July 2023
What's Happening at NDCRC?
RISE23 Recap!

It was great to see you all at RISE23 last month! The NDCRC's purpose is to serve treatment court practitioners, and our favorite time of the year is getting to hear directly from you. We hope you were able to pick up copies of our original publications like Painting the Current Picture, our Data Digest infographic series, and the latest volume of the Drug Court Review. If not, you can still find these digitally on the NDCRC website. We'll see you again next year in Anaheim!
Best Idea of the Year, now on

At RISE23, NDCRC staff hosted an interactive session titled “The Great Exchange: My Best Idea of the Year.” Attendees learned from and inspired each other as they shared some of their best ideas. Many agreed to let us post them here NDCRC blog for you to consider adopting. Let us know what you think in the “Comments” box at the link below, and feel free to share your own ideas too. Stay tuned….We will post more of your great ideas in the coming weeks!
Thanks to the Recovery Court 4th Judicial District in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the First Judicial District Rio Arriba Magistrate DWI Court in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, for starting us off with two great ideas aimed to increase general awareness of the their programs and referrals. Be sure to visit the Best Ideas of the Year section of our website to read about their work!
From the Directors
We were delighted to present at RISE23 and meet so many of you at our sessions and at the booth! We were especially proud to present "The Missing Link: Comprehensive Case Management in Treatment Courts." The coordination of treatment and recovery support services is a unique and hallmark feature of the treatment court model. Regardless of who performs the case management function on your team (i.e., dedicated case manager, probation officer, etc.), understanding the what, why, and how of case management is vital to participant success. Our session provided an overview of fundamental elements of case management and several tools that will assist in the facilitation of sessions with participants. In addition, we discussed how concepts of risk, need, & responsivity can/should be used to inform case management and supervision plans.

For information on comprehensive case management, visit our website for more resources. Looking forward to RISE24!

Dr. Kristen DeVall
Dr. Christina Lanier
Co-Directors, NDCRC
Research To Practice
Being a Parent in Adult Treatment Court: What it Means and Why it's Important

Co-Directors Dr. Kristen DeVall and Dr. Christina Lanier, Director of Clinical Treatment Dr. Sally MacKain, and UNCW Ph.D. candidate in clinical psychology Christian N. Sanders, M.S., presented at RISE23 on current research on the parent identity in treatment court participants. They recommended making adult treatment courts more responsive to parents, provided evidence-based resources for parents with children, and suggested family/parent-related data that could be collected by treatment courts. In NDCRC's August Beyond the Field, look for more actionable information about parents in treatment courts to support the work of treatment court professionals.
"All treatment courts are
family treatment courts."
Center For Children and Family Futures