September 2013
In This Issue
NEFLIN Annual Meeting Highlights
Silent Auction Great Success
Jim Morris Continuing Education Fund
New NEFLIN Staff: Jennifer O'Neill
New Class Registration System
Member Library Spotlight: St. Johns County Public Library
Featured Class: Free Legal Resources

NEFLIN Annual Meeting Highlights  

NEFLIN members enjoyed a wonderful celebration of NEFLIN's 20th anniversary on September 12. The meeting was held at the University Club in Jacksonville to its full capacity.

Highlights included:

  • Richard Harwood provided an inspirational keynote message on how libraries can engage their community.
  • The silent auction and iPad raffle to benefit the JMCEF raised $1,455 for the fund. Additional donations bring the total raised to over $1,600.  
  • NEFLIN's annual Award Winners were announced.
  • We learned Brad's talents include sign spinning.

Photos and more highlights are on the NEFLIN Blog.

Silent Auction Great Success 

More than 25 baskets were donated to the Silent Auction to benefit the JMCEF and meeting attendees were attentive to updating their bids throughout the day. Thank you to everyone who contributed the wonderful baskets and who made the winning bids. We were delighted with the fundraising results!

Special thanks to Brian Nesselrode, Rachel Schipper and Mary C. Brown who managed the auction and raffle and helped make it a great success. 
Brian, Rachel and Mary display some of the baskets available for bids.
Scott Tarbox updates his bid. 
A great variety of baskets and items were available. 

Jim Morris Continuing Education Fund - Applications Wanted 

Could you use a $100 stipend toward attending a library related training event?

The Jim Morris Continuing Education Fund (JMCEF) is now accepting applications - see details and the online application here

It will provide an opportunity for individuals employed in NEFLIN member libraries to apply for a $100 stipend to be used towards library related conferences, training, professional development or classes that contribute to the continuing education of the applicant.
The JMCEF was created by the 2011-12 NEFLIN Board of Directors and is dedicated tothe memory of Jim Morris.
New NEFLIN Staff: Jennifer O'Neill 
NEFLIN is pleased to welcome Jennifer O'Neill to our staff as Member Services Coordinator. Jennifer has been a long-time NEFLIN member with library positions at the Florida Times-Union and Blue Cross/Blue Shield libraries. She also coordinated NEFLIN's successful "23 Things" program in 2009. Jennifer begins at NEFLIN on October 1. 

New Class Registration System  

You may have noticed something new when registering for classes in the recently announced Fall Schedule. NEFLIN now uses a registration system called EventSpot that is part of our Constant Contact suite of resources null (this newsletter as well as other NEFLIN emails are created and sent using Constant Contact).

If you have any questions about any classes, contact or 904-278-5620.

Member Library Spotlight

Stetson University, with a current enrollment of about 2,700 students, is located between Daytona Beach and Orlando in the town of DeLand. The duPont-Ball Library in the center of the historic campus is regularly filled with students, faculty, and Stetson Library Associates (community users) who enjoy the facility's welcoming ambiance and strong physical and electronic collections.

The library is increasingly entering into partnerships with other campus support units, including the Writing Center, International Learning, Boundless Learning, and Student Success. Library Dean Susan M. Ryan says, "We have a strong instruction program, with librarians reaching more than 1,200 of our students in classroom instruction sessions during the past year."

Using CONTENTdm software, the library offers digital access ( to the University's history, including yearbooks, Bulletins, student newspapers, memorabilia, photographs, student senior research, and special collections. This year, the library dean's position was endowed with an innovation fund that will allow librarians to experiment with new technology, learning technologies, and information delivery methods.


Northeast Florida Library Information Network 
2233 Park Avenue Suite 402
Orange Park, FL 32073
Featured Class
Free Legal Resources
Friday, October 18,
9 am - 12 noon
NEFLIN in Orange Park
Register here.

What do you do when patrons ask for legal information? This workshop gives you the answers. Course content includes:

-An introduction to fast and easy legal reference for non-law librarians using free online services


-A basic introduction to legal materials patrons may need help with at a public reference desk including cases, statutes and regulations


-An explanation of what the best online free legal resources are and how to effectively use these resources 


-An explanation of the unlicensed practice of law and how it effects librarians providing legal reference to public patrons.  

Patricia Morgan, University of Florida, Legal Information Center
Joyce West, Alachua County Library District 

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