August is National Immunization Month!

Employer Vaccination Clinic Guide

Pfizer has published an "Employer's Guide to Running a Vaccination Clinic for COVID-19 and Flu."

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CDC National Immunization Awareness Month Resources

Use these CDC resources to help get the conversation started around the importance of an up-to-date immunization schedule.

Check out NEBGH’s recently released guide, Creating a Vaccination-Friendly Culture: What Employers Can Do,” and view the accompanying webinar, “Promoting Immune Fitness,” HERE.

It’s Back to School Season!

SHRM provides employers with guidance on how to support working parents. Learn more HERE.

HHS website addresses bullying and provides resources for prevention. Available HERE.

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Upcoming NEBGH Event: Pharmacy Benefits 2023 Conference

We’ll tackle high-cost pipeline drugs, precision medicine, PBM strategies, cost and transparency regulation, pharmaco-equity, GLP-1 Agonists … and more. Be there!

---- Other News You Can Use! ----

FDA Approves New Postpartum Depression Treatment

“Zurzuvae” will be the first oral medication available for postpartum depression. Previously, IV injection by a health care provider was the only treatment option.

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With Temperatures Rising, Biden Requests More Worker Protections During Heat Wave

President Biden has asked the Department of Labor to issue a hazard alert for heat, solidifying new heat-related protections for workers.


Overcoming Anxiety in the Workplace

Harvard Business Review shares tips from Morra Aarons-Mele, author of The Anxious Achiever: Turn Your Biggest Fears Into Your Leadership Superpower, on how high achievers can overcome common thought traps.

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A Mindset Towards Longevity Could be Crucial for Employers

A longevity mindset puts focus on how employees want variety throughout their longer careers and how pinpointed employee engagement can fuel enthusiasm. Read on in Forbes to learn more.


Make The Most of Your Vacation by Adding Learning Opportunities!

Arthur Brooks of The Atlantic shares what “autotelic learning” is and how it can help you achieve a successful vacation every time you take a break.

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