About NEECA Membership Benefits.......
The following businesses and professionals support NEECA by offering special discounts to our members (current NEECA membership card most be shown to receive discounts):
Community Horse Magazine (spring/summer and fall/winter online issues)
Hardwick Farmers Co-op (3% Off All Purchases, add'l 7% off on special Members Sale Days)
Horseback & Body Massage ($10 off, 413-320-7690 )
Family Pet Vet Service ($15 off annual exam, 978-249-4626)
Déjà vu Women's Consignments (10 % off, Main Street, Athol)
Orange Tractor Supply (10% off all HORSE supplies)
Mending Fences Animal Wellness (Discount off Massage + MagnaWave Treatment for your horse. $180 value, only $155 for NEECA members, 508-864-9840 )
White Pickets Studio (10% off, Petersham, MA)
Plus NEECA members receive special rates on certain NEECA sponsored events throughout the year.