Official Grain Inspection

U.S. Drought Monitor
One-category degradation was made to the drought areas in northern and central Ohio. A short-term impact (s) label was also placed in Ohio to describe the short-term dryness and drought that is currently happening.

Illinois finished its 5th driest September and 4th driest August-September periods since 1895.

Rain fall in the past 14-days in North Dakota and eastern South Dakota resulted in improvements.

USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report - 10/10/2017
Illinois  | 38% of corn has been harvested compared to 59% in 2016 | 64% is in good
to excellent condition

Indiana | 24% of corn has been harvested compared to 36% last year | 56% is in good
to excellent condition

Minnesota | 4% of corn has been harvested compared to 13% last year | 80% is in
good to excellent condition

North Dakota | 4% of corn has been harvested compared to 9% in 2016 | 57% is in
good to excellent condition

South Dakota | 6% of corn has been harvested compared to 19% in 2016 | 40% is in
good to excellent condition

Ohio  | 13% of corn has been harvested compared to 22% in 2016 |  62% is in good to
excellent condition

Illinois  | 52% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 36% in 2016 | 63% is in
good to excellent condition

Indiana | 42% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 30% in 2016 | 55% is in
good to excellent condition

Minnesota | 22% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 61% in last year
| 69% is in good to excellent condition

North Dakota | 44% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 70% in 2016
| 53% is in good to excellent condition

South Dakota | 22% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 56% in last year
| 51% is in good to excellent condition

Ohio  | 45% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 28% in 2016 | 58% is in
good to excellent condition

Winter Wheat
Illinois  | 30% of winter wheat have been planted compared to 18% in 2016

Indiana | 28% of winter wheat have been planted compared to 26% in 2016

South Dakota | 78% of winter wheat have been planted compared to 77% in last year

Ohio  | 43% of winter wheat have been planted compared to 28% in 2016

Mycotoxin and Crop Report
Soybean Prices Buoyed by Strong U.S. Exports and Brazil Dryness
A strong demand and dry weather in Brazil, has put soybeans in its fifth consecutive week of gains.

The USDA reported the latest weekly U.S. soybean sales at 2.3 million tons.

While Brazil's soybean planting season has just begun, the country's current weather conditions are very dry. If the dryness continues it could have a major effect in Brazil's agriculture output.

Damp Field Conditions Delay Soybean Harvest
In much of Minnesota, damp field conditions have put soybean harvest progress 10 days behind the five-year average.

Even with the wet conditions, corn silage, dry beans, potatoes, and sugar beets all continued with harvest.

USDA Secretary Perdue Statement on Confirmation of Steve Censky and Ted McKinney for Key USDA Posts
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue praised the Senate's confirmation of two key nominees for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The Senate confirmed Steve Censky as Deputy Secretary and Ted McKinney to be the Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs.

"I Commend the Senate for confirming these two experienced, prepared, and capable nominees, who will provide the steady leadership we need at USDA," stated Perdue.