What's Behind This Curtain?
NEFLIN will be unveiling something new in April. Stay tuned for details and a chance to win prizes (who doesn't love prizes?).
We appreciate every one of the 321 library staff who completed a NEFLIN Annual Survey. The survey measured the awareness and use of NEFLIN services, and collected feedback on NEFLIN's training program. We also use these survey responses in grant applications, reports, in developing new services, and our marketing efforts.
Here is a report of the responses to the questions in the Continuing Education section of the survey. The remaining questions try to gauge how aware members were of the other services NEFLIN provides. Expect to see those services that you are not so familiar with appear in future newsletters.
Children's Services Interest Group
The Bradford County Public Library was filled with science, stories, and songs during the March meeting of NEFLIN's Children's Services Interest Group. We laughed, shared information and compared notes about our plans for the upcoming, science themed, summer reading program. There were experiments, books, crafts and a lot of good ideas discussed.
What came across most clearly was the pride these librarians take in their work and their desire to help each other be successful. It was a great day and we are already looking forward to our next meeting. Chris Peters and Kathy Paddock show everyone how science is done.
Using NEFLIN's Free Survey Tool
For those who completed the Annual Survey (or any online evaluation that is e-mailed to you after taking a NEFLIN class) you have used our web-based survey tool called "Zip Survey". This product is available to any member library to use for free. It is an easy way to collect feedback from patrons, students or staff. It is 100% customizable to what you need to learn. NEFLIN does all the programming for you and sends you the tabulated results of the completed surveys. Contact NEFLIN to get started with your survey!
Your Chance to Meet the NEFLIN Staff
If you haven't had a chance to meet the new NEFLIN Staff they will both be in attendance at the Florida Library Association's Annual Conference, May 7-9 in Orlando.  Heather Sostrom Jennifer O'Neill There is a great line-up of speakers, presentations, poster sessions, and programs. We hope to see you there in May!
Member Library Spotlight
Volusia County, located in Coastal Central Florida, is a well known tourist destination for the surf and sand of Daytona Beach and for the equally popular events surrounding Bike Week and the Daytona 500. The lesser known west side of Volusia County is surprising, diverse, and equally compelling as an ecotourism destination.
Volusia County Public Library began the process of becoming a county library in 1962 with municipal libraries agreeing to join a unified system. Ten years later the County Council voted to take over complete financial and operational responsibility for libraries in Volusia County, however it wasn't until 1980 that all cities in Volusia County turned their library operations over to the county.
Today's Volusia County Public Library has 13 thriving branch libraries and an administrative support center. Our six regional libraries are open 7 days per week and range in size from 25,000 sq. feet to 50,000 square feet. We are proud to continue to offer 2 full-service branches open 6 days per week, and our 5 community branches open 5 days per week.
Volusia County libraries see the value in balancing traditional library services with technology related library services. We continue to develop and refine our technology offerings including downloadable and streaming services, computer labs and classes, e-government and job finding in our elabs, and family computing areas. Today we have almost as many users of our wireless network as we do our public access computers.
Northeast Florida Library Information Network
2233 Park Avenue Suite 402 Orange Park, FL 32073
Featured Class
Public Libraries and the Homeless
Wednesday, April 2 10:00am - 11:30am
Register here.
Creating library policies that are equitable and promote a welcoming atmosphere for all.
Programming and outreach ideas to engage youth, adults & families experiencing homelessness.
Building partnerships with community groups who work with the homeless.
Advocacy and public education about the issue of homelessness.
Trainer: Amy Mars, Hennepin County PL