Register now for the
2021 NEFLIN Annual Meeting
This free, virtual event will take place on
Friday, September 10th, from 10:00 am - 2:30 pm.
The agenda for the day will include Annual Reports from the NEFLIN staff, presentations of the NEFLIN Awards, breakout and lightning round sessions from your fellow NEFLIN members, and a sneak peek at "What's New in 2021-22." We would love to see you there!
Registration closes Friday, September 3rd.
Is this your first time to attend a NEFLIN Annual Meeting? 

If so, you'll be entered into a drawing to win a pair of NEFLIN shoes! Five lucky NEFLIN newbies will receive a snazzy pair of this famous footwear. You must be present at the meeting to win.
School Library Mini-Institute
For 2021-22, we are excited to offer a new opportunity: the School Library Mini-Institute!

This program is designed to provide interested school librarians the opportunity to build knowledge and leadership skills through a series of five face-to-face workshops throughout the school year. In addition, participants will connect and network with a cohort of school librarians from the NEFLIN region.

Led by Dr. Christopher Harris, the overall theme of this Institute is Leadership and Rebuilding Post-Covid School Libraries. During the COVID-19 pandemic, school libraries across the country made changes to procedures, spaces, and instructional practices out of necessity. Across the many models of in-person, hybrid, and remote instruction adopted by districts around the country, there were even more models for school librarians and the services they provide. It is essential that we take time after the immediate pressure of the pandemic emergency to reflect, understand, and evaluate those modified practices. In fact, Dr. Harris and the School Library System of the Genesee Valley Board of Cooperative Educational Services have recently been awarded a National Leadership Grant for Libraries to lead four national forums on this topic.  

Download more details about this program, including detailed session descriptions.

Questions?  Email Jenny Eason at
On-Demand Training
Sometimes, you just need to slow down, take a deep breath, and do something positive for yourself.

It feels good to learn something new, and NEFLIN's On-Demand Training program gives you the opportunity to do just that, even if you only have a few minutes to spare. Check out these collections of timely topics, all broken into segments that you can work into your busy daily schedule.

Making Library Services Accessible with Nicole Hennig
Does your library staff feel confident about serving people with all types of disabilities? This self-study tutorial includes two parts: Making Library Services Accessible and Making Library Websites Accessible.

Librarian's Guide to Homelessness with Ryan Dowd
This well-known and well-loved training has four goals:
  1. You will recognize the power you have to resolve problems;
  2. You will have greater confidence doing so;
  3. Your library will have fewer problems;
  4. Your library will be more compassionate and inclusive.

Nibbles of Knowledge with Linda Bruno
Linda is the master of "essential skills", such as Dealing with Difficult People, The Art of Saying No to Customers, and 28 Ways to Help New Employees Feel Welcome and Included. Explore this collection to improve your interpersonal communication, management skills, and more.

For information on accessing any of these programs,
Congratulations, NLLLI Grads!
In 2020-21, the Division of Library and Information Services, in partnership with NEFLIN, kicked off a new leadership program: The Next Level Library Leadership Institute (NLLLI). This completely virtual program builds on the foundation of the Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute and is open to graduates of SSLLI. These 5 NEFLIN members are a part of the inaugural NLLLI cohort and recently completed the program. Congratulations to these Library Leaders!
Elanya Bairefoot
Brevard County Public Libraries
Kathleen Brunner Jacksonville Public Library System
Susan Mythen
Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kate Neff
St. Johns County School District
Laurie Taylor
University of Florida
Featured Webinar:
Library Security: Dealing with Challenging Patrons and Safety Situations
with Dr. Steve Albrecht
Spend some time online with a leading national expert on library service, safety, and security. Here’s what’s covered in this fast-paced, entertaining, and empowering program, designed specifically for library employees and library leaders:
  • Working in the Post-Pandemic Library Environment
  • Our Safety & Security Motto: Focus on Behaviors, Not Labels
  • Our Service Themes: Be Firm, Fair, Consistent, Assertive, and Reasonable
  • Using Our Code of Conduct Effectively
  • Preventing Harassment By Patrons
  • Top 10 Challenging Patrons
  • Working Safely in a Rural Library
  • The LEAPS “Verbal Judo” and Introduce-Explain-Ask Models
  • Space, Distance, Proxemic Barriers, Alignment, and Intuition
  • Better, Safer Interactions with the Police
  • An Armed Attacker in the Building?: Run-Hide-Fight
  • Preventing Burnout Through Stress Management: The BREADS Way
Virtual Trainer: Dr. Steve Albrecht
Dr. Steve Albrecht is the author of the 2015 ALA book, Library Security: Safer Facilities, Better Communication. He has trained thousands of library employees on the do’s and don’ts of dealing with challenging patrons, including rude, entitled and demanding people; harassing patrons; patrons dealing with homelessness, mental health issues, or substance abuse; tweenagers; angry parents; Internet hogs; and others who want to disrupt the library environment. His popular workshop offers practical, realistic tools, which will make your facility a better, safer place to work.

Enjoy Steve’s real-life experiences as an author (24 books, so far) and workplace violence prevention practitioner. 
Making the Most of Tech-Talk
One thing we consistently hear from our members is how much they LOVE the weekly Tech-Talk email, which provides "micro-training for non-techie busy professionals on the rise". The articles are relevant and practical, and there's something for everyone. But did you know that Tech-Talk is more than just a weekly email?

The Tech-Talk website is packed with useful information. Search the database for past articles, tips, and videos. To access info on the go, download the Tech-Talk mobile app. Register for live, interactive webinars, or explore the recordings of past webinars.

All of this information is available to you as a staff member at a Florida library by using the login information below:

Username: floridalibrarystaff
Password: viva500
Jenny Eason | Member Services Coordinator | NEFLIN
2233 Park Avenue, Suite 402, Orange Park, FL. 32073
904.278.5620 | |