A coalition of First Amendment advocates today demanded increased press access to public demonstrations on the Boston Common and asked city officials to revise policies that excluded journalists from a controversial rally in August. With another rally scheduled on Nov. 18, the groups encouraged city officials to make "significant changes" to comply with the First Amendment while ensuring public safety. "We need to make sure that access is provided moving forward and journalists are allowed to do their job," said Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition.
NEFAC, Media Groups Filed Amicus Brief in FOI Case
The Vermont Supreme Court ruled that access to public records on private email accounts is required under the state's law, calling such access "crucial to holding government actors accountable for their actions." The New England First Amendment Coalition praised the decision in Toensing v. Attorney General of Vermont as it prevents a possible loophole in the state's Access to Public Records Act and makes it more difficult for officials to act in secrecy.
"It is frankly disgusting the press is able to write whatever it wants to write." Does that statement betray its speaker's ignorance of the First Amendment to the Constitution? Was it made with the intent of undermining one of America's most precious and important freedoms? Either way, when the President of the United States says it, it should be of great concern to every American, including those who have supported Donald Trump and forgiven him his bombast.
"Our chief concern is that the ordinance calls for information regulation and restriction in ways that are impermissible under the First Amendment," wrote Nashwa Gewaily, NEFAC's media and First Amendment attorney, in an Oct. 16 letter. "Courts have consistently struck down as violative of free speech and free press rights similar rules enacted by cities and towns across the country." Ordinance 2017.103 prohibits the delivery of unsolicited print or written materials to residences and public ways and imposes fines of up to $2500.
The First Amendment has become a political football.
Conservatives pile on when liberals try to shut down conservative speakers on campus, and liberals lash out when President Trump calls for sacking those who take a knee during NFL national anthems or dare to call him a bigot.
So will Little Rhody come into play during this big national clash?
In Yamasaki, a lower federal court in California ruled that timely access to civil complaints was being provided because 89 percent of all complaints became public within eight business hours. With the case now on appeal, amici explained that while this may not initially appear to be a much of a delay, it could permit lengthy, unconstitutional delays. While New England is outside the Ninth Circuit, the questions addressed in this case are similar to those heard by local courts and demand the region's attention, said Justin Silverman, NEFAC's executive director.
Campus Speech
Public Records, Online Access
Boston Common Demonstrations
Right to Know Law Commission
Official Emails, Private Accounts
Attorney General, Public Records
Transparency Tour