Silent Auction and Jim Morris Continuing Education Fund
Baskets wanted! A Silent Auction will be held on September 12 at th  e NEFLIN Annual Meeting
to benefit the Jim Morris Continuing Education Fund (JMCEF). We invite you to donate a basket to be auctioned at the meeting, see how to contribute here.
The JMCEF will provide an opportunity for individuals employed in NEFLIN member libraries to apply for a $100 stipend to be used towards library related conferences, training, professional development or classes that contribute to the continuing education of the applicant. It was created by the 2011-12 NEFLIN Board of Directors and is dedicated to the memory of Jim Morris.
The first JMCEF application cycle will be announced at the Annual Meeting, after which full details will be available. The deadline to register for the NEFLIN Annual Meeting is August 23.
NEFLIN CE Committee - Call for Participation
Do you have ideas for training or professional development that you would like to see available to NEFLIN members? NEFLIN is looking for several creative and dependable individuals who would like to contribute to the ongoing development of its Continuing Education program by serving on the Continuing Education Committee. The CE Committee is made up of library staff from NEFLIN's public, academic, special and school libraries. The committee meets every other month. Your responsibility would be to attend meetings, give suggestions and input, make recommendations to and work closely with the CE Coordinator, and help promote NEFLIN's training and support services mission. This responsibility is articulated in the " CE Committee Charge". Your commitment would be for a two year term beginning October 1. If you are interested, please send a brief statement to Patricia Morris, NEFLIN CE Coordinator, explaining your reasons for wanting to be on the committee. Deadline is Monday, August 26. If you have any questions, contact Patty at patty@neflin.org or 904-278-5620.
Trainer Titles in NEFLIN Lending Library
The NEFLIN Lending Library offers a selection of books by our workshop trainers. This month we would like to feature the following books that are available for loan by George Morgan. Please email register@neflin.org if you would like to check out one of these books, or anything in the Lending Library. How to Do Everything Genealogy - 2nd EditionThis bestselling genealogy guide helps you tap into the wealth of  global ancestry records and offers proven strategies for both traditional and electronic research. It explores basic rules of genealogical evidence, evaluation of source materials, research methods, and successful techniques for web-based research. You'll get new information on DNA-based records, social networking sites, blogs, podcasts, the latest hardware and software, and much more. The Official Guide to Ancestry.com - 2nd EditionThis official guide takes you inside the #1 website for family history research for an unprecedented  tour. It helps you create and develop your own Family Tree, explore obscure databases you didn't know existed, and more. You've always known Ancestry.com was a valuable resource. Now you can learn to use it like never before.
Outgoing Board Members
Carmen Cummings, St. Johns River State College, and Sylvia Kyle, Nemours Children's Clinic, have completed their three year terms on the NEFLIN Board of Directors. We appreciate all that they have done for NEFLIN.  | Carmen Cummings |
 | Sylvia Kyle |
Carmen was one of the founding members of NEFLIN and has served on the Board twice. Sylvia was very generous with her time by serving as the Board Treasurer for the past two years.
Member Library Spotlight
The St. Johns County Public Library System is reflective of the history and growth of this unique corner of Northeast Florida. For over 90 years, the primary library in the County
was located in an historic house on Avila Street in downtown St. Augustine, on a narrow brick street lined with buildings whose architecture reflected the various colonial periods of the nations' oldest city. In 1984, the year County residents approved a referendum for a new Main Library, system-wide circulation totaled 99,323 and the County population was 64,080. Thirty years later, the population of St. Johns County is currently estimated at 197,687 and the system circulated 1.6 million items in 2012. Each branch library has its own Friends of the Library group and the Extension Services Dept. has a Friends of the Bookmobile group, the first of its kind in the State of Florida. The St. Johns County Public Library System has a "community face", and is considered one of St. Johns County government's true success stories. Participation in county-wide events and local partnerships with other county departments, agencies, and local organizations and businesses, affords us the opportunity to put the library system's name out in the public eye.
Northeast Florida Library Information Network
2233 Park Avenue Suite 402 Orange Park, FL 32073
Featured Class
Who's Afraid of the ACA (Affordable Care Act)?
Tuesday, September 24, 10 - 11 am
Have your patrons started to ask questions about the Health Insurance Marketplace and open enrollment? How much is it going to cost? Will I be able to afford insurance? What will my options be?
The federal health care law known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will bring many changes, especially for people who don't have health insurance now. During Open Enrollment (October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014), Floridians will use HealthCare.gov. to apply for coverage, compare plans, and enroll.
Learn how to access the tools and resources you need to help your patrons find answers to their questions and understand their health insurance options. There will be plenty of time for you to ask questions.
Trainer: Pam Thompson, E-Government Consultant, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Library Development