Early Winter 2021 Newsletter
Recent news, events, and useful information from the
Northern District of New York Federal Court Bar Association
Since the publication of the Fall 2020 issue of the NDNY-FCBA newsletter, five district judges and one magistrate judge in the Northern District have issued decisions in seven cases arising from New York State’s response to the pandemic. The cases addressed, among other things, capacity limits on gun retailers, the mask mandate in K-12 schools, and the vaccination mandate on health care workers.

Carla B. Freedman became the United States Attorney for the Northern District of New York on October 8, 2021, upon being sworn in by Chief United States District Judge Glenn T. Suddaby at the federal courthouse in Syracuse. Ms. Freedman is the first woman confirmed for this position.

Lisa Peebles is the Federal Public Defender for the Northern District of New York. She and John O’Brien are the authors of Scrapped: Justice and a Teen Informant, released in July 2021.

By Clerk of the Court John Domurad

Navigating the court’s CM/ECF system can be daunting for even the most experienced of end users, let alone for someone who only occasionally files a case in federal court.  However, through the COVID 19 pandemic, we have learned that by harnessing the enhanced capabilities of remote communication, we can substantially lessen the learning curve. With this goal in mind, I am pleased to announce that on November 1, 2021 we launched our new remote intake project.

Featured Photo
David G. Savage, Supreme Court Correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, delivers remarks at a CLE previewing the 2021-2022 Term at the United States Supreme Court. The FCBA co-sponsored the annual event, which was held on September 24, 2021 at Syracuse University College of Law, Dineen Hall.
Upcoming Events
December 9

December 17
Zoom CLE on State and Local Legalization of Marijuana, and Conflicts with Federal Law
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