving drunk. Officials say it causes thousands of...

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U.S. Congress Plans Self-driving Car Legislation to...

WASHINGTON The U.S. Congress is working on national self-driving vehicle legislation that could replace state-by state rules and make it easier for automakers to test and deploy the technology, senior U.S. House and Senate lawmakers told Reuters...

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NSC Statement on Texas Passing a Statewide Texting Ban

The National Safety Council applauds the Texas legislature and Gov. Greg Abbott for becoming the 47th state to pass a law prohibiting texting while driving. Motor vehicle deaths...

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New Teen Drivers Three Times As Likely to Be Involved in ...

AAA reveals alarming new teen crash rates as "100 Deadliest Days" begin WASHINGTON (June 1, 2017) - New teen drivers ages 16-17 years old are three times as likely as adults to be involved in a deadly crash, according to new research from the AAA ...

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Distracted Drivers, You Have Been Warned

N.J. Attorney General Christopher Porrino and the Division of Highway Traffic Safety announced last week that two months after unveiling a rebranded #77 program, designed to combat distracted driving, the state has received more than 1,000 calls...

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How Preventative Maintenance Can Improve Driver Safety

Human-related errors are the primary reason for vehicle crashes. With the rise of distracted driving over the past decade becoming a bigger issue, it's not hard to understand why this is the case.

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Apple Reveals Latest Feature to Stop Texting and Driving

Do Not disturb While Driving will soon be available on the iPhone. Reading one text is the equivalent of driving the length of a football field at 55 miles per hour with your eyes off the road. Texting and driving is something that we...

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Autonomous Cars' Biggest Roadblock Are Drivers Afraid to ...

Autonomous autos are advancing so rapidly that companies like Uber Technologies Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo are beginning to offer robot rides to everyday consumers. But it turns out the traveling public may not be ready. A recent survey...

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The Billion Dollar War Over Maps

Each car shifted slightly at the same point in the lane "as if they were avoiding a pothole," says Jim McBride, Ford's senior technical leader for autonomous cars. The problem wasn't the cars -- it was the map. The team had just updated its 3D...

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Virtual Reality Simulator Illustrates the Dangers of...

A virtual reality simulator showing the dangers of distracted driving was at Lions Club Park in Killeen on Monday. AT&T brought in the traveling simulator as part of a campaign to help reduce accidents caused by distracted driving. "AT&T research ...

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Connected and Automated Vehicles: NCHRP Support for...

TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has released a brochure that summarizes its research in the field of connected and automated vehicle. This resource explores how TRB is coordinating research to explore the legal,...

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Not One More Life Lost on Our Roadways Is the 2050 Goal: Join Us on the Road to Zero.

Road to Zero is a collaboration focused on ending traffic fatalities—a leading cause of unintentional death—on our roadways within 30 years. The National Safety Council leads the initiative as a partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The goal is safe mobility for all people and will work to develop priorities; take action individually and collaboratively; and encourage partners and stakeholders to take action to meet the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities by 2050.

It might seem like a lofty goal, but key stakeholders think it’s possible. “The aim of Road to Zero is to get to zero deaths in the next 30 years,” says Debbie Hersman, the president and CEO of the National Safety Council, the lead on the Road to Zero initiative. “That’s the goal. We’ve done this with aviation—there have been several years with zero deaths in commercial aviation—and a lot of people thought that was impossible. We’re really focused on incorporating all of the initiatives that we’ve seen through Toward Zero Deaths, Vision Zero and a number of different groups to get to zero.”

More than 300 organizations have joined the coalition to date and the DOT has committed $1 million a year for three years to fund the various grants and organizations that will be part of the coalition. We invite you to join and become a member of our Road to Zero coalition which takes less than a minute to sign up and there is no cost. What becoming a member means is that your organization is a stakeholder in working towards ZERO fatalities on our roadways and that you would like to be part of the national solution to ending the upward trend of deaths on our roadways. The Road to Zero is hosting the next coalition meeting in D.C. in mid-October.
GHSA and NRSF Award $60,000 for States to Address Drowsy ...

The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) and The National Road Safety Foundation (NRSF) are pleased to announce four states will receive grants...

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NHTSA 2015 Quick Facts

The 2015 Quick Facts is an update of the original publication posted in December 2016. This final version provides exposure data which was not available in December. These Quick Facts provides a quick reference...

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Source Investigation Toolkit for Alcohol-impaired Driving

Source Investigations are conducted to reduce alcohol-impaired driving crashes that may result in injuries and/or deaths. This source investigation toolkit is designed to expand the utilization of source investigations...

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2015 Traffic Safety Facts

Update of the 2015 FARS Data with State Traffic Data. In 2015, there were 35,092 fatalities...

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RoadSafe: EU Sets New Target to Cut Serious Road Injuries

European Union transport ministers have formally agreed to set a target of halving the number of serious injuries on roads in the EU by 2030 from their 2020 level. In 'council conclusions' , ministers formally endorsed the Valletta declaration on ...

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International Road Safety Campaign to Launch in Ireland...

Motorsport Ireland and the Royal Irish Automobile Club have announced that in partnership with FIA and international advertising agency JCDecaux, they will launch a six-month road safety awareness campaign across Ireland on June 17 under the...

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Success of Edinburgh's 20mph Road Safety Limit to Be...

The impact of 20mph speed limits on safety and public health is to be examined in a new study. Researchers will evaluate how the policy of reducing the limit from 30mph has worked in Edinburgh and Belfast. Rates of traffic accidents and injuries...

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Award-winning Invention Detects and Alerts Sleepy Drivers

To reduce accidents caused by fatigue driving, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Computer Science scholar Professor Cheung Yiu-ming and his team have developed a system that detects drowsy drivers and alerts them simply using a generic...

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July is National
Theft Prevention Month

Motor vehicles are the primary mode of transportation for most of us, and often, an indispensable part of our lives. But what would happen if yours suddenly disappeared? Vehicle theft is a very expensive crime, with the cost of stolen vehicles pegged at more than $4.1 billion – that’s billion with a "B". For safety tools to educate your community on the dangers of vehicle theft and how to keep themselves safe, go to: Vehicle Theft Prevention

August 16- September 4, 2017
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over
National Mobilization
One of the deadliest and most often committed - yet preventable - of crimes (drunk driving), has become a serious safety epidemic in our country. Use these enforcement materials to crack down on drunk drivers and increase community awareness of the dangers of drunk driving.

For more information, go to: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

Of the many great things about summertime, few match the fun of a family road trip. Before you hook up that new boat or camper, or hit the road with your family or friends in your car, SUV, pickup, or RV, take the time to review these summer travel safety tips. Prevention and planning may take a little time up front, but will spare you from dealing with the consequences of a breakdown—or worse yet, a highway crash—later.

To check out videos, fact sheets, and tips, go to: NHTSA Summer Driving Tips

National Heatstroke Prevention Campaign:
June 5- August 20

For awareness materials from NHTSA’s Traffic Safety Marketing, go to:


4th of July: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

For awareness materials from NHTSA’s Traffic Safety Marketing, go to:


August 22-23, 2017
Asia Pacific Road Safety Event:  Road Safety in the Sustainable
Development Goals
Manila, Philippines

For more information or to register, go to:


July 24-26, 2017
Fleet Safety Conference
Schaumburg, IL

For more information or to register, go to:


Note from the editor:
All links to stories have been tested and are active 24 hours prior to distribution; however, links may become inactive over time at the discretion of the publication source.
About NETSWork®
NETSWork is published electronically on or about the 15th of each month by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety, Susan Gillies, editor, and Joe McKillips, Executive Director.
Network of Employers for Traffic Safety
344 Maple Ave. West #357
Vienna, VA 22180