NEFLIN Awards Nominations Open - Two New Added!
Nominations are now being accepted for the annual NEFLIN awards. This year the NEFLIN Board has added two new awards, bringing the total to four.
- Member of the Year Award (New)
- Distinguished Career Award (New)
- Innovation Award
- Library Champion Award
The deadline for nominations is June 14. Detailed information and the online nomination forms are available at http://www.neflin.org/awards
NEFLIN Annual Meeting
 NEFLIN will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary at the Annual Meeting this fall. This event will be held Thursday, September 12, in Jacksonville. We have an elegant venue and a dynamic, nationally known speaker scheduled for this event. Mark your calendar now to join us for this celebration!
Member Library Spotlight
Union County Public Library, located north of Gainesville, first opened its doors on March 1, 1990, after a referendum was passed for a � millage ad valorem tax for the library's funding. Every two years the library referendum is placed on the ballot for its continued local funding.
On July 1, 2009, the community celebrated the opening of a new library building. The new facility was funded through a State Construction Grant, the sale of the old library, individual donors, years of fundraising efforts by library staff, and additional support from the Union County Board of County Commissioners. The Union County Public Library, relying on its residents for support, is truly the epitome of a community library.
Technology Road Show Comes to NEFLIN
Join Jessie Riggins and Al Carlson for the Technology Road Show at four locations throughout the NEFLIN region.
During this 4 hour session you will have access to two technology experts and over 12 cool technology gadgets. We want you to chat with us and experiment with our devices. Don't worry you can't break them!
We will have: Nexus 7, iPad 2, Samsung Galaxy Tablet, Kindle e-ink, Kindle Fire, Nook tablet, Nook Classic, Kobo, iPhone, Android phone, Windows Surface, Netbook and ChromeBook...
And maybe more that we pick up along the way. Bring your own devices and gadgets to show and tell us what you do with them!
During the session we will focus on technology with emphasis on ebooks, mobile devices and social media. This can include useful groupings of tools (such as Google Apps and Google Plus) and highly valuable individual apps (such as Dropbox, Pocket and Evernote).
Making Purchases on Amazon.com
One of the takeaways from the NEFLIN Annual Survey was that most members are not aware of NEFLIN's partnership with Amazon.
It's easy! Visit http://www.neflin.org/amazon
which will lead you to the Amazon website. Then purchase any items for yourself or your library. Amazon will then give NEFLIN a percentage of any purchases you make.
You can also share this with friends or family members. Anyone who makes a purchase after clicking on the link at http://www.neflin.org/amazon will help NEFLIN. Your privacy is maintained as all purchases are anonymous. In these lean times, we appreciate your support!
Northeast Florida Library Information Network
2233 Park Avenue Suite 402 Orange Park, FL 32073
Featured Class
Creating Screencasts with Jing
2-Part Webinar Thursdays, June 13 and 20, 2 - 3 pm ET
Register here.
Screencasting is video screen capturing that can include audio narration and other functions. Since many people are visual learners, screencasts are powerful tools to help demonstrate, via video, more complex tasks. During this two-part webinar, you will learn to:
-Install Jing -Navigate Jing's Features -Setup Jing for your first video screencast -Create a Screencast.com account -Share your screencasts with the group -Offer useful criticism and discuss any issues you had while creating a screencast -Learn more advanced Jing functions like adding interactions -Discover other screencasting tools like Screen-cast-o-matic. Note: Attendees are required to have either Jing already installed or to have administrator rights on their computer so that they can install the application.
Virtual Trainer: Rachel Eichen, Novare Library Services